

Rewritten: Loki: God of Tricksters

LittleVacon · Others
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48 Chs


In a world where ice reign supreme.  Bodies embraced by frost. Seems ethereal as they stood in their final wake.


"Thor, are you sure about this?" Loki asks as they walk on frozen land.

At their sight is a nice mountain with bloody pillars of rocks.

"At the top is their king," Volstagg said.

Thor looks at his companions.

"For glory! For Asgard!" He said with a prideful smile.

He took their hand as other holds onto one another.

With Mjølnir carrying them to the top.

They saw no life in their sight.

"Where are they?" Lady Sif asks.


He continues to walk as he said.

"Like the cowards they are," as Thor added.

Then a piercing red eye glow at the very distant.

"You came a long way to die Asgardian," a deep hoarse voice said.

"I am Thor! Son of Odin!" He yelled.

With Loki beside him and the rest behind the two.

"I know who you are," Laufey said.

"How did your people come to Asgard‽" Thor ask with deep anger.

Laufey stares at them and gazes at Loki.

"The house of Odin is full of traitors."

Loki just stands to look like he is ready for anything that can happen.

"Do not dishonor the name of my father with your lies!!" Thor's outburst isn't a shock.

But what Laufey said shaken the 4 except Loki.

"Your father is a murderer as a thief!!" He said with deep hatred.

"You said you came in peace but the truth is you only long for battle! You crave it! Nothing but a boy wanting to prove himself a man," he said with contempt and mockery.

Thor tightens his grip.

"This boy is tired of your mockery."

Frost Giant starts to appear everywhere.

Frozen shard enclosed their hands becoming their weapons.

"Look around you brother we are outnumbered," Loki whispers to him from behind as he stands beside Thor.

"Know your place brother," Thor said.

Loki shakes his head.

"You must know what you are doing have massive consequences, I know what this will follow, Go now as I still let you," he said.

"Let's go!," Loki said to Thor with anger.

Loki didn't wait for Thor to walk as he proceeds to leave.

Thor stares at the Frost Giant in front of him as he grits his teeth.

He turns around to leave.

"Run home little princess," Laufey said.

Loki gazes behind him as he just walks.

He saw Thor turn toward Laufey brandishing Mjølnir.


Laufey is send flying.

"Next!" Thor yelled.

Frost Giants run toward them.

As the warrior 3 goes in battle with Lady Sif.

Ice shards came flying from everywhere.

The 4 fight with their backs on each other.

Loki's body blurred as ice shard pass by him.


Then 9 different colored daggers appear behind him like wings.

Spinning his spear destroying debris of ices.

Thor is slowly being surrounded.

"ARGHHHH!!" Hogun screams as 10 shards pierce his body.

"Thor!! Let's go!" Lady Sif shouted.

"Then Go!!" he replied.

Volstagg carried Hogun toward the center of them.

Loki divided himself to 4.

The force slowly runs as the two frozen beasts coming to life.

Loki covers the retreat of the 4 slowings the opposition.

Then a quake happens.

"Damn..." Loki said as he saw Thor smashing his hammer down.

Two beast doesn't have a problem chasing them even with the collapsing land.

Run or be buried by a stupid ally.

But the only cliff greets them at the end.

One beast at the front and one at the back.

Thor launches himself toward the beast standing at the edge of the cliff.

As Loki sends the 9 blades toward the beast at the front.

The beast's skin slowly changes color then collapsing.

"As coward as ever," sneered by Lady Sif.

Loki just shrugged his shoulder.

Only to see the legion of Frost Giants.

Then a beam of light descends.

Odin came riding his unicorn.

"Laufey! We can still avoid this war from happe-"

"Father! We can win this!" Thor interrupted Odin.

"Silence you fullish boy!" Odin shouted in rage.

Laufey just launches his attack.

But blinding light pushes him afar as the Asgardian is sucked by the light.


In Asgard.

Odin looked at the wounded warrior.

"Bring him back!" He shouted as the 4 together with Heimdall.

Looking at Thor with deep anger.

"You!! You insolent boy! You disobey your father and disobey my command like a king! You are unworthy!" Odin said.

"I'm only protecting Asgard!" Thor shouted in protest.


