
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

The American Wizarding World Part 1 III

As soon as we stepped out of the building, it was as though the entire world had changed. Lights twinkled brightly on every post, roof, and tree. Old, wooden buildings lined the edges of unusually named streets, well unusual for non-magic folk that is.

All sorts of colors would flash through the shop windows, illuminating a bright array of strange knickknacks. Some of the trinkets fluttered around within their cases, whilst others emitted a jaunty tune whenever someone walked by.

Somewhere overhead there are owls flying left and right, delivering last minute Christmas letters and presents.

Wizards and witches dressed in their robes of different styles and colors massed in tight clumps on the street. Some rushed hurriedly by with giant steps, whilst others walked at their own pace. But everyone would call out to one another with their holiday blessings and cheer. Their greetings playing a symphony heard only during the most anticipated time of the year.

To any other child, everything would scream of magic, wonder, and dreams. But for me, it can only be described in one word.

Home. This was where I belonged.

Potter: "Right this way Tom, follow after me!"

"Good Afternoon Mr. Potter! Pleasure to see you this afternoon."

I turned to face the man who called out to. . . Potter. Noting his wide smile and cheery atmosphere. Hufflepuff. There is no other term to describe this man who bleeds yellow and black.

Potter: "Mr. Grimsditch! it's great to finally see you not hidden behind your desk, I almost didn't recognize you."

Grimsditch: "Well it's a most wonderful time of the year after all, I refuse to torture myself with more paperwork."

Potter: "As do we all. Send my regards to Mrs. Grimsditch, she's been quite dazed these past weeks."

Grimsditch: "It's all the last minute Christmas shopping I tell you. Nothing to worry about."

Potter: "Well, we best be on our way now. Little Tom and I have to fill out our own few forms."

Grimsditch: "Little Tom? Why, I didn't see you there!"

I jumped at the sudden attention.

Grimsditch: "What might your name be?"

Tom: "Hello Sir. My name's Tom, Tom Stark."

Grimsditch: "Tom Stark? Might you be related to that superhero, Ironman?"

Tom: "Yes Sir. He's my father."

I wait for his reaction of surprise and awe but was unsettled by his unanticipated dispirited look.

Grimsditch: "I'm sorry. It is taken with great pain, the loss of a such great man brings. Especially to family. If there is anything I could do to help-"

Tom: "He's not dead!" I cut him off before he could continue what he was saying.

Tom: "I know he out there hiding somewhere. It's not the first time."

Grimsditch: "I see, so where are you boys headed?"

Tom: "I'm taking him to Central Hall." Potter speaks up before I could, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Grimsditch: "Oh? Well you should hurry up then, it's past 5 o'clock."

Tom: "Goodbye then Grimsditch. Merry Christmas."

Grimsditch: "Merry Christmas Potter, you too Mr. Stark."

I nod my head and push Potter forwards, not wanting to be near that man again. How dare he insinuate that nonsense.

We walk down the street quite similar to Diagon Alley. There was a broom shop, a candy shop, a bookstore, an owl post, everything that was there, I could find here.

"Here we are, watch your step."

We stop in front of a smaller building with the words "MACUSA District Office" engraved over the top of two doors raised a few feet above ground level. I took each step on the three step wooden stairs with care, the splintered wood creaking underfoot.

Inside was much larger than the outside and looked of a much higher class than the old rotting wood entrance on the exterior of the building.

The tiled floor had lotus patterns, and the tinted glass gave an air of class. Behind the intricately carved reception desk sat a woman who was thin and positively ancient. Her hair was spattered with grey and her brown eyes flitted over document after document, her rectangular glasses perched right at the tip of her long nose.

Potter: "Good afternoon Ms. Fowler, I'm here to register a minor, No-Maj born."

Fowler: " ? " The witch leaned over her desk to look at me.

Fowler: "Why you would bring him here? All No-Maj borns are automatically registered by Ilvermorny after they get their letter at the age of 11. He seems no older than 8 or 9."

Potter: "Ah yes, he is scheduled for an introduction later this evening due to. . . over use of controlled magic."

Fowler: "! . . . I see. Well then Mr.?"

Tom: "Stark, Tom Stark."

She reached for something under her desk and places it on top of the desk facing me. A piece of paper, and ink pot, and a quill similar in size and color to the ones found in Gringotts.

Fowler: "Mr. Stark. I will have you write your basic information. Don't bother lying, it will change back to the truth anyway.

I nod my head and take the quill with practiced ease. It has been quite some time since I last used a quill but it seems like I still haven't forgotten.

