
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

I found daddy, but I hurt him! III

Sometime after returning with some apples, two of which have already entered my stomach, I had unknowingly fallen asleep on the Hospital's bench. The next morning I had woken in a familiar room. Seeing the same Victorian style bed sheets next to old wooden carved bed posts, and feeling the same ice cold marble floor freeze my feet as I get up from bed during the morning was certainly different than experiencing it at 3 in the morning. The room was much cozier than I remembered.

I never expected to be back here again. At least not so soon. I remember Potter telling me that he and 'other people' will be asking me some questions in the morning, as well as to not escape because there were werewolves with counter-measures. . . I think. . . I can't remember, the few glimpses of memories the happened while gaining and loosing consciousness throughout the night were not all that reliable.

After freshening up (spending more time in the shower than I had planned) and donning a new attire that Potter's house elf must have prepared. What was his name again? Buckbean? Barley? Buckwheat? I went down to get a light breakfast and indeed, my memory of Potter's statement was on point. . . At least the first half was. A stern looking auror had come, and by badges pinned on his clothes, he seems to be part of some sort of intelligence and interrogation department.

"Let's cut the formalities. You performed an illegal type of magic. Where and who did you learn it from? Don't lie to me since if I catch you even once, I will have no choice but to use our own method of making sure you can't lie again."

So basically you won't give me veratiserum until I prove myself a terrible liar. . . Deal!

I looked at his eyes, and gulped nonexistent saliva. Almost automatically I saw his eyes turn gentler, until a second later- he clenched his fist even tighter than it was before; must be a newbie. Looks like they're going easy on me since I'm just a kid. Nice.

But I can't seem too fake, or I'll definitely get caught.

"I- I don't know sir. I just got angry since my father kept lying to me and wanted him to stop lying. Before I knew it I could see his memories. Then when I tried to back out, I realised that I had hurt him. I didn't mean to! I thought he was okay. Did I actually hurt him really badly?"

The Auror's conviction obviously shook from the wavering/contemplative look in his eyes. He must think everything I did was accidental magic by now. Well, it's not completely wrong.

"No. No. Your father's fine. But do you really not know what you did?"

I slowly shook my head, as though ashamed at what I had done. . . Well. . . I really am ashamed at what I had done. . .

He sighed defeated, but his eyes strengthened once more.

"What else can you do?"

I guess he's testing me now if I'm telling the truth. By the looks of it, they already know what I can do, but not how much I know. Alright. Let's use 'I can do magic and am aware of it, but I don't know how!'

I stayed silent for a few seconds, creating the perfect mood for a troubled yet 'I'm ready to fight back if you try anything funny' pre-teen!

". . . I can move things without touching them. I could make people do what I want without telling them. I could make bad things happen to people who deserve it."

I could hear him take in a sharp breath, shocked at what I told him. But why? I only described wingardium leviosa, compulsion charms and harmless jinxes. Like most kids usually do as accidental magic. . . Does he not believe me? I strengthen my gaze, showing him that I know what I can do, and I'm not just some delusional kid.

"I could make them hurt for messing with me, or what's mine. Could you do that too?"

So you better not try anything foolish! . . . Why do I feel like I've heard those words somewhere before? [3]

*gulp* . . . he gulped? Did I say too much?

". . .You can't keep using it anymore. As you know, we wizards keep ourselves a secret from the world."

"I shouldn't use magic anymore?"

But wouldn't suppressing my magic turn me into an obscurial?

"No. You can still use magic but not outside of wizarding boundaries. We can have someone pick you up at least once every two weeks to teach you the basics on controlling and safely letting out your power. Don't expect much though since formal lessons usually start when the child is 11, not 7."

"Oh.. ."

"You have to promise not to use magic outside anymore. Okay?"

"Okay. I promise. But may I go more often? There's almost nothing to do at home when dad's not around."

". . . I guess we can organize it. How often do you want?"

Looks like the bargaining starts now. Guess I'll max it out to see how far they'll go. But I also wouldn't want to be stuck under surveillance 7 days a week.

