
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


"Well I think we have replenished ourselves enough" Karthikeyan said while standing up

Yerilia nodded.

"Where are we going next ?"

"Lets go to another town , this town is more or less devastated and considering loot , we have looted most of the demons on the tower."

When one died , they would drop their owned skills at random or no skills at all even if they own one. The weapons and other items the demons had in their body were available for the grabs without any restriction unless they used a skill to hide it or something, somewhere only they knew or ways of that sort that ensured not looting of the items.

Up until this point , no one knew if the system itself offered some storage functions as they were no mention of it in the manual nor there was an option to buy it in the shop.

Maybe there were talents that bestowed skills like spatial storage not in the form of scrolls and items available in the shop. But no one acknowledged they had the said skill anywhere in the world.

Soon Karthikeyan took out the map and placed it on the ground.

They spawned in the centre of the map , little to the right.

Now they were in the south of the map , harbouring a civilisation.

"From the looks of the map , just west of us there should be another settlement, but considering that in the west , the spawn points and point of civilisation are higher , there is a higher chance that people have already found the towns and engaging in battles"

"Well considering that , we cant go east as well , thats for sure , who knows what more tricks they have under the sleeve , and if we try to reroute through the dense forest and go to the east without coming in contact with the town , it might just waste our time.

Same could be said for the north as well. The travel would waste our time , considering this dungeon is approximately an 50 km expanse on all sides."

"Yeah...." Yerilia said

"Our viable options are to continue west"

Thus the plan settled...


"As evident almost 30 humans are engaging this demon town which looks slightly bigger than the town we attacked." Karthikeyan said

There were no forests near by and this was a mountainous region.

The town they were referring to was in a valley and was well fortified , giving the humans a tough fight.

"Considering the fortress and the position of the town , it might not be a surprise that it might be the strongest town , not including the capital."

Soon they approached the town from the back of it where no humans were there. They were all there attacking from the front , struggling to break open the town.

The humans were all level 15 or level 16 an equal matchup to the probably 100 demons who were at least level 14.

Yerilia and Karthikeyan soon traversed the walls that was mostly abandoned, that covered the back side of the town.

They soon looted the shops and any warehouses they came in contact.

They did this while staying hidden from the common demon's eyes and occasionally killing some demons who they thought could give some benefits like decent exp.

They had learned their lesson , especially Yerilia.

They were monsters yes , but up until this point none had dived in dungeons alone and always dived in with a party of decent size.

The maximum level dungeon they raided was level 1.7 as it was the maximum available in Balka, but still to think they could just solo a town of 1.5 dungeon was a ridiculous notion.

if they were any other , they would have been slaughtered even when they were killing the 40 demons on guard of the town atop the walls.

"You are incredibly fast , I cant even see your movements..." Yerilia said in a unbelieving tone.

Karthikeyan had just decapitated a level 13 demon who owned a potion shop before he could even react.


Yerilia just stared at Karthikeyan who gave her no response.

Soon they looted the potions and put them in the bracelets they each wore.

At the beginning they used backpacks to store stuffs , but as they were hindering , not to mention "uncool" , they just bought these more expensive storage bracelets that started from 2000 currencies.

But Yerilia didn't probe further and greedily stored the potions in her bracelet.

The potions were items that restored mana , chi or health. They started from level 3 all the way to level 10.

The basic potions that healed health , chi or mana were all level 3 items and even they were expensive.

All three costed 500 currencies each and healed 500 hp , 500 chi , 1000 mana points respectively.

These were crucial especially the mana and chi replenishing potions.

Every second a health point recovered unless not under a curse or a skill from the opponent which prevented so.

Mana and chi could be collected during battle or leisure as well but they were heavily tolling on the mind. Even when you were concentrating on only absorbing these energies , you felt fatigue not to mention what would happen if you tried to absorb these energies while not concentrating at all. Only absurd people or persons with highly coveted skills could do that.

This was for only absorbing the energies. If you wanted to extend the capacity of the mana or chi units you absorb , then only contracting on that specific task could help you and doing it while other activities can only remain a distant dream.

Yerilia and Karthikeyan looted about 20 potions all basic ranging from health , mana or chi.

That put their profits upto 10000 currencies , an absurd amount.

Other thing was that they didn't have to give the items they looted inside the dungeons to the government.

Since the dungeon diving started , people had to pay about a tenth of the currencies they made.

Now with the establishment of Rakshak association and so on , that rule would only be implemented with further strictness.

Previously people could fake the amount of currencies they made and pay a amount much smaller than they were supposed to.

But now with a formal association in place, that would probably recruit the top talents and so on , have an influx of currencies that would enable it to buy anything, it would not be a surprise if they hire people with the skill of lie detection or just buy expensive machineries for the said purpose.

But that said , they didn't have to give up the items or skills or any of that sorts except some of the currencies they made.

There was no said rule that stated the government would keep tab on the items you looted , but was there guarantee in it? Wouldn't they use some special skill or machine to detect it?

All they looted till now was some potions and some level 1 or 2 weapons or items.

The government might let these kind of people pass.

 But what if they looted some absurd item that the government covets?

Then there might be a problem....