"Hai!!" Odin interrupted Loki.

"You are unworthy of this! Of your family! I your king strip you of your powers!" He said removing Thor's glory cape. As Mjølnir slowly becomes heavy on his hand.

Odin then reaches for the hammer as it flies toward him.

Upon receiving it he kicked Thor as a portal like a kaleidoscope. Devour his figure.

Then Mjølnir followed him as Odin throw it.

Odin look at Loki as his aura became weaker and his age appears to age.

"Please help your brother if needed," Odin said to Loki.

Loki just nodded at him.


"It's starting."

Loki is looking standing at the top of the Empire State Building.

"The last step will be to do my original job. I already have given him an advantage. Now the last chess pieces."

Looking a naked bald figure that best defines power floating in front of me and a green mask that looks like a bark cut from a tree.

[Emissary's Gift]

I need to do it fast to prevent them from knowing my secret.


Lex suddenly closes his eyes but shock overcomes him as he is now standing on top of the sea.

With Loki looking at him while sitting on a throne but his other half of the body becomes a border of sea of flames and volcanos. A giant python is coiling on the throne.

"Long time no see, I won't waste any more time. From now on your Lex the Emissary of Order, as your gift, this is for you a new body. For what capability this has is for you to explore. Remember that from now on you can't actively participate in conflicts. As Emissary you are only to guide and give advice," he said with an amiable smile that seems foreign to Lex.

A bald and slim body full of power appears beside him as it fuses with him.

"Order is there because of Chaos, They co-exist and push one another." Loki gesture Lex to look at his left side the chaotic sea of fire.

There he saw a shadow of a man with a wide smile.


Arthur Fleck

Is standing on a sea of fire.

He looks amused at this with a wide smile.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" A slowly rising pitch laugher rings.

"I love to see you enjoying it." A soft and innocent-looking voice said.

Sitting on a throne, A figure of young Loki with the half of his body unrecognizable.

"Nice to meet you, Joker. I love what you do. So I'm gonna hire you."

Loki reaches out as a green mask floated above his palm.

Looking at Loki, Joker looks happy as he hears what he says but his brows frown as he looks at the mask.

"You don't like it?"

The mask slowly changes its appearance.

From a tree bark groves to a white smile with a very wide smile, red nose and black triangle marks above and below the eyes.

Joker looks happy at it. As his eyes become crescent with his open smile.

The mask levitated toward Joker and devouring his whole head.

Loud laughter echoes on the sea of fire with a volcano exploding like a hand is reaching out.

"Spread chaos, destroy, bring despair and force them to evolve! That is all I want for you to do. But don't touch innocent children," Loki said as he looks at the man smiling in front of him.

Shoulder long green hair, Triangle Mark on upper and lower eyes, red eyes and nose, the wide smile reaching toward his ears. Wearing his purple suit, redshirt inside and red pants.v

"Beautiful," Loki said looking at him.

Then Loki points at the right.

"They won't know what fun will come," he said

"Remember, Chaos exists because there is Order."

Joker look at a man with a strong figure waiting for the storm.

Giving his widest smile to him as he nods.

"I will make everything a joke," he said with his so wide smile that may tear his face.


With Thor being sent to Earth.

Loki only focuses on making sure that Thor doesn't knock on steel plates while weakening.

Odin is tricked by Frigga as she sends him to deep sleep.

She looks at her son feeling proud of his ability to divert events but still sadden by Thor's attitude.

With Loki's actively looking for praise from his father Thor's ego is more inflated as the future King.


"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

A burst of laughter is heard from the very edge of the hall.

Accompanied by smoke all over the secret lab.

A certain dwarf is looking horrified at a man with clown make-up. His wide smile and crescent eyes that seem looking for blood.

"W-why are you laughing?" Trask asks as he looks at an unknown person.

All guards are either asleep or paralyze from the smoke thrown inside.

"You won't get it," he said, as he looks at him amused.

He shakes his hand with a vial of a liquid changing color as he shook it.

Gulping his saliva he reaches for it.

Joker gestures him to look at it.

Slowly walking back without his eyes leaving Joker he put a drop of blood under a microscope.