Dipping the quill tip into the pot, I look over the paper and immediately come across a problem. Have I been registered as Draco Malfoy already? If I write Tom Stark will it change into my real name? But Tom is also my name since it is on both of my muggle adoption and birth certificates.

Elegantly, I write my name on the paper. Tom Stark. And wait for it to change. While writing my other information like my birth date and Guardian's name, I inwardly cheer and am saddened that the ink doesn't move at all.

Did my parents already forget about me? Promptly after filling it all in, the ink of my birth date changed from June 7 (the day I arrived in America and what was written on my birth certificate) to June 6 +0. I thought maybe it would change to June 5 which is my real birthday from my past life but there it is, June 6, though I have no clue what the '+0' is.

/ Little did anyone know 'Draco Lucius Malfoy' had already been written down on Hogwart's Book of Admittance which will bring about a few complications in the future /


for those who will question why Tom Stark didn't change into Draco Lucius Malfoy, this is because he has already been registered by muggle paper and so legally he is Tom Stark, adopted son of Tony Stark. Lucius had registered his son right after birth (just before he went missing the day after- leading to the quill of acceptance to write down his name into the book of admittance) this will lead to inheritance issues, and a lot more identity crisis problems of course but it won't be found out until much later. +0 is the time zone England is in, the Western European Time Zone whereas CA, America can either be -8 or -7 during daylight saving time. I hope this was helpful./

Fowler: "Alright you are free to go, just don't be late to the meeting."

She slid the piece of paper off the desk and placed it into a folder on a shelf behind her.

Potter: "Thank you Ms. Fowler. You say your thanks as well."

Potter nudged my shoulder with his right arm.

Tom: "Thank you Mr. Fowler."

Fowler: "You're welcome Mr. Stark."

When we left the building at the sight I saw a couple of newspapers. Reading up to date news wouldn't really be of a loss to me. I reach over to Potter's sleeve and tugged before voicing out my thoughts.

Tom: "Can we look at some papers?"

Potter looked down at me and smiled.

Potter: "Sure thing."

We headed over to the newspaper stall and I started looking over the different titled and pictures. Man Saves Family From House Fire. Failed Attempt To Break Out Of Azkaban. Ilvermorny's School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry Now Offering N.E.W.T. level Alchemy. I glance at the other papers until I come upon the most recent one. No-Maj Superhero Dies After Threatening Mandarin.

In the front cover I could a picture our house getting bombarded by missiles. My vision starts to get blurry and heat rises into my face. They're wrong, he's not dead. He always disappears but he always comes back!

I could feel anger tinting my vision red, with whips of magic sizzling at my fingertips. I heard startled screams before feeling my head being pulled back and a vial being pushed against my lips, its contents pouring into my mouth. I was about to spit it out before there was a jab against my stomach causing me to swallow. I bent over and coughed due to the sudden intrusion of a potion down my throat, feeling calmer I noted that the taste was that of a calming draught. Immediately I started glaring at Potter.

Potter: "I didn't give you anything bad, it was to calm you down since you were doing accidental magic."

Tom: "I did accidental magic?"

Potter shrugged and gestured to the newspaper stall now missing quite a lot of papers and the ones that remained were shredded to oblivion.

Tom: "Th-that?! I-, I-."

Potter: "I know you didn't mean it, but first you should apologize to the man whose livelihood you destroyed."

I turned to face the startled wizard and apologized. I didn't even notice I had done magic. After a while I felt a person's hand patting my head.

"It's alright kid. I know you didn't mean it, and thank you for apologizing."

My eyes grew wide at the strangeness of this man. I destroyed his stall and he thanks me? Though it does feel nice to have others commend me for saying sorry. No one has done so before, all this time I was just sucking in my pride. So this is what it feels like to say the right thing without a heavy heart. It's less aggravating than I thought.

Potter: "No, thank you for letting him off, I'll pay for everything."

"Oh you don't need to, it's Christmas. It's the season of giving, there is no reason to be stingy."

Potter: "Then that's even more of a reason for me to pay for it. Don't worry I am fully capable of it, our family is quite well off. Take it as my gift to you."

"Well if you say so, here you can have some candy. It's all I have to give, I hope you won't mind."

Potter: "Oh, not at all. I love fizzing whizbees! Here Tom, try some."

I considered not eating it but thought better of it. Because if I do take one I will float and won't be able to walk properly on my own. Then he would have to drag me around which would be favorable on my part since my feet were starting to hurt from all the walking.

Taking two, I started to suck on them and float, not forgetting to put on a shocked expression. Potter laughed before saying goodbye to the man and grabbing hold of my shoulder, pushing me as he heads towards our next destination. I know I shouldn't be this calm or happy after that incident, but I blame it on the calming draught.