
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

The Tin Can Man II

The next time I woke up, it was to an unfamiliar ceiling. I panicked for a while until memories of the previous day flashed through my mind. It was to say, unbelievable. Flying metal men, lasers shooting across the air. It was a miracle I was alive.

It is at these moments when I want complete silence, why is it that these muggle women and children prefer to be so talkative now?!

'No way, seriously?! I cant believe it.' Yes way, I'm finally going to meet him, I'm gonna show him my blueprint and he'll definitely want to buy it from me.' Do you think he will adopt one of us?' He is such a charitable man. ' So you're telling me he's really rich? I never heard of him.'

What's going on? Who's coming?

I look towards Jade with a confused look plastered onto my face. She took giddy steps towards me and picked me up with a swing.

"Oh it's wonderful baby, Mr. Stark has offered to visit us and reconstruct the orphanage."

'Who?' I tilted my head to the side, still in confusion about the identity of Mr. Stark.

"Oh he's one of the richest men in the world and a wondersul superhero. he's the one that saved us all."

That buffoon that almost killed me?

"Wouldn't it be just lovely if I could get him to notice me? *Ouch*"

I watch in amusement as Ms. Johnson slapped the back of her head.

"Jade, Mr. Stark is a very kind man and when he come's here you shouldn't be ogling at him and watch the children."

"I know- I know. But still, " Jade turned back to me and whispered in a loud voice. "wouldn't it be wonderful if you get adopted, then you could also have a name. Andrew

Stark or Jason Stark, Oh! maybe you could even be Jade Stark! it is a unisex name so it will be-*Ouch*"

"Really Jade, I just told you to watch over them, now you're whispering your delusions to a poor innocent baby who should never understand your words for his own sake. What will I do with you?"

"Hahaha alright Ms. Johnson." She set be down, back into my new crib and trotted away to the kitchen, probably to get me a bottle of milk.

"That girl, when will she learn." Ms. Johnson turned over to me and bent down. "As for you, you should stop ignoring you possible mommies and daddies okay? It would be nice if you get adopted you know? You get to have your own room and your own parents who will love you. So you should also do your best. It is not everyday a rich man walks through these doors. Couldn't you say papa for me? hmm? com'on. Papa, papa, papa."

Hey, aren't you doing the same thing as Jade did earlier? Now that I think about it, I guess ignoring these muggles may cause them to focus more attention on me, completely opposite to what I had planned. . .But I guess it wouldn't really matter much since I already spoke a 'slightly' full sentence yesterday.

Maybe if I do what she wants, she'll buy me a new blanket, I haven't got anything to lose.

"Pa-" *riiiiiiiinnnggggg~*

"Oh! he's already here! quick children, fix yourselves up, you would want to be presentable."

I inwardly gave a sigh and watched as all the other children smoothed out the creases on their clothes and straightened up their hair. Giving a curious glance at the door now I was really curious as to what power this man holds. He might only be doing this for publicity.

Ms. Johnson opens the doors and a man is invited in. By the way he hold himself with an air of confidence, they aren't lying when they said he was powerful, probably in the business world.

The man had an unshaven face, slightly messy hair, but wore a branded expensive-looking dark blue almost black suit and white dress shirt matched with black leather shoes and branded shades. He's definitely doing this only for publicity.

"It is a pleasure for you to come to us in our time of need Mr. Stark."

"Please, Tony is fine, Mr. Stark is my father."

"Of- of course, would you like to meet the children Tony."

The well dressed man flashed a charming bright smile that would let any female swoon. For some reason, even if he is muggle, He is able to hold himself with the slytherin pride. There is more to him than he lets show, I know it. I can also feel a very strong aura of snark and smart-mouth radiating off of him. Something tells me this man will be quite amusing to watch.

"Actually I have already met one. I was wondering if I could adopt him."

"Of-Of course! I'll get the papers right away. Janeee~"

Ms. Johnson dashed away with a jump in her step. How on earth did I survive living with these Hufflepuffs?

The man looked around as if searching for something until his eyes came to rest upon me. Why is he looking this way? He flashed another smile and walks over to me. Taking off his shades as he bends down to look at me

"Hey there kiddo. I believe we have met before. My name is Tony Stark and from now on I will save you and take responsibility over you."

? Is that something you say to an infant you will adopt. wait, I don't allow this! I will not let a muggle adopt me, I already have a family waiting for my return home! But somehow, his voice and what he said sounds familiar.

If only I could use legilimency to- ! . I focus my concentration on a spot within my chest. It feels warmer than yesterday, could my magic be coming back? No wait, something seems suspicious. There's something going on and I will find out.

My magic is very limited so it would be better if he picks me up, the proximity will allow me to use legilimency easier.

"What is your name?"

I was about to answer when a different voice answered for me.

"He doesn't have one yet, but if you adopt him I'm sure he will have the best name."

"A boy? he looks a little feminine but I guess most infants do at his age. So he doesn't have a name. do you know how old he is then?" Tony turned to the direction where Jade came from.

"Why yes, he came with a piece of paper attached to his blanket. We believe it was his birthday. It was June 6 last year at 6A.M."

June 6? That cant be right. I was born on the fifth of June, not the sixth, though I guess one day wouldn't really matter.

"6/6 at 6A.M.? guess someone's a little unlucky."

I see, quite like Bellatrix to choose the Demonic number but forget to put my name. Unless, yes, keeping me hidden in the muggle world may not work that well with such a Black wizard name as Draco.

There was still something in one of his earlier sentences that irked me. In no way am I feminine! and I am not unlucky!

The unshaven man bends over once more, and this time, picks me up. Holding me in his surprisingly strong arms. Truly, I expected him to be week considering that you don't need to be fit to run a business.

Now is the time. 'Legilimency'

I scan over his memories and find out quite a lot more than I expected from this man. He was the metal muggle from yesterday. I also found that he is as brave and courageous as a gryfindor, loyal to his friends as a Hufflepuff, sly and cunning as a Slytherin, and Incredibly smart, smarter than most Ravenclaws!

I certainly did not expect that from this pompous looking businessman. He certainly doesn't look to be the brave or the loyal type. I scanned his head for a little while longer and found something that wasn't supposed to be there. A compulsion charm. It looks new and seems to be amateurishly done.

"Well Sir Tony, I have the papers ready, What would you want his name to be?"

I almost forgot, I was about to be adopted.

I stayed in his mind and heard something utterly repulsive. I absolutely refuse to be named with such an ordinary, dull, boorish name. I don't think that there could even a name that could rival the extent that it reeks 'muggle' as-

"Tom. Tom Stark"