"5 days a week!"



I shook his hand preventing him from taking back his words. His darkened forehead loudly expresses his dismay at having to find me a teacher who will teach me 3 days a week.

"Monday, Wednesday, Friday."

"Don't push it kid. I'll have to speak with headquarters to find someone available. You're stuck with whatever schedule that person has."

I showed a mildly irritated/disappointed face.

"Alright. But no Sundays."

Sunday is family day and that's the only day I'm sure father is free. He needs to teach me about nuclear chemistry! If there's a way to generate raw magic by having it create itself, then it would be a huge boon that would solve all problems of running out of energy while casting wards, creating blast-nuggats (crystal balls with 'Bombarda maxima' spell cast into it using runes.), and other such war-necessary items.



John's P.O.V. (That interrogation auror, but don't worry. He will only be mentioned and most likely never appear again. . . maybe.)

No child has ever been that aware of what they can do. Accidental magic happens spontaneously, most of the time without the child knowing they're the ones who did it. But he knows what he can do. And he even controls it consciously. He knows his power, and he uses it to his will. But the creepiest thing about this kid is his possessiveness and his desire for dominance. How is he already threatening me to not mess with him at his age?

Just talking to him makes chills run up and down my spine. This kid is definitely not normal. There's a dangerous aura surrounding him. There's also the situation he apparently caused not even a month ago. Using magic out in the open in front of No-majs! Sooner or later he'll reveal us all. I'm surprised he has stayed hidden this long.

His rapid shift in personalities also caught me off guard (From an innocent, confident, and mischievous child to an emo, psycho-serial killer in the making.) Bi-polar disorder?

The more I think about this kid. The more my head hurts.

"Potter. There's something wrong with this kid. It's not good to have him watched by millions of No-majs. He is far too aware of his own powers. His father is also far too familiar with SHIELD to keep him hidden from them. I'm sure you know this but the only thing SHIELD knows are the level 13 files entrusted by the Government. We need to keep it that way so we need to make him invisible, now!

"Do you mean he has to stay in the wizarding world?"

Samuel seems exited yet concerned about the though of the boy staying here, in wizarding community. Probably thinks he'll stay with him. . . Well, he isn't wrong. He's the best candidate since the boy is already familiar with him, but he's not staying here.

"No. I'd have him stay with a wizard if it were only up to me, but we can't legally separate a child from his parents. Tell his father that he needs to stay somewhere remote. And tell him we're putting up wards no questions asked."

"But what if he refuses. You know 'Iron man' isn't the type to silently follow other's words."

"Then tell him he needs to protect his son unless he wants SHIELD to use him as a weapon!"

". . . Alright, chief."

*sigh* This child is giving me more headaches than my wife, and I only met him once! I glanced sideways at my desk where blank papers lay untouched.

Filing paperwork is the worst part of being an auror. No one ever signs up to be an auror just to sign more paperwork! I was a fool. I should have just pursued Herbology instead and inherited my dad's green-house.


[3] For those who want an explanation. It might be mentioned in the future or not, but remember that drop of Potter blood Draco used as substitution for the spell in the first few chapters? Well, that along with the other ingredients had fused Harry's blood into his own. The Phoenix blood was supposed to be used to re-create life. And indeed there was Phoenix blood which wasn't strong enough to recreate his life, but merged it with his previous (baby) one. You know how much importance wizards place on blood power? Yeah, I wanted to use that.

Potter's blood made him have some subconscious memories from Harry. Not anything big, but stuff like feeling a little more amicable to the Gryffindors, have a little more doubt on the way his Godfather, Severus, acts. But this wont affect the fact that he still idolizes Snape very much, and wishes the Gryffindor Quidditch team will break their bones and fall sick during a match. This doesn't affect his pride and lower self-esteem, though. Those are because of his experiences of falling to the bottom of the food-chain with everyone hating on him, including himself for his bad choices during the second wizarding war against Voldemort. So yeah SUBCONSCIOUS MEMORIES!)