
Hoseok -Seeing your self harm scars-

You and Hoseok were a happy couple. There wasn't a day where you two wouldn't laugh. You loved seeing him happy and he loved seeing you happy. That's what made your relationship so special. Even though being a busy idol was sometimes stressful, he always smiled for you. That's why telling him how sad you had been lately was so hard. You didn't have the heart to tell someone you loves you that you hated yourself because you knew how much it would hurt him. A few days ago, your emotions got too much and you cut your wrists telling yourself everything stressing you out was your fault. You blamed yourself for everything and you told yourself you deserved the pain. The cuts were no longer bleeding but the scars were still very visible. You heard the door unlocking and quickly, like any other day, threw on a long sleeved hoodie to cover the cuts. You plastered a smile on your face and waited in the living room for Hoseok to come in.

'Y/N~ ohhhhh Y/N' he sang loudly while walking in.

You giggled at his extra entrance and said:

'Hey Hoseok, how was work?'

'It was fun as usual' he said while walking up to you and pulling you into a loving hug.

Like always, you felt safe in his arms. He leaned back and smiled at you sweetly. You observed his beautiful face and noticed fluff in his hair. You laughed because it had probably been like that all day without him noticing.

'What's so funny Y/N?' He said while smiling because of your smile.

'Come here a minute Hoseok.'

You reach your hand to his hair to pick out the fluff without realising the sleeve of your hoodie slid down revealing the scars on your wrist. He held your wrist careful not to touch the cuts. He stared at them in shock and pain. You noticed him looking at the scars and quickly snatched back your wrist pulling your sleeve back down. You bowed you head not knowing how to explain yourself.

'Y/N...' he said gently while sighing deeply.

All it took was for him to say your name before you completely broke down in fornt of him. Your tears started falling uncontrollably and you couldn't speak. He saw the state you were in and pain instantly filled his heart to the brim. He pulled you into a hug deeper than ever and gently kissed your head while whispering in your ear:

'It's okay Y/N, I'm here for and always will be. You're not alone and if you're ever upset or hurt you can come to me.'

This might trigger some viewers sorry it’s a touchy subject. You’re loved & stay strong ♡

_princessacreators' thoughts