
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 15

(A/N) I am back, enjoy this chapter

Okay a before anyone says Bonnie Black but in you first chapter it was Billy, well I went back and changed it.


I had decided to go to the beach today only because I couldn't deal with Edythe's broody around the house, she saved beau from being killed in Port Angeles, she still broods around she can't deny the mate bond because if she keeps doing it, it will kill them both. I just needed to get away from her. So I was just chilling on a beach thinking.

My train of thought was interrupted my to figures in the distance, A female in a wheelchair Russet color skin and black hair, the other figure was a younger maybe 14 or 15 same features as the lady. They must be related.

'Wait what beach am I at'

When they approached me they stopped, the lady in the chair looked me over as if to study me.

"Hello, what are you doing here by yourself, can I please have your name?" the lady said in a stern but friendly tone

"Hi, my name is Drakul Cullen, sorry if I am on your property, I am still pretty new in town?"

The lady kinda of froze for a second then looked me up and down, then stopped.

"Julie, go to Harry's for lunch, I am going to show are new guest in town around the rez." the lady said

The girl huffed and then spun around and started to run, she turned around for a second, "Nice to meet you Drakul, come visit us sometime, Bye mom"

The lady watched as her daughter disappeared into the woods and watch as she left, she quickly turned to me, it made me jolt a bit. She smirked a bit as I did that.

"Follow me son."

We started to walk towards a couple of tables, when I got there she told me to sit. We sat in silence for a bit as she rubbed her eye, looking annoyed.

"Hi, my name is Bonnie Black that was my daughter and I am one of the elders here in La Push, now my question is if your a Cullen what are you doing on our land."

I do recall Carlisle talking about their treaty with Quileute's, but I ain't a vampire well yet.

Bonnie got impatient waiting for my answer, "Son, how much do you know or how much did Carlisle tell you."

I laughed a bit, "Not that much that I didn't already find out myself."

After that we spoke for a few hours, I told her my story, I told her about the pills I create to get rid of my scent, I told her how I met the Cullen's. We got along pretty well to be honest which was nice.

"Hey would you like to come over to a friend of mines to eat I think you know him already, The Chief."

"Ohh yeah sure I haven't spoke to Beau in a few days."

"Oh you know Charlie's Son?"

"Yeah I have a class with him."

We got up and I called Esme and told her I was going over to a friends house to eat, Bonnie called Julie to come meet us back at the beach. We started to walk back towards the beach and to met Julie there.

During our walk I couldn't help but ask Bonnie a question.

"Bonnie I have a questions?"

"What is it?"

"I was wondering is it just your legs that don't work or is it a spine thing?"

"Just the legs my spine is alright, I was in a Car accident that killed my husband why." she said

"Well if that's the case if I was to start working on a serum to help you get your functions back in your legs would you take it."

"That's impossible son." She said kinda angrily

"Nothing is impossible, if I can make a serum for my vampire mate so she can physical age a couple of year, I can make a serum that would help your legs."

"Mhh vampire mate?" she said

"A mate is like y'all imprinting, but for vampires."

As we walked it got silent

"So do you plan on becoming a vampire?" Bonnie asked quietly

"Yes, in a few years, since I am already dying, my own body is killing me, I would of already turned but there is a theory I am working on before I turn to get my legs back completely."

"Sorry, I am against it but I also understand the reasoning."

It got silent again

"Will I be welcome back once I turn?"

"If you really manage to get my legs back and you can control your thirst I will allow you back."

I laughed, "I'll be able to control my thirst trust me, I made a serum that can get rid of a vampires bloodlust, I tested it out when I was in Italy for a few, I also have blood supplements made its not as tasty as human blood but it satisfices you way better than animal or human blood."

Bonnie laughed for a minute," Wow kid you are something else."

We both laughed, which was interrupted by Julie running to us.

"What are you guys laughing about?"

"Nothing, Jules."

"Okay, but we got to go back and get Harry truck if we are going over to Charlies house." Julie said out of breath

"Nah we can just use my car." I said

They both looked at me funny

We got off the beach and to a parting lot, there was my beauty.

