
Castiel x Reader

You closed your book and threw it to join the others. You had just finished reading the last book that Cas had given you. Thankfully from reading the books, you knew exactly how to act around humans, if only Cas ever let you meet one.

Suddenly you hear a flapping of wings and Cas is standing in the middle of your book filled room. He had another book in his hand. When he handed it to you, it titled You opened the book to see that it had bunch of unusual mysteries from the United States. Cas left you and you immediately started to read to cure your boredom. Eventually you got to a certain chapter you found interesting.

Interesting, you thought. You turned the page of the book and saw a picture of the entrance to the bunker, it was a old black and white photo, and a little blurry. You thought it was interesting, all the other things in the book was how there was a bunch of strange murders, which you of course knew was either demon or angels doings. This.. this was interesting though, maybe it was the second undiscovered portal to heaven! If it was Cas sure wouldnt get mad at you for visiting earth this once. You teleported to the place it showed in the picture.

It looked exactly the same, but instead of like in the picture, there was a shiny black car parked in the front. It seemed like an old 67 Chevy Impala, based on that encyclopedia about cars you read. You walked towards the entrance and tried it, it was open. Maybe the book was right, maybe someone discovered it again.

You thought you shouldnt have gone in, but your curiosity got the best of you. You stalked in when suddenly there was a loud bang, and something shot into your chest. You didnt even flinch and looked down at you hoodie, which now had a hole with a little red stain surrounding it.

"Aw come on! This was a new sweatshirt!"

You complained as you fixed your sweatshirt. With the wave of your hand your sweatwhirt was fixed, and it was if you were never shot. Suddenly you were interrupted by a deep voice.

"So your an angel, well we got angel blades so tell us who you are or your dead."

You looked up to see the one and only Dean Winchester, Cas had told you stories about him and his brother, Sam Winchester. You couldnt help but grin, and teleport down so you were sitting in a chair seated at a large table. You put your feet up on the table and chuckled.

"Wooow, Dean Winchester, so it was you who found the bunker, explains it how my brother described you."

Dean sat across from you twirling a angel blade in his hand. He had that look on his face like he was about to kill someone or something, not suprising.

"Your brother? Who might be your brother?"

"You might know him as Castiel, or Cas. Hes really got to work on his people skills, and he usually forbids me to come to earth which is probably why you never heard of me, im y/n by the way, and I read about this bunker in a book and decided it would be cool to check out, but now I see its already been infested by the Winchesters. Oh well."

You smiled and Dean put down the angel blade and reached for his beer. You teleported the beer out of his reach and into your hands. You took a swig of the beer and smiled as Dean gave you a bitch face. You gave him a 'i didnt do anything face' and teleported so you were in front of one of the many bookshelves.

"Well now I know where Cas has been getting my books, explains why they are all old and dusty. Huh, he must have gotten his most recent one at some tourist store, wow Cas has really got to learn..."

"So how do you know all about how people act if this is your first time on earth?"

"Well I have visited quite a few heavens behind Cas' back, and ive read all about you guys, I guess I just took an interest."

Suddenly you started to feel a presence approach, and you knew it was Cas, before Dean could ask you anymore you leaned over and whispered into his ear,

"I got to go, by the way your getting a suprise visit from Cas, dont tell him I was here, even if he asks"

And with that you were back in your room, reading that same book about the murderous doings of demons and angels.

You had somehow bren able to secretely help the Winchesters with their hunts behind their backs. If they prayed, you awnsered. Cas was very busy with heaven lately, which meant more time to go to help the brothers. Recently they asked you to join them on a hunt, they could use a extra hand, you were hesitant at first but Cas was busy with a trail with some other angel. He wouldnt even notice, so you agreed.

You sat in the back of the impala, and you and Dean sang along to by the Sam just laughed as you pulled up into the driveway of an old house. You could sense over 20 demons in the house.

"Uh... Dean maybe we should head back..."

"Its ok y/n, we can handle them, we do have an angel on your side. And theres a huge chance they wont havr an angel blade on them."

"I guess your right..."

You three walked up the porch and kicked the door in. The demons immediately jumped on you and you started killing them, one by one. Suddenly a demon whipped you around and before you could do anything, he slit your neck with a angel blade, and your grace slowly flowed out.


The demon held up the vial of your grace, and threw you to the ground. He started to kick you and beat you. He then lifted the back of your shirt and carved angel wings intk your back, while you screamed in pain.

Suddenly Dean and Sam rushed into the room and killed the demon. Then you were ingulfed by darkness.


You woke up to find yourself in the bunker. You tried to move but your were met by pain. You were dressed in your old bloody skinny jeans and one of Deans ACDC shirts. Oh no, Cas was going to kill you, then worry about you for the rest of your life. You immedistely started searching through what you assumed was Deans room. You found almost 1000 dollars worth of cash, and an angel blade. You packed them intk a nearby duffel and slipped out of the bunker, you guessed the boys were asleep. You spent the rest of the night walking, until you found an old car you could use. You had to figure out how to actually live like a human, but how hard could that be?