
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 16

(A/N) Sorry about the long wait, I took a small break to let me come up with more ideas, you are more then welcome to give me ideas. I am again sorry for the absents.


The past week had gone pretty good Edythe has gotten off her high horse and Beau and her have been spending a lot of time together, which is nice to see. I also went over to the Rez and hanged out with Julie and Bonnie and a couple of the other members of the tribe. I had to tell Bonnie that Julie kept flirting with me and my "Vampire" mate would have a problem with it. She made sure Julie knew I was already in a relationship.

(End of thoughts)


I woke up like every other day, I used my gift to grab my cane which was propped next to my door, I got up took a shower, got dressed and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Me and Jasper have a mutual deal, he makes the coffee in the morning and I give him blood supplements and a pill to make humans not have a scent to him, I did it because he has the hardest time getting used to the new diet. After retrieving my coffee I went back to my room and then out to my porch, I was slipping is and relaxing, I had to finish getting ready for school. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started to vibrate.

I picked it up and saw the ID number, and the video request.

"Hi beautiful" I said

Jane had changed a lot since she started to take the serum's I gave her. (Janes actor was 18 when breaking dawn was finished so that's what she looks like now)

"Why hello Darling, How are you."

Lighting a cigar, " I am doing great now, since it has been a couple of days since you have called."

She rolled her eyes, "Well those serums take a lot out of me okay, but it is still nice to heard your voice, anything new on your end?" she asked

"Nothing much I have been giving Jasper some of the blood supplement and scent remover pills since I know he is still new to my family's diet." I said ashing my cigar

"Well that was sweet of you." she rolled her eyes again at me, "Esme is going to kill you if she walks in."

I smirked, "I ain't afraid of my mom."

I laughed then heard my door creak open, Esme was standing there in the door way, "Well you should be afraid son." Then shut my door.

"I told you Darling."

"Yeah, Yeah ,Yeah... Anything new on your end."

And as if I summoned the devil I heard the throne doors open on Janes end.

"Is that him Jane ohh let me talk to him." I heard a unfamiliar women's voice

"Fine here." was all jane said

The women looking at me had black hair same as Aro, she had the aura of happiness that could smoother you.

"Hi, my little 'Tesoro' how are you, when are we going to see you again."

She just keep asking question going 70 mph, then I heard Marcus voice.

"Dear, let him breath, he will be coming here for Christmas, and in the summer he is coming to stay for a while. Now are son needs to get ready for school."

I could hear him saying.

"Well of course I love you my little 'Tesoro'. " Didyme said

I laughed, "I love all of you too, 'Padre and Madri '

(Tesoro means Treasure but it also means Darling so for Darling ill be using tesoro but not capitalized)

Didyme gave the phone back to Jane, "I love you most tesoro."


School day was pretty fun I guess Emmett gave me crap on our way to school because I started to learn Italian. But Rose put him in his place, I swear are all men who become vampires, why is there mate always the more dominate one, because I swear when Jasper and Emmett start to act up they heel when Alice and Rose pull up, its kind of funny.

Well it was a pretty good day tell a asshat name Tanner "accidental" tripped and dropped a ton of water on my prosthetics and frying them, so Emmett had to run out to the jeep and get my wheel chair out. We got to our table and I was pissed.

(Okay up next Drac does something that one I don't think its out of character because that's how I wrote him, but it involves him pretty much ordering a hit on someone and telling them to make it look like a suicided or accident , Some people ain't comfortable with that so I put this warning in place, you can skip it and ill put something in so you know when it ends. Drac does have a sinister side but it doesn't come out that much only when he is truly pissed.


"Are you okay Drac." Alice asked me

"I am find I just got to make a quick call."

They all stared at me except Edythe.

"Drac that's fucked up you can't" was all she said

I start the video call

"What's up 'Figlio' Athena asked

"His name is Tanner Garrison, make it look like a suicided or a accident. That fuck ain't going to be missed."

"Okay I wrote the name down, Ill call you back when it is done."

I ended the call, my sibling where looking at me in disbelief.


(Warning over)

"Drac how could you." Rose asked

"That boy wont be missed, I know what he has done to others and specially the girls at this school, just because your a jock doesn't mean you get special treatment."

I looked at Rose I knew her story and then it clicked on her what I meant when I said what he had done, she looked to Edythe to see if I was right and Edythe just shook her head.

"Guy just remember, anyone can kill someone, anyone is just a bad day away from clicking."


When I got home I had to rewire some of the electronics in my prosthetics, but they would work again, when I got done worrying on my legs, I heard my phone go off and it was a text from Athena saying.

"Tanner won't bother you anymore, his vehicle won't be able to stop, we cut his brakes, Felix is in forks with Demetri right now they will make sure it is finished."

When I read it I felt back but it didn't truly hurt but I did feel bad, but after I though of it for what I have found out what Tanner did, and when Rose found out, I hope that kid rots in hell.

I was startled when my door flew open and Alice stood there, " He Drac in a couple of days there is going to be a storm, you want to come with us we are going to play baseball."

(A/N) Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter then next one I am just waiting for it will be a good one, but like I said in the start, the baseball scene will go a lot more different.