
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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Chapter 17

(A/N) So to answer a few questions people have asked about my updating schedule. I am starting a new job on Aug 1 so I will say this I am going to promise to write a chapter once a week, I will promise at least one a week, if you notice that one week there maybe a few more, I probably just had more time. But I will say this I ain't dropping this story anytime soon, unless I say something I ain't going anywhere. I am write for pleasure and fun.


I woke up the next day happy, I was going to see Felix and Demetri, it had been awhile since I had seen them, I see them like I see Jasper and Emmett they are like brothers to me.

I got dressed and went out to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee. I saw mom reading a design book for house's.

'I wonder if she is planning on building another house soon?' I though

"Hey mom" I waved at her

"How are you doing this morning." she ask

"I am doing great, I am going to meet up with Felix and Demetri later." I said sitting next to her

I could see the worry in her eyes, "I'll be fine mom, Jane would whoop them if they did anything."

That seemed to easy her worried a bit.

"What are you reading?" I asked

She looked down back at her magazine.

"I am looking at ideas for your room, you need more space with your workshop."

I rolled my eyes, "Mom I don't need a bigger room I love my room." I said

Dad came up from behind me and started to play with my hair, "Son you ain't winning that battle trust me, when you and Jane get your own place, you are going to lose many battles." Dad said laughing

We all started to laugh a bit then the mood was interrupted by my phone. I look at the text, "Shot I am going to be late."

Mom put her magazine down, "Why are you in such a rush son?"

"Remember twice a week I go out with Charlie and he takes me to the firing ranger to practice, last week he took me hunting. He said that my aim is really great. *Laughing* He even offered my a job at the station once I get out of High School." I said

"Did he now." Dad had a proud look on his face

"Yup, I would love to chat but I need to go."

I went to my room and grabbed a few things, I ran out of my room towards the garage door, " I love y'all."


When I arrived at the range I met up with Charlie, what took me by surprise was that Bonnie was there too.

"Hey, Bonnie" I said

She looked over, "Hey trouble, haven't seen you down at the Rez."

Charlie looked confused, " The Rez I thought you had a personal vendetta against the Cullen's." Charlie said

"I do but this one is a good one." She looked over to me, "How is the progress going on the serum?" she asked

Charlie looked even more confused.

"Its going great, I say about three weeks and then you can use it." I said

"Wait... Wait What are you talking about." He said

"Well Charlie I am working on a serum to help Bonnie get her legs back."

He was still confused but shocked now, he started to rub his eye, "You know what I would say that's impossible but I am starting in front of a kid with high-tech prosthetics."

His comment made me and Bonnie laugh a bit.

We talked about it for a bit, I explained to him about when I met Bonnie, 'Leaving out the part about Vampires and Shapeshifters', after we got done talking we started to go into the range and unload some ammo.

After a while I pulled out my revolver I made, I used normal ammo, mainly because I have about 30 bullet of my special ones. I was taken out of my thoughts by Bonnie.

"So that's the gun you told me you made?" she said

"Yeah, but normal rounds because I don't have that many special one." I said, she just nodded


(Time Skip because I want to)

I entered a hotel in Port Angeles, I got the room that they where staying at, I was about to knock but the door swung open and Demetri pulled me into a hug "Drac", he let me go of the hug. I sat down and greeted Felix.

We sat there and talked are heads off for a few hours.

After a few hours, Felix handed my a small box.

"What's this" I asked

"Just open it dummy." Demetri said

I opened the box and it was a very elegant necklace, the symbol was very similar to the rest of the Volturi.

"Your 'Padre' and 'Madri' thought it would be good for you to wear that so other Vampire would know not to touch you."

I put on the necklace, kind of giddy because not that many people buy me gifts.

After that me and Demetri played some video games while Felix waited for me to whoop Demetri's ass to play next.


(Three Hours later)

I look at my phone and see it it 11:14 PM, "Hey guys sorry to do this but I got to head home its late and I have school tomorrow."

"Ahh come on man, one more game." Demetri said

Felix slapped him on his head, "Dude quit acting like a child, we have the summer with him." Felix said

I laughed at him, "Yeah and trust me, you will still have to wait your turn, because I have a feeling Jane is going to kidnap me when I get there."

We all laughed a bit.

I got my stuff all ready and I told them both good by and thanked them for talking care of my problem.

"No problem bro, What are you and the Cullen's doing this weekend?" Demetri asked

"Ohh we are going to play baseball since there is a storm coming in, Why?" I said

"Just be careful there have been a few nomads around." Felix said

"I'll be care I got this baby." I tapped on my holster "Take care you two"

(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter just wanted to put a few things in motion before the next chapters.

Also this are the Italian Translations I am using, and so people now most Italian words have a few meanings.

Italian names

Tesoro- Treasure

Padre- Father

Madri- mothers

tesoro- Darling

Amore- love

Figlio- son


Also just so people doing get confused


Carlisle- Dad


Marcus-Father or Padre

Didyme, Suplicia and Athena - Mother or Madri