
Comments of chapter undefined of HP: Magic Punk

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Buen cap, tengo que decir que aunque es complicado el espectro emocional de la situación, igual lo que hizo merece una consecuencia porque repito no podés considerarte un amigo, cuando se defiende al que quiere matarlo, y solo se toma como sustento de la razón, recuerdos que no entendés ni son tuyos, se entendería si tuvieras una amistad de la infancia con el asesino (que este no es el caso) pero personalmente es muy decepcionante

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It's really interesting how stupid Harry is being here. I mean, I get it, you want to keep things the same, but there are different experiences happening around you, and there's more at stake here than what you realize. PLUS, you're about to become a footnote in someone else's story, all because you wanted to rekindle old alliances? Harry, you've already got Dumbledore and Snape breathing down your neck from your dark magic enhancements, while Orion is about to become a friggin pure magical colossus compared to you. Sit down boi, there's a new hero in Hogwarts. Oh, and Hermione? You done goofed, girl. I hope you come to your senses ASAP, because I'd honestly hate to see you mess up with Orion. Granted, Daphne and Rose are better romance options imo, but I'd rather have the Golden Girls be a trio instead of a duo whenever they do pair up with Star Child Orion. GET BENT, NICK!

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I like the story and all but Nick Irons aka Harry Potter is an idiot thinking that Rose and Orion should not exist like he's never heard of alternate Universes so he tried to kill them off.

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Muito bom capas essa Hermione só está rendendo decepção, mas eu não culpo memórias e sentimentos são algo complicado

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Почему автор выставляет Поттера данном? Это же явно другой мир. Взрослый мужик решает убить детей, что не были в его мире? Автор облажался

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You gotta have cripple Nick at least, don't let him suffer no consequences

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If Hermoine go to Orion for his opinion but it's too late buf if she do that what he will say can wait to see and hope Nick don't do much worst what he do because it's like he out of control.Yeah like a young master vibes where he got reincarnated/transmigrate and try to keep the flow of future by doing something stupid where his reality is unknown to him is parallel to it.It's mean like there a certain twist where this to this that to that something.😂😂😂😂😂😂

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thanks for the chapter

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great chapters eagerly waiting for the chapter

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Y tomando en cuenta que tan poderoso tiene que ser Orión cuando vuelva, mínimo un manejo mejor del tema teórico sobre la ley de manera básica avanzada (no intermedio pero un poquito conocedor si), con la maduración mental como consecuencia de la decepcion con Hermione, canalizar esa misma en fortaleza para poder realizar mejoras en el entretenimiento, tratar de tener un poquito de conocimiento mas profundo sobre el tema de ser "un mal menor"

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Thanks for the chapter