
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto : The Wind Calamity

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*brings out guns* Ok you get the way the author is to give us the chapter or get shot ( you dont have too and Ty for the chapter cant wait for the next chapter)

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For the ones who wanted Mieko to live - Author-senpai had said on P@treon that he had intended to have her die during the massacre according to the story line he prepared. But he was surprised by how liked she was as he received several requests of keeping her alive and was happy that an original character he created was so well liked. So he thought of a way to change his original plans and keep her alive. He held a poll on P@treon in March on whether Mieko should live or not. 15 voted that she should live while 26 voted that she should die. After the poll, he said that he will later make a post on how he could have made Mieko live and how the story would have gone if she did. In addition, he also stated that he will consider including her or a character like her in his next Naruto fanfic. So instead of complaining here 2 months after he has written the chapters, I'd recommend you participating in those polls.


It doesn't make sense for Fujin to be sad, he was collecting parchment while his own comrade was being murdered. These inconsistencies in character are very bad for the characters.


i honestly kinda lost interest after mieko' death

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I hope Fujin is not just a killing machine without feelings. If this happens and the writer ignores the character's feelings, it will be a black mark on this great novel I still have faith in the writer [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


He is not an ex-special soldier to be an emotionless machine, he is a normal guy from the modern era same us but he is not even sad that someone he had known for years was murdered if that's not a sociopath I don't know what is, honestly.


The death of Mieko just feels meaningless- despite all her interactions on the MC, he just doesn't seem to care at all, as if she was nothing


Es interesante o quizás no depende del punto de vista como lector o escritor que tú novela tenga todo bien menos tú personaje principal. Alguien que en 200 capítulos no tiene objetivos reales, después de tantas matanzas aún es un cobarde y por encima de todo acaba de demostrar que es escoria emocionalmente. Qué futuro quiere tu MC cuando alguien que ha estado con él compartiendo tantos momentos incluso de vida y muerte no es capaz de sentir nada por su muerte de verdad en el futuro que sentimiento mostrará a otros que forma de vivir es esa? Bien se puede suicidar si así quiere "vivir".


I didn’t particularly want Meiko to live in fact I’m happy their are actual repercussions for his actions or inaction, but you had mc sneak into the facility already to get stupid blood jutsu that he should never be able to use because I highly doubt that orochimaru and Danzo wouldn’t have found out and try to research it but they clearly had no luck yet our mc who hasn’t even remotely looked at biological research will surely be able to do it. Anyway he sneaks in already for stupid blood jutsu and yet still does nothing to save her, never even looked for her body, then to make matters a million times worse plot gets broken anyways for no reason, so not only does that make me hate the mc but also make me question how I feel about the direction of the story and currently it is not in a positive light at all.


There's no point in being sad I only knew you for about 5 years :)

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This was well written. The death was also painful to watch. Thank you for your writing Author-san. Also, I hope there's more emotion in this novel. The team's grieving didn't feel like grieving.... I dunno, it lacked something. The rawness...that you won't see the girl or won't go out on missions with her after...ever. It's just painful.


Why did you decide to save the civilian Uchiha?

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Hiruzen wait until danzo sama implant more sharingans hokage seat will be for danzo sama glory to danzo sama

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Great Chapter. Ty author senpai


Yo, A major misconception that everyone have regarding naruto is that Homura and koharu support danzo. You can see they supported tsunade as the hokage instead of danzo who was their besty. Even when danzo was gunning for orochimaru as hokage even then they might not have supported them. At the end when no S- rank shinobi was left leaf village only then danzo became hokage and that was not even officially instated. So danzo was the big pansy who had to eliminate every single S- rank ninja in his own village to be a kage..

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You should have Fujin teach Naruto the exploding shadow clone. Just to mess with Hiruzen

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Good chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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Great chapter

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Thanks for the chapter