
Comments of chapter undefined of Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha


Well, certainly unexpected. Go forth and seize your opportunities. An incredible end to a enjoyable story.


bro, marry her, take a break from this, marriage is way more important than our enjoyment, tell her your willingness to change and remember you need to communicate with her, don't do things on your own, and ask for help from her if you need it, but remember communication is key, don't just dissappear and get a job then come back, tell her your plans and make sure you guys actally like each other to marry and take her out on dates, and maybe if you find time after finding a stable job and getting married to her then you can go back to writing in your spare time, but focus on her and communicate with her, don't grovel, have a proper heartfelt conversation


bro marry her she sounds like a keeper dont't let her leave.Dont feel so down about yourself.I don't about field of study but if you are interested in IT field want to make some career in Web and Android Development I can help you out if you are willing to spend 8 months it can lower depends upon grasping power with me and consistently.I Can get you job ready for front and backend dev with minimum 5-10 lpa


Man marry her, try to gind a job hhat is suitable for you and in your Free time you can write the novel, no one cares if you are "useless" or dont have a great job like her, the value of a person is more than just that, try to find a job but dont compare with her, if she wants to marry you than that means she saw something in you, donde let her go


Bro, I can't come up with any profound words from myself since I'm a student. However, my father once told me that if a woman falls in love with you during the worst of times, you shouldn't let her go. Instead, you should marry her and strive to become the best version of yourself, both for your sake and hers. Your fanfiction, in turn, helps me relax during my free time from studying. I sincerely appreciate your dedication and hard work. Thank you.


It’s just a fanfic bro… keep it a hobby don’t let it effect your life too much. If your adamant about being an author for your career, don’t narrow everything on fantasy and siFi. I’d recommend looking for opportunities in writing news articles things for people. You can make Meh money doing it. Most do that as a hobby. Just beware of AI, use it for yourself but don’t abuse it or let it abuse you. Though if you want to go the strict money route. Stable and professional jobs are rare and frankly not effective. In this day and age as long as you put in hard work and have dedication. You can make a 100k driving for Uber. Their is always a solution to everything, it’s just depends on what you want to sacrifice.


Why are these webnovel author's life so wild man. (JK) I wish you luck mate


Good luck. Being proposed to like that is a once in a lifetime kinda thing I wish you all the best .


The heart wants what the heart wants. seems cliche while being true. ....Don't confuse hobby/startup projects for long time love and care of an amazing woman. genuine relationships take real efforts and time regularly to see where everything goes with true importance in life. you and your woman together can make the possibilities of a quiet space and a time for you to write stories for whatever purpose. it's all about priorities... . I hope this helps anyone...... before my brain injuries I was very active and had several hobbies that may have become more. I still have the loving wife of over 25 years with our home together and our daughter finishing this year with her engineering degree before making us empty nesters. it all started from the choice to grow up and get a bit serious.


Honestly, I let myself be carried away by the logical part of me most of the time, but when it comes to things of the heart and feelings I prefer to follow those feelings rather than logic, the only thing I tell you is to base this decision on your feelings towards that person and if You feel that that is what you want, do not hesitate to make that decision.


Only a few words to stand up work hard and be happy as much as you can sometimes sadness comes after Happiness and happiness comes after sadnessAnd sometimes it doesn't help when you're not weak or strong you just have to deal with is dealt with


It's sad that you can't continue writing, but I think your future is more important and she stood by your side in this difficult moment for you. I hope you can be very happy and you can leave this story as a hobby when you have a stable job. and you have time, if not you already have children xD, good luck, I hope this is just some stones on the road and not a wall that stops you, forgive my English as a translator


Author, you didn't need to keep updating your fanfic for a while, those things must be really exhausting, you should take a break for a while. Writing is always a hard thing, especially when you write fanfic, so you can take it as a hobby to do in free time. As for that girl, I would suggest you to be little conservative, why don't take her to some dates? You can know her better and maybe you can be more confident if you know some good things she likes about you. Although you two know each other for long times since you two neighbor, there's still many things you two don't know about each other. I hope you can make the choice you thin the best for you


concentrate en el matrimonio y tú vida personal las oportunidades no salen del cielo y debes aprovecharlas


Don't worry about those who want to destroy your dreams. Dreams are what allow us to live in reality, without them there is no meaning in what we do and why; You are the owner of your actions, do not allow others to get in the way of your decisions. Greetings and a big hug from Argentina.


Marry her bro!!! Take whatever break you needed, sort out all your problems then come back here after, I mean this is a straight-out-of-the-anime romance bruh and they always end up good... though I forgot which anime


bro, marry her, get a job, stabilize your financial life and your time, and write your fanfic (and don't forget to love her)


?????? Like real life life ever Happy after?!


Good luck


I mean it's pretty much a gift from heaven coming straight to your front house. Keep her close and I believe she would bring a lot of luck to your life, after all you shouldn't decline gifts, especially when the sender is actually the Big G :)


if you marry her or not. is up to you. But do what makes you happy, we only have one life, so enjoy it when you can.