
Jungkook -Flinching In an argument-

'Y/N! Stop being ridiculous,' He said trying not to shout at you.

'Ridiculous? You're ridiculous. You're hardly ever here anymore and when you are you're always moody and too tired for me.' You yelled back at him.

You were in an argument with your boyfriend Jungkook because you were tired of him spending all his time at the studio and being miserable when he came home to you. You loved him but it was too painful to put up with being alone all day everyday without receiving any attention from him. You could no longer keep your feelings inside. You couldn't say this facing him so you turned away from the kitchen table he was stood by and began:

'Jungkook, I can't deal with this anymore. You don't pay me any attention at all. Everyday is exactly the same. I bet you wouldn't even notice if I di-'

'DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!' He snapped while slapping both his hands on the kitchen table behind you. The anger in his voice shocked you. You jumped at his sudden movements and tears instantly began streaming. You had never seen him so angry or violent. You were genuinely scared of him right now. He saw your tears and guilt showered over his expression.

'Y/N..' He began softly with his voice trembling in guilt. He hated seeing you cry in general but seeing you cry out of fear because of him completely broke his heart.

'Jungkook I thought you were going to hit me.' You cried out.

'I would never hit you Y/N you know that. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to get so angry... I've just been so stressed these past couple weeks.' He replied sorrowfully.

You knew how time consuming and stressful being an idol could be and you felt bad for lashing out on him. Although you knew he would never hurt you, you were still a little shaken up so you slowly walked over to him with your shaking body and hugged him tightly.

'I'm sorry for being mad at you without thinking about your situation.' You said while crying into his neck.

'Y/N, I can't believe you really thought I'd hit you. Don't be scared of me you're the most important thing to me.' He whispered in your ear trying to hide the cracks in voice.

He was crying. He was now mad at himself for making you cry. The fact that you were shaking because of him made it worse. He couldn't contain his sadness and anger and broke down on your shoulder. He began repeating his muffled apologies.

'Jungkook it's okay, I didn't mean it like that, I know you'd never hit me. The sound just caught me off guard and I got scared. Don't blame yourself it's not your fault.' You said while wiping your own tears away and hugging him tighter. You pushed his head up and cupped his cheeks In your hand while sending him a weak smile. You wiped the remaining tears off his face and looked him in the eyes. You both stayed there for a few seconds just looking into each others eyes until he held your hands and removed them from his face. Still holding your hands he pecked you on the head and hugged you again. You rested your head into his chest and felt safe again.

'Y/N, I love you never forget that.'

'I love you too Jungkook.'