
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Using the explosion aftereffects as means of escape , soon Yerilia and Karthikeyan retreated to the same forest they were in the first place when they were surveilling the place.

This was possible due to their high speed and also as the walls were broken leading to an easy travel.

Nevertheless they were exhausted.

"Hah hah " Yerilia gaped for breath , "That was intense , escaping from them"

Karthikeyan didn't waste time and checked if they were still being chased even though during their escape itself he kept his eyes peeled for any possible chase from the demons.

Seeing that they were not being chased , he let out a relieved sigh.

Due to the demons taking huge casualties , it would be foolish to have chased them.

Not to mention the remaining 15 or so demons except Robespierre , the old man and 2 level 16 guards were all either mages or healers not specialising in speed

But nevertheless as they were not even 5 kms away from the demons , they might get caught if they just stayed in one place.

Not to mention even though the explosion obscured their path trajectory to the demons , they were still high chances that the demons noted where they went.

"Yerilia , I don't think staying here is safe , even though for the time being we are safe"

"Of course I know that , but lets just take some rest and replenish our strength , fighting 30 demons all at once has depleted my mana reserves" Yerilia said in a tired tone and slumped back to the back of the tree.

"But I never thought you would give a tough fight to 5 level 15 who were using enchantments and stuff..." Yerilia couldn't still wrap her head around it.

When there is a level difference of one and two and three , one with the lower level with enough technique and experience can potentially take down someone with said level difference.

But when it came to 4 level differences , then as long as they were someone insanely talented or experienced , then there was no way one could defeat the higher levelled person as there was a difference of 8 blank points.

A 5 level difference is where one could give a decent fight but nevertheless lose no matter their talent , at least according to the current knowledge.

But when it came to a group of 5 persons of level 15 , they could give a decent fight and even defeat a single person who was 5 levels higher than them given they had no insane skills or talent.

Well even though the power matchups were not clear , as long as someone had enough power let it be through blank points, skills or experience , items or weapons one could defeat their opponents.

By having enough power Yerilia was able to defeat upto 30 demons all in the level of 14 and 2 persons being 15 , albeit with her mana reserves being depleted and hp reducing almost to below thousand.

Mana or chi replenished when one absorbed them , while hp recovered naturally.

Every second one hp point recovers.

Yerilia had a valid point. But that was too considering if he really faced those 5 persons with the blank points , skills compared to a level 20.

In essence , he was only a level 12 , with over 16 blank points of his being unalloted.

It could be attributed to foolishness, as now due to that he was being overwhelmed but he wanted to analyse extensively so he could apply the points where it was needed.

Perhaps now was the best time as he knew where exactly to apply them.

[SPECIAL POWER] [2--->3]




[ACCURACY] [4--->5]

[SPEED] [14--->19]

"That must do all right" Karthikeyan let out a satisfied smile.

He had more or less up until this point invested in all of his stats, starting from physical power to speed.

His stats now looked like this


[AGE] [16]


[LEVEL] [20]

[HP] [2000]






[STAMINA] [10]


[SPEED] [19]

[CHI] [1000]

[LIFE FORCE ] [10]

[SKILLS] [2] [+]


[EXPERIENCE BAR ] [ 20000/250000] 

Currency 10000

He had been contemplating on how much points to spend on the special defence stats.

Al though there was only a set amount of range of damage a skill or an attack could do depending on the circumstances, except when using buff skills or enchantments and stuff , in essence the range of base power of a skill didn't change.

This is where defence stats came in. If your defence stats were 2 , the lowest possible defence stats then a skill for example fireball would do a set range of damage to you every time.

But if it were to be increased then the damage done to you by the fireball would reduce by a factor of number.

Karthikeyan's physical defences were more or less out of the roof , but his special defence was pitiful.

In fact this was the case for most of the people across the world.

One couldn't just invest their blank points in all of their stats.

One , it would be foolish

Two, it was irreversible upto current knowledge.

Thats why most of the people often went for a "class"

For example , a berserker would prefer high physical power , stamina and accuracy stats.

A mage would prefer high special power , intelligence and speed

While an archer would prefer physical power , accuracy , speed

and so on.

Nevertheless in the starting stages more or less a combination of stats were low for many people , in this especially came the special defence stats.

It was almost for 90 percent of the people, in the base line , ie 2 points.

Thats why mages were insanely powerful in the early stages.

Just like that 2 hours passed----

Karthikeyan and Yerilia rested themselves for these last 2 hours.

No one talked or did anything as they were too tired.

Yerilia felt as though Karthikeyan's power somehow increased.

She felt his aura flicker a little bit and get a little bit brighter , nothing significant.

She attributed to the fact that they just now rested and replenished their powers.

Nevertheless she was half correct.

As someone increases their level , their impact on the universe or their aura in other words increases , no matter if they utilise the blank points they get from levelling up or not.

This aura could be sensed by someone as long as they wield either of the two omnipotent powers. 

The aura could also be used to estimate the level of the person albeit with poor accuracy.

The reason why Karthikeyan, even though had not invested his 16 blank points still gave off the power of a 20 level person was due this very fundamental fact.