
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve


the tests were separated by like weeks at min and a month at max right? by previous 2 test grades (or was just first one) Takuma results in sum were said by examiners to be very pathetic,then in a span of 2 weeks min and max 2 months, Takuma managed to pass all test in an avarange level, this improvement speed makes no sense if we take that he took like 10 months to barely reach pathetic level


Like I said, trust the author. Naruto was horrible when he was still a student until he found out his talents, I'm guessing the author will do the same thing.


I just realised the old man training mc is the eternal genin of Konoha (though his power is more of a jonin)


Ah yes, genjutsu, the worst thing to specialize in without a bloodline. Good luck vs enemies that are straight up immune. That’s assuming of course that MC has talent in genjutsu and author won’t just rug pull again and throw us back into another pity party of whining and failure.


Author-san, is this guy actually going to be good at something? Don't get me wrong, the slow burn of this fanfic is a novelty but it'll get old soon. I know the feeling of trying to flesh out the background as I'm an author too but you should start teasing somethings even if you are not giving it to us straight. This chapter was a teaser if I got it right so overall splendid job. I want to read more of this.


I thought it would feel better when the MC is improving or showing potential at something but it has taken so long that at this point im simply jaded. While the MC is feeling happy and relieved im here like "oh great you went from useless to pathetic yaay". When the author digs a hole deep enough for his MC, to the point it makes young Naruto look like an unparalleled genius with the comfortable life of a King, i will always believe the reason he left that hole is PLOT ARMOR and nothing else. Takes away all the good feelings of seeing someone overcoming hardships, when it simply stopped being believable long ago.


the mc is pateric, he lacks hate, he needs to play more lol. no now I really hope that the mc doesn't end up like Naruto or that he feels identified and wants to take care of him, that would be disappointing


Now that Takuma is pretty much confirmed to pass, I’ll make a campaign for the idea. He should use a spear as his main weapon. Spears are hard weapons to handle(at least harder than swords), and are seen more often in the land of iron and the daimyo’s army. Additionally, any possible bojutsu(spears are kinda like Bo staffs so close enough) are locked behind the sarutobi in konoha. And I don’t see takuma somehow gaining the respect and help of a saru, so it will be a grind, like takuma has been doing this year.


author good luck work hard my friend, my gems are guaranteed for you, my only expectations will be that the story ends and has a constant update so that it doesn't get tiring having to remember the whole story later, otherwise I think it's good, it makes me remember the guys who say they wish they were born back in the day with today's knowledge, because that would be cool, they would conquer everything kkkkk, the guys would almost probably die of some disease or be killed and thrown in a ditch lol, for me the approach unlike any fic and welcome, I'm tired of the same things.


So infuriating how slow this is


Author, I finally feel that Takuma has potential. I know I'm going to love this story.


God I hope the MC finally has something unique about him. Been kind of a rough read so far. If it wasn't for the authors other novel would have dropped 15 chapters ago.


Am I the only one still wondering about the mysterious scars?? Also shoutout to the author for a great story. As for young Takuma I hope our boy takes a few mental health days before returning or even doubling down on the grind. You know to come to terms with his transmigration the test served as a good distraction but he should be feeling it now. Grieving the great fam and life he has in the past, reflecting over the joys pain failures and victory in the last year and it’s lesson and finally looking towards the future and sorting out what kind of life, path, and goals he has as a shinobi. He has a lot to think about.




I pray that he won't specialize in Genjutsu. I have yet to read a single fic that has done anything original with it. Well except for one where they spam Izanagi.



Thanks for the chapter Wish you well author Keep up the good work


pls auther let him use a sword pls and not a spear


Thanks for the chapter Author 🙂
