
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

D = Q^2 – d(P x V) II

Draco P.O.V.

"Ugh. Why can't this stupid applicator work properly???" I grumbled under my breath as the stupid silver thermal grease wouldn't come out of the tip.

Catalipsie glanced up at me temporarily before resuming to transfer her memories of the days I spent with 'my father' in Malfoy Manor. It's still strange for me that I don't feel anything off even if I just forgot weeks if not months of my life. I'm waiting until Catalipsie has completely transferred memories of 'my father' into several vials so that I can condense it into a memory stone before viewing it. And any choices I make before I retrieve those memories may be unreliable, hence I will wait until I view everything that I forgot before taking any action.

Three days ago I was released from the hospital and discovered that the samples of Project 13 had arrived from Estragon Laboratories. After 4 years of research, I have finally reached the last stages of my project. Hence, I immediately dove into continuing part 3 of my experiment, "Project mAA".

Recently I'm beginning to think that I've been cursed. On my way out of St. Mungoes the staff in charge of guarding the room where they kept the personal belongings of patients safe went crazy, and he had to be subjugated by three Aurors before he was detained in the psychiatric ward. It took me 2 whole hours of waiting before I got my stuff back.

Then yesterday, part 2 of Project mAA burnt out my CPU because my thermal paste got fried and I had to order 1-day shipping thermal paste on A*azon. I just need a tiny bit of the stupid bond on my stupid CPU's HIS so I can add the stupid heat sink fecker, but it won't come out!

.://Start of Science//:. [1]

Everything else was already in place and ready to be tested. I made a beta cold-fusion reactor that would test whether my magically charged nickel isotope E would function as a safer cathode than nickel B and C.

I bioengineered nickel using the same rune techniques that Goblins used to maintain the magical properties of occamy eggs when melted and reshaped as goblin silver. Of course first of all I isolated the genes responcible for silver-production, majorly expressed within the cells of the shell gland of the left oviduct in occamies, and fused this with E. coli plasmids and injected into Saccharomyces cerevisiae so that I can isolate and mass produce a single version of the gene via PCR of a single colony.

Then, I plated the new bacteria in various media that oxidizes silver (plus other metals excluding nickel) but requires metal production to survive, and tested the isolated surviving colonies for nickel production. After 2 years of researching various mutants, evolution did most of the work and I was able to isolate 7 mutants that produce nickel. Now, I have 7 different magical mutants of magical nickel (mNi) and I am testing my third 'favorite' one.

Of course, by using mNi instead of pallaidum, it takes more energy to expel an electron via beta decay and energy production via electron capture could theoretically decrease from palladium's 10% energy production to around 6-7%. But having copper and cobalt as a byproduct instead of silver (and rhodium) is the payoff, since higher amounts of copper and cobalt in your body can exist… more safely in your body for extended periods of time as they are nutritionally essential… to a degree. And only Nickel was the outlier. However; I want to make it as safe as possible, hence, when I discovered that mNi mutants B, C, and E were much "stickier" (Ni molecules bound more strongly to each other) I tested them first. The results were mNi B had a 1.8 x10^-12 % escape rate and mNi C had a 9x10^-13 % escape rate. Both were at least 4 magnitudes lower than regular Ni!

As for the rest of the electrolytic cell, I'm still using platinum as my anode (like dad's original design), but I modified LiOD electrolyte and heavy water to contain what I call a new "isotope" of hydrogen (if you can call it that) in place of deuterium (D). A couple months ago while working on my thesis, I was able to create an atom composed of a magical "anti-atom" (mAA) (I discovered that the magical molecule that is present whenever magic is composed of a negatively charged neutron and a positron) and a neutron. Hence creating LiOmAA and mAA heavy water. Of course this is one of my unpublished works, since I can't possibly publish "mAA" in the muggle world. I'd probably get thrown into Azkaban or be made into an unspeakable's lab rat if I did, and I do not want to be either.

By using LiOmAA, mAA heavy water, and magical nickel (mNi), the resulting reaction would be 2 gamma ray photons from the positron of mAA and the electron released from mNi-63 beta decay, and 1 gamma ray photon from the electron capture mNi-59. The energy production would be 3x higher than the regular nickel cold-fusion (18-21% energy surplus, averaging 9.5% higher than dad's palladium nuclear reactor). Not only that, but the resulting mAA- (mAA that lost its positron) had properties similar to 'inactive' wild magic that readily forms mAA+ (not mAA) when provided with excess gamma ray photons. The properties of mAA+ are most synonymous with wild magic that could be harvested and stored in its high-energy state.