"Wow, Drac this is your car, I am working on a 86 Volkswagen Rabbit at the moment, but this car is a beautiful."

When we all got in my car and Bonnie guided me to the Swan house, when we got close I saw Edythe's Volvo in a driveway and I figured that was where Beau lived. As we got close, me and Edythe made eye contact and she grinned at me.

When we parked Charlies came outside to see use.

"Drac I am going to pretend that I didn't just see you driving it would be a shame to impound a beautiful car like that." Charlies said holding back a laugh

"He talked to Carlisle I have special permission to drive and I was with a adult." I said

Charlie laugh, " I'll talk to him to make sure your legal."

We all got comfortable, in the house, Bonnie, Julie and Charlies where watching a game on the T.V. Beau was cooking in the kitchen, I went in there to help him out. As I was watching some dish the silences was finally broken.

"Hey Drac when we get done can I speak to you."

I just nodded, I knew where this was going, I knew Edythe had not told him yet but he was getting there, they had interactions a few times but nothing serious.


I entered Beau's room and sat down in a chair, when Beau entered he started to paces in his room. when he finally stopped he looked at me.

"Okay Drac what I am going to say is crazy because if I am wrong, I could end up in a loony bin." he took a breath "Are y'all vampires, I have done some research and I came to that finding."

I smirked a bit," Yes, but I ain't a vampire, I am just a boy without legs that the Cullen's took in, but I do have a vampire mate."


So I decide to tell him enough, I explained to him what mates where, and about Edythe's feelings towards this.

"She doesn't hate you, she does love you that it hurts her to be away from you. What she doesn't like is that because you are a human, by the Vampire Law you will have to turn at some point and if you don't both of you could get in trouble."

After me and beau talked, we went down stairs with everyone else, we watched the rest of the game with them, then when we all got ready to leave I pulled Beau aside.

"You got this man, tomorrow will be good."

He looked at me and nodded, his confidence look really good too.


After I dropped Bonnie and Julie back at the rez, bonnie gave me her number so I can update her on the serum, when I go home the house was silent. I entered the house and everyone was sitting in the Livingroom quietly.

I sat down and Carlisle was just staring at me, "So son is there anything you want to tell us."

I felt like being a smartass, "Not really, went down to La Push and met Bonnie, she was cool her and her daughter."

Edythe's eye where like piercing into my eyes," Was that it" Edythe said

"Ohh I did go over to the Swan's house and let me tell you Beau can cook fish but not as good as yours mother." I said looking at mom

Edythe abruptly stood up, " I am done, why did you tell Beau." she said yelling at me

'Ohh hell nah you ain't yelling at me' I stood up so fast the chair fell over, "No No No, you don't get to yell at me, I told him, yes y'all are vampires and then I told him about the mate bond, something you should of done, but noooooooooo, you can't come to terms that he is your mate, but you don't want to have to change him and "Damn Him" to our world, Women up and go get laid by your mate because I am tired of seeing your lonely ass moping around the house like you don't have a socially awkward guy that is your mate, now talk charge and be prepared to follow him into the woods tomorrow, so you two and have a real talk." I said

I picked up the chair and huffed at Edythe who was still standing there in shock, I walked away to my room, and shut my door and fell face first into my bed.

I sat there for a few then heard my door open and someone clearing the throat. I could smell her perfume.

"Go away Rose, I ain't in the mood, I already now what you are going to say, I know your opinion on humans." I said

"I ain't here to annoy you with a lecture, I just wanted to say thank you for saying what all of us have wanted to say, yes I am against him but I know he will be turned. I just don't like the danger that could happen if thing go badly.

I just turned to her and smiled

She smiled back, " I love you"

"I love you too Rose."

I laid in my bed now on a pillow, Rose came further into my room and laid down with me.

She turned to me, " I am sorry that I have been a bitch lately, I am just worried for our family."

"It okay, I was just tired of her moping around."

"Just ignore her I do."

(A/N) I just want to say that the updated will probably come to one a week since on Aug 1 I start a new job. But untell then Ill post a often as I can. Thank ya for reading and just remember stupid comments get smartass response, you know who you are and too the people who actually like the story thank you and remember if you have a suggestion or idea let me know .