
Comments of chapter undefined of Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

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So what did we learn? 1. Longbottom gains more fame for ‘defeating the dark lord’ 2. Now students assume Harry is weaker then the ‘chosen one’ because he suffered more while longbottom saved the day. 3. Longbottom claims more points for his house, and not getting in trouble for almost causing a students death. 4. The auther hates giving Harry any type of fame, or revenge for the teachers actions. 5. This novel is trash, im only reading because latterly read everything else, I’ve never been this outspoken before, maybe because the begining was SOOOO GOOD, and promised SOOOO MUCH. And then BOOM! We all get a scared MC that hides his power and doesn’t even TRY to do anything about his situation and let’S EVERYONE walk over him. This novel has been the most dissapointing FF I have ever read. I’ll be writing my first negative review for it so yeah. Idk if I’ll be here anymore guys, I know there’s a lot of you that have the same thoughts and feeling for this story and are still holding on for the same reason as I am, and I’m genuinely happy I wasn’t the only one extreamly disappointed and holding on.

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Look, I understand your frustrations and you're perfectly right to have them, but you have to understand the context of this story. I designed this story with the idea of what a real insert would do in their place. People, normal people, at least, aren't brave and the world isn't going to work in their favor immediatly. The main premise is to have an emotionally repressed man that has lived an empty life, learn to actually live in a world of magic. If anyone suddenly was reincarnated as Harry Potter, they would be terrified. They wouldn't go about to challenge the literal Archmage that's basically in charge of an entire political faction for no reason, and they certainly wouldn't rock the boat towards the man who could literally ruin their life since they're a ward of the ministry. And he wouldn't really try to do it with Skeeter or the ministry. The only way would be to go to his enemies, which are 'imperioused Death Eaters'. Anyone in this situation would keep their head down and enjoy their life. What I've been trying to make in this year was essencially the MC accepting that he was going to be involved and learn to stop cowering from Canon. That was the entire purpose, as well as an introduction to the larger world of magic. He's not supposed to demolish governments at 11 and surpass the literal most powerful wizard in the country at 12. That's not how it works. It has to be gradual, but he'll get there. I'm making this story as an exploration of the world of magic, which is far larger than magical Britain. Honestly, my decision to have Dumbledore do the thing with the points isn't by random. There's a Dumbledore POV coming up and it will explain a lot of things, and that's when things derail. Already, in the second year, Harry is acting very differently and that's really the point of the story, to have the character learn and grow. He will start ignoring Neville and the golden trio and the story will be more about him. You noticed how the BWL was a big part of the first year because Harry was technically thinking about Canon and how to preserve and stay away. The moment he decided to just ignore Canon and just live his life, his obscession with the golden trio, which he denies to himself exists, fades away, and he starts to live his life, and not through Canon. I don't know if people really got where I wanted to go, but you can't really start a story with a perfect character. It would just be bland, and that irritation people feel when he makes a wrong decision wouldn't really be there. Characters need to change for the better or for the worst, and they need to resemble actual people instead of some bland personality that just wins all the time and where everything goes his way. I hope this clarified my decisions a bit.

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Harry x Daphne yes pls

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seriously?? Harry could've died there due to his fuc*ing mistake and yet he gives longbottom 200 points, come on man even though Dumbledore is a hypocrite the rest of the wizards ain't so dumb honesty it's ruining the story by making things simply just revolve around the plot character's like some sort of harem isekai..


why the hate. like he's a Slytherin he's supposed to be cunning and mysterious for a reason. You're just trying to make harry a Griffindor.


Let's be honest, most people would panic if they were born into a world like Harry Potter's and found out about it. It's completely normal to not want to be famous. Fame has its downsides too, always craving attention can be annoying at times. It feels like you're constantly being watched. It's better to keep such things secret if you can because many people just want to use you. We live in a cruel world, unfortunately, where that often happens.


I would like to recommend that you lean more on the 'harry being harry with past life knowledge', as opposed to 'past life takes over harry'. As otherwise you have a 50+ year old man, and an 11 year old girl in a romance, which is... not good.


At first I was kind of dubious about the MC even more so after his backstory where he's basically the self-sacrificing lord, the story gets better as time goes on to things I don't like like clearly the MC isn't going to get involved with magic black or ancient magic, he is more proactive in an academic way but clearly he is not preparing to survive a war, he wants to be remembered so that means it is impossible for him to stay out of the war he would lose a lot of influence and be seen as a coward, after this chapter feels like he's going to take things more seriously, I want to see real magic, rituals and all, I like the pace but it could be a little faster, I like that the author doesn't try to mix science, technology and magic which is one of the things that kill the story for me, and don't even be extremely critical about the magical world is one of the points that I like a lot, I found the friendship with Hermione unnecessary he had everything to lose and nothing to gain by getting involved with her but I understand that it was for his character development, I like that the lineage of the characters does have an influence on their magic.


You do you it's good not the best but it's interesting enough to continue reading. Don't have to feel bad about negative reviews if they are saying something you could improve and you also like thier idea then only do changes if not , then let it be It's your story. And keep up the good work 💪


Hmm please explore more about other wizarding communities. I always wanted to see stuff outside of Britain in HP.


no caso o autor foca muito no cannon mas essa historia não é sobre o cannon neville não tem as mesmas habilidades que harry potter então não aconteceria a mesma coisa, então a proposta ta errada desde o inicio


While I'm glad to see your explanation and the idea of further world exploration, no one asked you to write the perfect, uber-powered protagonist. What is being asked is an attempt to protest. If you look at canon Skeeter, for example, you'll find an unethical journalist who'll write anything for publicity. Those "Imperioused" Death Eaters nearly got Dumbledore kicked out.


Thank you for the chapter


THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I love this fic as well.


great chapter eagerly waiting for the next chapter


Thanks for the chapter


If you are going to subtly spoil the story, do it somewhere else


Personally, I have enjoyed the story so far, I think most people want the character to be overpowered, and immediately go their own way, and do their own thing without worrying about any of the repercussions. I feel like you’ve made a more realistic main character who is understandably conscious about angry or getting in the way of two of the most powerful wizard alive at this time. Grindelwald could obviously be added into that list, but I’m not really sure he’s up to any kind of fighting shape right now lol. Overall, I think his actions have been understandable in a way to try and not get involved in the main story while also still trying to learn the magic he loves and get involved with things that interest him.


The entire end comment is mute. This is an Isekai story of an "ADULT" being reincarnated. This should be very little character growth. You don't change much as a person after the age of 5. This is plain truth of the matter. Anytime an author tries to show growth like that it inevitably ends up making the m.c "Stupid for tension/drama." If you want a story about character growth, you can't do it very well with a grown adult. Story with an universe character and give them memories of another and tag it "otherworldly knowledge" but don't make it an Isekai. That way they can actually be 11 and things will make sense. The m.c shown here isn't suppose to be 11. He was and still is a fully grown adult in a child's body. nothing less nothing more.


who is daphne ? she does not has face how all supose that is a good option?


Typo error: Harru instead Harry. At part where Harry explains the incident with Quirrel/Voldy to Daphne.