
Taehyung -Accidentally hurts you-

Taehyung had been practicing the kick in Idol because he feels like his kick isn't perfect. You were worried because he had been in the living room for over 3 hours now repeating the same kick. You didn't want him to tire himself out completely so you decided to make him take a break. You suddenly had a great idea to scare him. You silently crept up behind him and just as you was about to scare him he turns around a kicks once again but this time kicking you straight in the back. His kick was so powerful it brought you to your knees immediately and wounded you. You were on the floor practically chocking on air. He was absolutely shocked at the sight. It all happened so fast it took a moment for him to process.

'Y/N! Oh my goodness, are you okay?!' He yelled in a worried tone.

'Ouchhh, I didn't mean to get in the way I was going to see if I could scare you... sorry.' You chocked out.

'Y/N I didn't mean to kick you, I didn't notice you creeping up. I'm so so sorry. Can you stand up okay?' He asked.

'Umm yeah I think so.' You said while trying to stand up.

He saw you struggling and instantly picked you up bridal style. Taehyung's always been the over protective boyfriend so when he saw you hurt he felt the need to help you in anyway possible. He sometimes took looking after you too far but you found it cute and chucked a bit.

'Why are you laughing Y/N don't laugh right now you might hurt your belly.' He stated while still carrying you in his arms while heading towards the bedroom.

'You're stupid and cute Tae' You said while smiling.

When you got the bedroom, he gently place you on the bed and tucked you in.

'Stay here until your back feels okay.'

'I was only wounded a little, I'm completely fine.' You argued while trying not to laugh.

'I know but I hate seeing you hurt and this time it was my fault so let me take care of you okay?' He replied.

'Okay Taehyung okay' You said gently.

He stayed in the bedroom with you which you were happy about because he was finally taking a break and he was spending time with you.

'Taehyung, my initial plan was to get you to take a break. Mission complete.' You said proudly.

'You're so cute Y/N.' He said while kissing you on the forehead. 'I really do have the best girlfriend ever.'