To summarize I produced an electric circuit between two different radioactive isotopes of Nickel that could charge an mAA to an mAA+ when catalyzed by an electrical current. In other words, I can convert electricity to wild magic (or it could also be used as a regular cold-fusion reactor)!

Of course… for the blueprint of the arc reactor itself, I'm still using dad's original design. Obviously, I'm not some physics, robotics, and engineering Houdini like Dad. You can't possibly expect me to create my own cold-fusion device.

.://End of Science//:.

Now if the stupid fecking thermal grease would just get out out of it's stupid tube, I can move on to my groundbreaking experiment that could revolutionize the future of cold-!

I squeezed the tube too hard and it's contents exploded out of the top, spraying my hands and arms (and part of my face) in silver thermal grease. A trace of a dozen unspeakables that may be regarded as blasphemy towards Merlin graced the tip of my tongue, but before they could be expelled a call from outside my door interrupted my thoughts followed by three knocks.

"Tom you have a visitor."

Flicking my hand towards myself in a down-up motion, I cast a silent Tergeo which vanished any trace of thermal grease. I pressed a button on the underside of my table which rotated the working station Catalypsie was perched on. Now that side of the wall showed a simple unassuming closet.

"A visitor?" I called out and turned my head just in time to see the door open and an unpleasant surprise waltzed into my room carrying a letter from Hogwarts.

The letter was addressed to "Tom Stark". A very short name with a single common first name, no middle initial, and a muggle last name. It was a pleasant surprise since I was unsure how to explain it if Hogwarts recognized me as "Draco Malfoy" or "Tom Malfoy". Especially since I had yet to learn my status in the Malfoy family registry. But it turns out I didn't need to worry about it as (evidence from the letter) my 'father' most probably didn't magically recognize me as his son even if we had apparently met and spent a couple months in each other's presence.

There was a pang of pain in my chest since my 'father' must have hated me so much to not only delete himself from my memories and leave me unconscious on the cold pavement, but also enchanted the Manor so I could no longer find it. Probably the Fidelius charm?

Nevermind, I'll deal with that once I have more information. I returned my attention to the unpleasant surprise which was the thing that accompanied my letter. For it was no bird.

No. If it were, it would be a very misshapen thing as it was sporting a well-groomed beard tucked into the worst neon purple robes in the history of wizarding Britain.

I left St. Mungos 4 days ago as an outpatient, but now desperately wish to return. Most preferably to their psychiatric ward given that the symptoms this individual curses me with is most synonymous with that of a prolonged cruciatious curse. Indeed, I felt every possible negative condition be it physical, emotional, or mental, but I dare not let any of them show.

I impulsively glanced towards my closet and quickly looked away, relieved to know that Catalypsie wasn't spotted.

I will never forgive my dad who betrayed my trust and allowed this dastardly creature into my bedroom. It's name still gives me PTSD from my long forgotten dark history.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Uwah. I just felt a shiver run down my spine.

Doesn't a professor usually come to introduce mudbloods to Hogwarts? If I recall correctly, Potter even had that big drunk oaf who lived in a hut behind the castle as his staff proxy. Though I appreciate how much importance Hogwarts places on me. I would very much prefer normal if not neglected attention given the one offering it was the headmaster. How in the blooming wonders of the world did I even get his attention? No offense to myself, but I truly don't hold THAT much bloody importance as I am now as a puny insignificant muggleborn.

Ah, no Draco, don't curse in such lowborn terms. Only peasants say 'bloody'.

Nevertheless, as far as I know I haven't made headlines in the British wizarding world (I think). And the last time I was on ANY newspaper was. . . Oh wait. . .


Oh I see.

No. No. It still doesn't make any sense. I only appear in Muggle newspapers, and British wizards couldn't care less what they do.

"How do you do Tom?"

I jolt in surprise, spine straightening in the process as my gaze lifts up to the dread of my existence.

"You are?"

Dumbledore jerked back with wide eyes. An unbelievable reaction given that he was the one to randomly enter an 11 year old's room without even a simple introduction.

"I am Headmaster Dumbledore"




[1] Guys I'm so sorry for the really long sciency part if you don't like it. I ended up geeking out my Ravenclaw soul and went hoolah while writing the science part. As far as to my knowledge goes the biology part is pretty accurate as I hold a Human Biology degree. But as for the Physics part (nuclear science), that's all college physics 1 stuff. In other words, I have no idea what I'm saying, but I still tried to make it as scientifically accurate as possible, obviously without the mAA lol. Anywayz, that(and another part in the next part of this chapter)'s the reason why I'm doing a double release this week. So that I won't be cheating you guys with a short chapter if you don't wanna read the science part.