Gesturing again, Trask's sweat is dropping on his face slowly lowering his head.

Shocked by what he saw. He looks at the man who gives it to him.

Only to see...

Dancing under the moonlight beam the creepy things is the whole secret lab's roof become open to the night sky and the moon bigger than natural like a spotlight for the man dancing as he laughs.

"Hahaha," a small laugh escapes from Trask then it followed by loud and wild laughter.

"The last piece of the puzzle!!" Trask lifted his hands declaring his victory.

A paper float down.

A drawing of a kid crossed out. A sign of Joker.


Standing in my office I feel bored but I can't do anything for now.

"Mr. Lex the testing area is now ready," Henry said my trusted right arm. Also, a powerful mutant that can go anywhere.

I nodded as he put his hand on my shoulder as we vanish.

Arriving at the area I look at all equipment I will test to try my newly acquired body.

The only thing I know is.

'A certain man that is super bored as no one can take more than one punch but I modified your a bit.'

First, weight lifting.

I stand below a giant pressure jack.

"100 kg...200,500..."

I look at the man operating if he is joking me as I can't feel any pressure coming down on me.

Every look at me with awe.


"100.000 tons fastly moving up," he said at the end he gulps.

"What's the total capacity of this machine?"

"One million tons," Henry answered.

"Max it."

Bracing for the impact I lowered my body a bit for better grip.

"One million tons."

Then a burst of heaviness comes but after that my body quickly adapted.

"Okay, there is no point for this anymore. Let's go," I said, as I felt good. I did the right decision.


"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Joker walk inside the bank. The security aims the shotgun at him.

Joker's hand transform into numerous type of assault rifle.

The security man fainted.

People screamed and run everywhere seeking shelter.

He pops out a smoke. All of them fallen to sleep.

Walking toward the safe.

"Maybe a hammer will fit."

He raises his hand as it transforms into a huge war hammer. Swinging it down carrying a spark as it heats up from the speed.

A loud clashing happens as the safe door broke flying out.

"Another bad day." He said as he looks at the ruined money.

He goes in check for some fine bucks.

Other papel bills were torn as the wind came in.

He looks at the gold inside he smiles.

Opening his mouth, a powerful vacuum sucks every gold.

"Maybe not this one, Ha! Ha! Ha!" He said as he laughs hoarsely with enjoyment on his eyes.

"Sorry, Mister. Can you do me a favor and surrender peacefully?" Superman appears at the entrance.

"No," Joker smile at him.

Launching his laser eyes. He knows he can't underestimate him as he looks at the safe door.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Joker ran out yelling.

Outside police are blocking the road with guns ready to fire.

Joker became colored blue and melted.

"Ahhh... That's better," he said with a comfortable smile.

Superman raises an eyebrow.

He gripped Joker's melted body and lift it.

His body solidified again.

A large plasma cannon appears on his stomach aiming at Superman.

"Bye, bye..." Superman blasted out fast going through 3 buildings before stopping.

Joker's feet become a giant spring.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" 

Leaving everyone else.


[On TV: Superman isn't invincible! The Joker strikes again leaving Superman to dust! Do we need heroes if they can't control as a single clown?]


Clark Kent looks at the newspaper. He sighs deeply. He knows he can capture the Joker is he use all of his strength but that comes at the price of leveling the city as he knows the Joker has a massive arsenal of strange abilities and his strength is also not weaker.

He is slowly getting stronger as time pass.

He shook his head and just think he is doing this for innocent lives.

"Is this how you felt before you retire?" Clark whisper as he looks at a poster of Dollar inside his office.

"No, I can't stop because of a minor setback life is at stake," he said to himself.

In a cafe opposite the news building, he is working for is a red hair woman drinking coffee.

"Director Fury, I don't think we have the right man. This person is way too miles apart from the one we are finding." She said to her coms.

"Continue observing for two more days, the military is doing massive actions and sentinel project is now coming online. We can focus on this after."


In a mansion on a cliff at Malibu.

"Mr. Underwear, you have amazing power but your brain is way too stupid to just use glasses to hide your identity. Thank me later for this," Tony said, as he looks at footage of Clark transform to Superman. Luckily for Clark, he controlled all surveillance to delete those.