

Rewritten: Loki: God of Tricksters

LittleVacon · Others
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48 Chs


May 30, 2007

First day as an employee for maintenance.

With Sheila busy playing a rich madam with my clones as a Butler at home as a punishment for betraying me.

Walking to the receptionist.

"Hi, Jess! How are you doing? A pleasure to meet such a stunning lady in the morning." I said to her with a smile.

My Employee ID: Benjamin Ceric

A blonde American with 6'2 and swimmer body build.

"I'm fine, Is it your first day?" She replied.

"Yeah! Gonna enjoy smelling the ambiance of the greens." With a small laugh, I make way to the maintenance office.

"Hey, Jack! How's the feeling of riding?" I shouted to one of the fatter mates. He has unkempt hair curly hair.

"Hahaha! Shut up brat! Keep that mouth of yours. If Tony hears you that man will fire you because you fucking better than him in words." He replied.

"Be! Did you hear about the Dollar Vigilante roaming the street of Queens? Another one sprout from the beehive of heroes they said but this one is different. On his first day, he painted his contact info to the police then with minimum Per Hour Pay attach to it. And this vigilante caught 5 drug dealers during a rape incident. Do you know what he said to the victim? "Miss, Can I have a dollar? I need a donation cause I'm poor as hell I need to ride a taxi to keep the street safe." With tears like a river overflowing from his mask." Kevin was laughing his ass out. Some occasional squeak of a pig.

Yeah! That's me. Why do I need to do it for free when I can ask for donations and wages from them then donate to an orphanage.

I also robbed those robbers and drug dealers. Donate all of it to orphanage but each donation comes with a threat.

[Hey, I donated this money. I'm roaming the street at night. To keep it safe. So I want you to know bla bla.. bla... If you didn't use 80% of this money for the kids then say goodbye to your tine-tiny peepee. (With a small penis photo attach to it.)]

Surely the keeper did his job. New clothes and good food for the kids.

"Did you see on the internet forum. Lot's of Asian mostly those on terrorist land denouncing Tony as Merchant of Death?" Todd said.

"Let them. We, maintenance men, are just here for the money. A weapon created is also for the money." Kevin said while shaking his head.