
TFW x Reader

You laid in your bed thinking. Dean had decided to give up searching for a cure, and you couldnt bare that. The winchesters had helped you by taking you in, and now you decided to help them, by giving them one less thing to worry about.

You stood up and headed to the kitchen, taking out a cold bottle of beer. Even though you were 19, you had been raised by your dad, who usually left around half empty beer bottles, which you would finish drinking when you were 10. Alright, it was time to do this, it had been bugging you all night. You hadnt gotten any sleep, and Sam would be up within an hour or two.

"Cas, need you."

You heard the familiar flutter of wings and turned around to see Castiel, with confusion plastered on his face.

"Y/n, it is very early, shouldnt you be asleep?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

You put down your bottle of beer and sighed. You knew that Cas would be reluctant to your request, but you would have to pursuade him somehow.

"Cas... I need you to do something very important for me... I need you to take the Mark of Cain from Dean and give it to me."

"Y/n, are you insane? You know tha-"

"Cas I dont care, Dean has suffured long enough, I want thatmark on my arm now!"

Cas just looked at you, it looked like tears were beginning to form in his eyes. He then teleported out of the room. That had been easier than you thought. When Cas returned, he was near collapsing, the mark obviously affected him more because he was an angel and all. You quickly rolled up your sleeve and grabbed Cas' arm. You felt a warm heat flow through your arm, and then a sharp pain as the mark formed on your arm.

You woke to Dean yelling. He sounded worried, and a little bit mad. You got up and headed to the bathroo, hoping that Dean would calm down soon. You looked in the mirror and nearly screamed. Your eyes had gone completely red, and you had red lines all over your body. The mark had gone nearly blood red, and was inflamed like an infection. You immediately pulled out your laptop and researched what was going on.

Well shit. How did this happen? You didnt have any demon blood in you. Wait... the hunt you went on yesterday, a demon had injected you with his blood. Of course. How could you be so stupid? You pulled on a hoodie and sweat pants making sure to cover all your marks, when you heard a pounding on the door.

"Y/n? Dont tell me you had t

Anything to do with this!"

It was Dean, he immediately noticed that the mark was gone. Shit shit shit. Why did this have to happen? You froze, and then slowly opened the door.

"Y/n the mark is gone, show me your arms,

You were reluctant at first, but then you reached for your sleeve, and before you could lift it Dean gravved your hand, the red marks had spread to your palms. He took you hood and revealed your face, and froze at what he saw. Now your eyes had gone crimson red and your face was covered in black and red marks in the shape of veins.

Dean lifted your sleeve and looked at the mark. It had turned black now, and looked like it was your skin.

"Y/n what did you

I was just trying to help Dean!"

Suddenly Sam burst into the room and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Guys im fine. Really."

"Uh, no your not y/n, your face looks like it just came off a grill! Also, youve got the dam msrk of cain you."

"No Dean, its not me. Im just becoming a mix between a demon and an human or whatever."

"You meant the

Yeah that or something."

You waved your hand and flopped onto your bed. Gosh were you tired, and hungry, but more tired. Suddenly you heard a flutter of wings... Cas.

"Cas! y/n took the mark of Cain from me!"

"I know"

Suddenly shock and puzzlement crossed both Sam and Deans faces.

"You know? What...?"

"I was the one who gave y/n the mark."

"What the hell Cas! "

"She asked me to, and I couldnt argue with her."

You heard a sigh escape all three men as you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your gut. You didnt want the boys to know. So before you started to scream in pain. You decided to vanish, teleport out of the bunker. You thought of the park your mom used to take you to, and in the blink of the eye you were there.

Why did she take the mark? She was obviously much too weak to handle it. Cas simply gave in to her, and took the mark to her. It looked like y/n was suffering from its side effects. She looked like her skin was peeling off and her eyes wouldnt stop bleeding. She was a mess. Did she do it all for me? No she wouldnt have, but that seemed to be the only choice.

"Guys, where did y/n go?"

I turned to where Sam was looking and saw her bed was empty. She already was able to teleport, who knows what would happen next?

"Son of a bitch."

   you put the knife up to the demon neck, threatening to kill him.

"Tell me, what do you know about the mark of Cain!"

"I-Im not allowed to tell!"

"You either tell or die!"

"All I know is i-its effects can be lowered when you drink angel blood or something, I dont know the detail, j-just please let me go!

You scoffed and snapped your fingers. The demon flowed out of its vessels mouth and was sent back to hell. You had been getting nowhere. You had tried everyhing but nothing new. Suddenly you felt a presence. Several presences. Two humans and an angel. Sam, Dean, and Cas.

"What do you want boys?"

You said before turning around. There they were standing in the door way, all of their eyea glossy.

"Y/n, you have got to stop this!"

Sam nearly yelled. You rolled your eyes revealing the fully red ones, and smiled.

"You shouldnt have come here boys..."

Dean took a step foward and you stopped him, literally. You made it ao none of the boys could move.

"Like I said, you shouldnt have comr here, so tell me what you want and scatter."

"We want you to stop y/n."

You looked over to Cas. You smiled at him. You twirled tour kinfe in your hands chuckled.

"No can do"

You then let the boys go, and teleported out of there. You did miss the boys greatly, but you would not return till this bloody mark was off your arm.