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  • DarkKnife69TT

    Honestly, he doesn't lose anything if Gojo doesn't teach him, it has been shown that he is not the best at teaching xd. I would honestly look for a way for Sukuna himself to help me. Sukuna has already proven to be the one who knows the most about CE, and Jujuju in general, has shown interest in talents and most importantly a challenge. Itadori may be a challenge that Sukuna would find interesting.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Becoming the strongest as Yuji Itadori
    Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
  • DarkKnife69TT

    I do not recommend a love interest in the work as you have proposed it. 1- he is supposed to still have memories of his dead wife. 2- I don't think he falls in love so easily in a world like JJK. 3- There is little time during the work to reach a level of power at the level of the 2 strongest to dedicate to romance.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Becoming the strongest as Yuji Itadori
    Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
  • DarkKnife69TT

    "I haven't read the chapter yet, I'm responding to your note" I'm not a fan of using Sukuna's fingers as a power comparison since in reality they wouldn't be at that level due to DE, for example Kenjaku says that Jogo is equivalent to 8 fingers but he would really survive to a domain battle with a 2 fingers? I do not believe it. But with that parameter only for the amount of cursed energy or threat, I would classify Yorozu as 10 fingers maximum.

    Ch 18 The Strongest
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
  • DarkKnife69TT

    "I haven't read the chapter yet, I respond to your note" Here the question is simple if it adapts to "cut" it adapts any attack that is a cut. In the anime the narrator explains this very well. They tell you that if Mahoraga only adapts to Dismantle then Cleave would work, however he adapted to "cutting" as a concept which is why even in his domain where Cleave was also used it was useless and he had to resort to his flames. So it's irrelevant if it's Sukuna or Ogi or some random since it suits the concept itself.

    Ch 17 Naohiro vs. Gojo
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
  • DarkKnife69TT

    I'll see how you do it, but honestly there's no realistic way for Naoya to currently beat Satoru. Everything that is made will be a Nerf or plot armor

    Ch 11 Brothers
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
  • DarkKnife69TT
    Replied to CassianAshborn

    Enlightened Gojo is only inferior to Sukuna 20 fingers. There is no other character that beats that Gojo. Furthermore, Maki's current feats and Sukuna's statements make both her and Toji close to the Top 5 of the verse only surpassed by Sukuna, Gojo, Kashimo, Kenjaku and probably Yuta, the last one debatable since his only real advantage is DE and if M/T not wanting to enter would not affect them.

    Ch 2 Awakening
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
  • DarkKnife69TT
    Replied to Mysteries_

    To begin with, I am not talking about how many times it must rotate or adapt. Furthermore, this is not how it works, it depends on the complexity of the phenomenon, it will take x number of turns, not necessarily 3, it can be just 1 perfectly or many more. To correct others, learn first.

    Ch 1 chapter 1
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime & Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • DarkKnife69TT

    Black Flash does not multiply x2.5 but rather raises it to a power of 2.5. It's e²'⁵ the difference is enormous.

    Ch 60 Destroyer vs Limitless
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • DarkKnife69TT

    A highly recommended reading, I am surprised that with the writing quality it is only 4.4. There are things to improve but in the end it is a Fic. Something that I didn't like and I already made clear in a comment is the power level of the characters, more like Allen in the Doomsday saga. The development of the story seems well executed to me and playing with the past/future and memories of a possible past life seems interesting to me. Perhaps the "Streamer" side so far is the least exploited by the author although I understand why. I'll be honest, I don't like that thing about dolls, especially Wednesday (I started hating the character because of the new series so it's just a personal thing).

    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • DarkKnife69TT

    A little clarification. Purple does not erase matter at the atomic level as you say, but rather it erases it directly, which is why it is considered a type of Existential Erasure (when you explain the technique you mention it but then you say that it erases at the atomic level)

    Ch 24 The monster: Doomsday
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • DarkKnife69TT

    Your writing and the quality of the fight have been very good. But power levels don't make sense. I won't talk about Gojo's techniques because they are fine but to affect Doomsday you need an amount of power FAR greater than what Gojo can produce. And much less Allen who was only physically in the Peak Human but can now physically continue the battle with Superman and Doomsday. (mentally it doesn't seem bad to me because of the 6 eyes) Even with the x2 bonus of being in Stream it would not reach the level for their body to react to a battle where they move at minimum Hypersonic speeds. His Innocence shouldn't give him that extra either and unless the amount of cursed energy he gave him is hundreds of times that of Gojo, I don't see the point in his strength even with the CE boost. Well we'll see if you explain it later. At least your writing quality is good.

    Ch 23 Allen & Superman vs Doomsday
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • DarkKnife69TT

    I guess I'll just leave it here having a 2 year old running around already being so strong is stupid. And this seems like it's going to be your typical Pokemon hunting fic, good luck...

