
Comments of chapter undefined of The Game Creator in Marvel(News)


Youd have to take part in the mcu, but with your power set it would only make sense to appear fairly far into the movies. Otherwise its just gonna be op magic vs the mcu’s weak starting villains.

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No need to take it seriously but I would love if he slowly became a sort of laid back super strong hermit type. For an example his games begin to spread to the wider universe and militaries and hero’s begin using them for training and entertainment developing their skills around his games. Then when big MCU moments happen he will appear with a mask on and calmly walk around scanning the environment and people while the heroes and military are all super confused on how he is nonchalantly walking through the disasters. It would be even better if they realize that their battles and characters begin to appear in the game and desperately try to catch him to ask questions only to somehow continuously lose him and he appears somewhere else on the battlefield like a real live whack-a-mole 😂

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shield, government, heck where's the equivalent of SCP?


Love the story so far!! Only have one concern. Why would he even want to get involved with Tony? That would just drag him into the events that he was trying to avoid for being too weak. Why would he even consider this? If he is bored then let him create another game or participate in one himself! I don't see any point in him trying to be heroic. I think it would be better to concentrate on the game making and then as the games get more popular you can show a few heroes downloading and playing his games and show their reactions to it. I mean, it would be funny seeing Thor, the hulk, or Tony playing in those games. Especially if you include some horror games and/or some building games like Minecraft. Most stories focus on making the MC the strongest hero/villian in the story with them being the center of attention in their respective worlds due to repeated interaction with the main cast and rarely have an MC that isn't in the spotlight at all with him being an actually mysterious person as the main cast do not know anything about him. This story has the potential to do the latter in a very interesting way so please don't go that way. It's fine if the MC interacts with some of the characters sometimes but don't make it so cliche that they find some clue about him and then eventually figure out who he is and how he is the one making the games. That type of cliche is really overused and sometimes p*sses me off as they seem to make the MC's careless for no reason and makes them underestimate their opponents despite the fact that the MC should know their strengths and abilities pretty well being a reincarnate and all.


Please dont add any cultivation stuff i really dont enjoy reading it And i dont see it blending well with the MCU

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how is that shield or hydra is not involved yet? even the ancient one even prof x magneto.


Here is my suggestion, if ever watch ready player one you should've know what i mean, so basically you combining different tyoe of games in to one, just like hypixel in minecraft so you have the lobby world and in that world the player must choose the game that they want to play and if you ever watch ready player one you know that in that film there is many easter egg in different types of games so if the player can found every easter egg/winning every game they gonna get the big reward without death, or if they only win one game/one easter egg but they choose to accept the reward because they scared of death cuz the easter egg position gonna get reset-ed than they only get a small reward. Yea i know the grammar is horrible but u get what i mean right?


A really funny idea!! How about a Chapter with Steam comments or media reactions? Maybe something from SHIELD?


If he's bored why doesn't he play the games he's made?

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a game idea is a true open world true RPG it could be his first game that actually has a permanent world







Need for speed was already a well established game series by 2008 I'd like if you could address that properly by telling the audience that it didn't exist in that world or just change the name to something else that's actually bugging me (the need for speed 1994, our guy is in 2008-2010 there are already several games in that series out)


why not create for honor game or Rome like that morden people always like to play some historical ones. the blood and gore type. as reword give them a price or Armor or weapon they use at the game or gold coins or silver or other. which will use to buy thinks in the system store in the future. !


I don't see the point of interfering with most of the movies. He should take part in the thor movie, copy asgardians to create npcs and also try to copy and take the destroyer armor, with runecraft it might be useful. In avengers he should copy the chetauri, their technology and loki.


Thanks for the chapter 👍 please write more! Good luck with your test 👌


Gracias por el capítulo


make the game of the harry potter mutant obscurus gamer? his class that relates in real world is so good hahah


well, finally, at least something ... and then it turns out it was possible to stream ... it turns out it was very easy to prove that the game was not ordinary ... and that the price of $ 1 is ridiculous ... before that there were 0 streamers? but how did the gaming news not interest you in the game? there should have been millions of players right away ... to be honest, I like the way you write (but I really don't like your misconceptions about the normal number of players in the game ... you understand that a popular streamer will be worth mentioning the game once and Will tens of thousands of players "run into" it? (After all, you pay a lot for advertising.) But a game of a new genre ... such numbers would be normal for a good game without advertising ... but not for a revolutionary one!