
A boyfriend in hand, two treasures in sight.

... "When did at all become real?" "When I found out we were both just fooling ourselves" "What do you mean?" "Did you get together with me because you loved me?" "No...?" "So, why are we dating right now?" "Because I've actually fallen in love with you." "Close enough." ... Olivia Hart is dead. Figuratively speaking, of course. Do you know what it's like to have the most infinite of treasures and just when you're about to come into contact with it, it actually slips through your fingers? She does. And with what she actually lost, she feels she might have been better off dead. But perhaps she never really lost that treasure of hers. Perhaps it was just hidden from plain sight. And all it'll take for her to actually see it...was a certain business magnate. ...

Pulchra_Aurum · Urban
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13 Chs

5 Please please please


"Cancel all my appointments," Vanya McCarthy was already used to unpredictable moments where her boss had a flip of attitude and as such had already efficiently cancelled all the appointments in her schedule, thus clearing it.

She tried as much as possible to steer clear of Miss Hart whenever she was in a bad mood and do her possible best to avoid situations that would rile her up. Such bad moods she usually tried to avoid was one of what it seemed her boss was currently in.

She had just settled in behind her desk to work on some other scheduling when she heard fast footsteps approaching her boss' office.

"Mr Garcia, wait!," This man was definitely going to be the death of her, she thought as she hurried after him. "You can't go in there. Miss Hart can not afford to be disturbed by just anybody."

"You can go, Vanya," Olivia's smile was faux. "It's alright. I'll take care of this."

"Oh," Vanya's expression was like one who had been rescued by the Divine master. "Alright then, boss."

"Yes?," Olivia turned away once the door had closed behind her secretary. "I suppose you'd like to see me."

"You left the café abruptly," Alan seemed to want to continue his lovestruck spiel. "I wasn't done saying all I had to."

"I'm sure I can guess the rest," Olivia scoffed as she slid in behind her desk and calmly placed her chin in her linked knuckles. "Should I try?"

"You—," Alan had obviously never come across a person who was as infuriating as this woman. "Did what we have really mean nothing to you? I thought—"

"What? That you could change my feelings?," Olivia's tone brooked no rebuttal. "And I didn't even have to try."

Alan narrowed his gaze. "You're way more than this, Olivia," He scowled. "When we were together, I saw an innocent woman with the kindest of hearts. You—"

"Do you not know what pretense is?," Olivia seemed rather calm as she leaned back in her chair, fingers of her right hand drumming idly on the armrest. "It's all really just a matter of trying to fool those you wanted me to. It is my job after all and I strictly warned you not to fall for me."

"You should think about it," Alan was pretty confident in himself anyway. "I'm sure there's some part of you that agrees deeply with me. Stop trying to bury it, Liv."

"..." Was this person a clown or a joker? What deep agreement? What buried feelings?

"At this point, I'm just really worried for your mental health," Olivia scoffed before sliding over the pre-printed schedule. Why were there so many people looking for pretend spouses anyway? So many to disappoint, huh? "Anyway, next time you'd like to visit do make an appointment first. Although, I'd rather if you'd just stop coming at all. Our agreement expired."

"Do you offer terms like contract renewal?," Alan was hopeful for a chance. Perhaps the problem just lay with the timeframe. Maybe if he had more time on his hands then he'd be able to make her fall in love with him faster.

"..." Was that all he got from her long speech? "No, I don't. I'll have to bother you to see yourself out."

Alan knew that was her own polite way of simply asking him to leave before she called the police on him. "I'll be back," He bid before leaving.

"..." This bastard. Fine then. If he tried to show his persistence any further, then she'd just file for a restrainingorder. If she was lucky, she won't be unfortunate to pick up any more clients that would end up falling in love with her. If she was unlucky...

Olivia didn't want to think of what would happen then. Tying her already short hair with a scrunchy, she headed on into the adjoining living space her office had.


Vanya breathed out a sigh of relief on noticing Mr. Garcia already taking his leave. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any more disturba—

"..." She was such a fucking jinx, she thought on seeing another person making their way into the lobby. Probably to complain about the recent cancellation of appointments.

Vanya couldn't help it when her mouth formed a small "o" on seeing the person approaching her desk with long strides. Even people like him needed others to act as pretend spouses? She felt really elated being privy to such information.


"Mr. White," Vanya got up with a professional smile. "How can we be of help to you today?"

"Your boss," Shawn's jaw was as taut as it could be. The appointment had been cancelled just a few hours after being scheduled. Just how reliable was this anyway? "Is she in?"

"Ah, Miss Hart can unfortunately not attend to you today," Vanya had already began dissuading without batting a lid. "If it's rather important, please leave a message. If it's not too important, please return another day."

Blah. Blah. Blah.

The poor secretary could as well have been soliloquizing at this point as Shawn ignored her, gaze drifting to where he'd just heard soft clicking of heels.

"Miss Hart?," He called out tentatively, a hundred percent sure he couldn't be wrong. She exuded the aura quite well plus she seemed to bear some similarities with the woman Miguel had shown him.

Anyway, this convincing had to be done today. His mother had made him promise to bring his spouse over to the house tomorrow so he had only the chance of today to convince this woman to pretend to be his.

"..." Vanya who had been left to keep on blabbering deflated like a punctured balloon.

Olivia was a couple of things but she definitely wasn't living under a rock. She naturally recognized Mr. White at first glance. This person was here at her enterprise. Did his kind also sometimes need...pretend spouses?

"Yes?," She turned back without much of an expression. She was headed to her house after cutting her day short. She had only showered from here since she had the intention of only going to bed once she was home.

"A minute," Shawn was not the type to beg for anything and anyone could tell he was trying his best. It did kind of seem like he was imposing anyway. "I'd like to have a word with you."

"Of course," Olivia's lips slipped into a languid smile. If this person was a client of hers, then the heavens had definitely heard and answered her prayers.

Rumors and happenings alone showed that he was immune to female advances and had a heart of steel and ice fused together. No catching of feelings guaranteed.

With someone like this, there was a hundred percent chance of him attaching no strings at all. She helped him pretend and they went their separate ways. Easy as breathing.

Please please please just be a client.