    Ch 6 Hyuga Hikari
    Is he the same Naruto?
    Anime & Comics · Lord_Azathoth
  • DarkKnife69TT

    How did not know about RCT if he was practicing the Red??? He himself is talking about positive energy and before using Red you should know RCT, which is simply using positive energy... And I don't believe that he is silly because you literally said that his brain has developed much more and he also has the memories of Gojo. Hah I said that was a mistake xd

    Ch 2 Overwhelming Satoru
    Is he the same Naruto?
    Anime & Comics · Lord_Azathoth
  • DarkKnife69TT

    Hah I knew it would be a mistake about the memories, now this fic will be the typical one of a character dominated with little effort who at 6 years old will already surpass Madara... That is if the fic doesn't fall before like all the ones that use OP characters and they don't know how to follow the plot because there is no challenge.

    Ch 2 2 Years
    Is he the same Naruto?
    Anime & Comics · Lord_Azathoth
  • DarkKnife69TT

    I see many things to improve. The CE thing is a big NO! It is much easier to convert limitless into a Kekei Totta than to add another system of power in another verse... The thing about the mother, apart from being strange, is on the path that he will surely have her in his harem and it doesn't particularly excite me. I think that having all the affinities is totally unnecessary since having limitless is a waste of time concentrating on all the jutsus, only the one with your affinity would be perfect. And having Gojo's memories isn't Interesting either. I hope that doesn't negatively influence the plot because it's always good for an MC to learn things for himself. Now I hope you take advantage of the Rikugan because it is very op. (I suppose I am very critical because I have just read Wind Calamity and well that author has simply done it too well. Anyway this is my criticism of this first chapter, let's see how you develop it)

    Ch 1 Died and Reincarnated
    Is he the same Naruto?
    Anime & Comics · Lord_Azathoth
  • DarkKnife69TT

    This is certainly more of an advantage than anything else, you'll get plenty of experience from battles and tokens to upgrade whatever you want. I was going to complain about the RCT thing, you know any random person having it is weird, but since you've explained that there are sorceres all over the world, it's more feasible. Anyway, my advice is not to abuse people who have RCT, that is something that differentiates an elite from the normal ones.

    This book has been deleted.
  • DarkKnife69TT

    Es interesante o quizás no depende del punto de vista como lector o escritor que tú novela tenga todo bien menos tú personaje principal. Alguien que en 200 capítulos no tiene objetivos reales, después de tantas matanzas aún es un cobarde y por encima de todo acaba de demostrar que es escoria emocionalmente. Qué futuro quiere tu MC cuando alguien que ha estado con él compartiendo tantos momentos incluso de vida y muerte no es capaz de sentir nada por su muerte de verdad en el futuro que sentimiento mostrará a otros que forma de vivir es esa? Bien se puede suicidar si así quiere "vivir".

    Ch 201 Chapter 198 : Hiruzen's Arrangements
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • DarkKnife69TT
    Replied to CouchPotatoDandy

    Yes the only other explanation is that all Kekei Genkai come from Kaguya's bloodline. After all, in 1,000 years their bloodline, although extremely diluted unlike the great clans, is still around the world.

    Ch 127 Chapter 125 : Horrible Fate!
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • DarkKnife69TT
    Replied to TeuPai

    1- Te respondes tú mismo el autor no tiene que especificar que pasaron entre 1/2 días que es lo máximo que ha pasado si analizas las cosas correctamente. Y te dice claramente que ella sobrevive por suerte o mejor dicho destino. Cassie mismo es un indicativo de que no pudo pasar más de 3 días porqué aún estaba hidratada. 2- Que tú pregunta era para el autor es irrelevante ésto es un sitio público y puedo comentar también y más si veo un idiota irrespetuoso como tú. Deja de llorar por cada cosa pareces tener 14 años. 3- No soy el que hace preguntas estúpidas incomodando al autor con información que te dicen en la obra. Literal preguntas "como se hizo así de fuerte?" "Y como ella sobrevive?" Una pregunta estúpida que sabes desde capítulos anteriores y la segunda te lo aclara en el capítulo. Si así actúa un "veterano" dice mucho de tu inestabilidad mental. 4- No conectas 2 neuronas vas justo para no cagarte encima. Normal que no comprendas lo que lees. Y no te iba a faltar al respeto pero en tus dos respuestas me insultas ahora te aguantas payaso.

    Ch 18 the real Chapter 17
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime & Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • DarkKnife69TT
    Replied to TeuPai

    1- No soy yo el que pregunta cosas que explica el autor en la obra. 2- Te contesta el punto 1. 3- Uy son 18 en vez de 20 se enojo la niña por eso? 4-Hablas de novatos y no comprendes lo que lees. Con solo el punto 1 te he contestado a 3 de tus puntos eres un poco patético supuesto "veterano"...(Estos ignorantes antes estaban callados ahora son los que hacen más ruido...)

    Ch 18 the real Chapter 17
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime & Comics · The_oneandonly344