
A boyfriend in hand, two treasures in sight.

... "When did at all become real?" "When I found out we were both just fooling ourselves" "What do you mean?" "Did you get together with me because you loved me?" "No...?" "So, why are we dating right now?" "Because I've actually fallen in love with you." "Close enough." ... Olivia Hart is dead. Figuratively speaking, of course. Do you know what it's like to have the most infinite of treasures and just when you're about to come into contact with it, it actually slips through your fingers? She does. And with what she actually lost, she feels she might have been better off dead. But perhaps she never really lost that treasure of hers. Perhaps it was just hidden from plain sight. And all it'll take for her to actually see it...was a certain business magnate. ...

Pulchra_Aurum · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

6 Scummiest gender


Two adults of opposite genders with rather heaven defying looks sat across from each other with cold facades, creating a rather picturesque atmosphere.

The woman was cold and had the embodiment of a goddess in her simple gown and clean wavy hair short to a bob. Her brown eyes, deep with experience, waited for this person to begin talking. She didn't take him as a mute as they'd been in a staring contest for the past quarter hour.

The man was also very stunning with impeccable looks and an aura that clearly said to ward away lest you be swept up in a hurricane of one-sided love.

"You had something to say?," Olivia probed. He might not have anything to do but she really had other ways to spend the rest of her day.

"Be my girlfriend," These three words, simple and straight to the point, seemed to convey Shawn's standing and demeanor rather accurately.

"How long?," Olivia decided to get to the basics seeing as her wish had been fulfilled. If it was this man, then she had no qualms getting into another contract so soon. At least she won't end up with someone who claimed to have an everlasting crush on her.

"Infinitely...?," Shawn said even though he knew it was next to impossible.

A scowl morphed across Olivia's features pretty quickly. "Thirty days," She didn't think she could do more than that with how hectic her normal life was anyway. "After that, you could invent some reason you broke up with me to your family. It's not that big of a deal."

"Alright," Shawn didn't mind. Perhaps he could guile his mother into believing that he had suffered irreparable heartbreak in the face of love and she'd never pester him to find a woman again.

"Who would I be pretending to?," Olivia decided to get down to business as she brought out the little application she carried around and slipped over for him to fill up. "Is it everyone or does someone already know?"

"Just Mig knows. He's my brother," Shawn filled it, seeing as it was just the basics she'd need to know if she wanted to pull of a deceiving front in front of his family. "You'll be pretending to my mother and sister."

"Alright," Olivia said as her lips quirked up in a faint smile. Even though she felt it was unnecessary seeing as this guy was the good of icebergs in regards to feelings, she still went on to warn, "I'll also advice you not to fall in love with me. Your love might just end up unrequited."

Shawn was glad. There was little to no room for that to happen anyway.

It had been three years since he'd felt the light. He'd been duped by these species and he'd inadvertently promised himself that no woman—regardless of her beauty or character—would be able to hurt him that way ever again.

It was all he could do to safeguard his heart.

Men were scum?

Women must be the scummiest of both genders.
