
Dean x Daughter!Reader

   You were walking down the hall of the local high school. The walls were starting to peel, as the tiles in the floor were slowly coming up. You had accidently bumped into Frank this morning, and now you know that he will probably beat you up again.

    You entered your Science class and sat down. You pulled out your hunting journal and started to read more about Wendigos, Dean normally didnt let you look into the subject, but you recently took an interest in it. Suddenly someone took the book from your grasp. You looked up to see no other than Frank, with that smirk on his face he always makes when he was about to do something bad, like beat someone up, for example. You clenched your teeth and stood up as he looked through the book.

"Wendigos? Vampires? Oh my gosh what ever shall we do! Come on y/n dont tell me your into shit."

"Frank give it back!"

"What are you going to do? Call your little and have them kill me? Send me to hell?"

Frank chuckled and walked over the the science lab in the clsssroom, he took out the blowtorch and before you knew it, all your information of the supernatural was a pile of ash.

"Hey dork, after school today your gonna pay for bumping into me this morning."

While Frank walked pass you, you tipped out your foot just enough. Frank tripped and faceplanted, while rising with a bloody nose. His face was red with anger, and you started to think you hadnt done the smartest thing.

Frank stormed off and left you alone in the classroom once again. The bell rang and a stampede infested the classroom, hopefully you could sneak out of school before Frank found you, and then tell Dean what happened, more likely Cas.

    You hurried out the back entrance of the school, hoping Frank wasnt following you. You looked around and when all seemed clear a rock hit you in the back of your head. You turned around to see Frank and some of his other friends holding tons of rocks preparing to through them at you.

"Oh y/n, you shouldnt have tripped me, your going to you little bitch!"

Suddenly rocks were being hurdled at you. You tried to cover your face but your knuckles hurt just as much. You stared at Frank with horror in your eyes, while his were filled with anger. Rocks hit you everywhere, and all you could do was run back home.

You turned up the alleyway heading to the bunker, running as fast as you could, several times you had tripped and fallen, scraping your face on the roads asphalt. Everything was sore, you felt like you had just been beat up by a demon or something. Frank had finally stopped following you, no one dared to go near the bunker anymore, people thought it was haunted, one of the plus sides of living there.

You stumbled taking out your key to the bunker, and when you finally heard the click of the door, you felt releived. You stumbled in and headed straight to your room, ignoring Dean calling out your name.

You threw your backpack onto your bed and locked your bedroom door. When you looked in the mirror you saw yourself all beat up. You green eyes glossy and your face covered in both freckles and scratches, and your dirty blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail was now all knotted.

"Hey y/n? Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You didnt awnser me"

"I didnt answ-"

Suddenly you were interrupted by a coughing fit, those rocks had done a big deal to your lungs. And your breathing was raspy.

"Y/n? You okay?"

"Dad, im

Whats with the coughing?"

"What I cant cou-"

Once again you were interrupted by coughing, this time rough and horse coughing. You sounded like a horse.

"Thats it, open the door."

"Im !"


You sighed and unlocked the door. Immediately Dean walked in and stopped when he saw you. You literally looked like you had been tortured by a demon or something.

"Oh my god! Who did this to you? Was it a demon!?"

"No it was a human."

"Ill kill whoever did this to you."

You rolled your eyes as Dean dragged you to the kitchen. He put ointments on your bruises and wrapped your scrapes with gauze. You had some deep cuts from when Frank threw some sharp rocks. Dean poured some whiskey onto the cuts and you wimced at the pain. He put down the whiskey as he headed to get some stitches material, and you snuck a couple gulps from the bottle.

When Dean started to stitch up your cuts he started to question what happened as you rolled your eyes.

"Who was it?"

"This jerk named Frank, he chased me all the way here."

"So he punched you a bunch? Or what?"

"He threw rocks at me."

"Why the hell didnt you fight back y/n? I know for a fact you can not be defeated by some fucking ."

"Because I didnt want to be expelled from school!"

"God im gonna that

"Its okay dad!"

"No it isnt! He hurt you and hes gonna pay!"

You sighed as Dean finished up your stitches. You headed back to your room and started to play some music and do homework. Sometimes you thought Dean was too overprotective for a dad. It annoyed you.

When you were finishing up your math worksheet you heard some unfamiliar voices from the main room of the bunker. You grabbed your gun and headed out into the bunker. You jumped out and pointed your gun straight at Frank, who was squirming under Deans grasp. His eyes widened and filled with fear and he saw the gun in your hand. You groaned and dropped your gun to your side. Of course Dean went out to find Frank.

"I-Im sorry!"

"Bitch, sorry aint gonna cut You hurt my daughter your gonna have to pay!"

You approached Dean and folded your arms.

"Dean come on, let him go."

"Once he promises not to hurt you ever again!"

"I PROMISE! PLEASE! Just... let me go!!"

Dean let go of Frank and he sprinted out of the bunker. You looked at Dean and he pulled you into a tight hug.

"How long had he been bullying you?"

"All year."

Dean pulled away from the hug and looked directly into your eyes.

"Next time anyone hurts you, you tell me, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Alright now how about some pie?"