
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

Alcohol Poisoning Cure, is for fathers. Count: 2 -I

//Last Chapter I wrote Ultron. It was supposed to be Vision. Please forgive me, for I don't know what came over me to make such a terrible mistake.

UPDATE: I have also made a naming mistake in this chapter! Tom wasn't supposed to day his name as Draco! I fixed it now.//

Loki P.O.V.

It was all coming together. The runes have been etched onto their moon. The bigger and better army consisting of not only the Chitauri but other races I have gathered under mind control for three dreadfully long years, is just waiting on the other side of the galaxy.

I knew everything I needed was all in one place, so that is where I left it. My scepter, a power source to fuel the barrier around the teleportation portal I would create with the Tesseract, and all the trinkets I would ever need for future endeavors.

I had already collected them all. I packed them so neatly in this nice red sack I found alongside them. But I never knew, that my plans could be foiled so easily by a child no less. I thought that I could continue hiding until the very last moment when I unleash my Army on this world and become the new Emperor of Midgard, but now here I am, exposed to the world. Or at least the part of the world that counts.

I was sitting on the chair the child tied me up in, inside of a glass capsule-like prison. From the sounds I can guess that we are on a Midgardian aircraft. Yes 'we'. For on the other side of this glass prison are very angry Midgardians arguing with each other. The angriest of which supported a black eye-patch shouting at the others to get in contact with Thor.

How amusing they are. They will not be able to find Thor, not for a few more years at least, I made sure of that.

But what on Asgard did that child do to me? These ropes are the most difficult binding articles I have ever come across. That child was very strange. His understanding of magic is far too deep for a child no older than 10. If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was Ishtari since he is definitely no woman to be a witch. But that is not possible; Afterall, my father killed them off before I was born, give or take 2000 years ago.

. . . Could it be? Did Ishtari survivors escape to this planet and breed here? Hmmm. . . yes. That would explain his youthful appearance. If the Ishtari did come here, then he should be around 300 years old as the mortality of their race is around 2500-3000. But wait. . . that only takes into account if the Ishtari were only to breed amongst themselves, which is definitely not the case. He looks far too much like the natives of this planet to be a pure blood Ishtari. Let's see, if the Ishtari were to breed when they have reached the age of maturity with Midgardian blood mixing into theirs; thus shortening their generation times. . .

This could be dreadful. 😊

It seems my ruined plans aren't all for naught after all. I have found a better way to amuse both father and my idiot brother.

The man with the eyepatch started banging on the glass. Hmm. Seems they were trying to talk to me. But no matter, I have finally managed to remove the curse on these bindings. I waved at my old acquaintances and teleported to the scene of the crime. It is of utmost precedence that I find that boy!




Fury P.O.V.

"He can TELEPORT?! Why hasn't anyone told me this?!!! And WHY doesn't anyone know how to contact THOR?!?!"




Tom P.O.V.

Last night, I kept waking up while sneezing with chills running down my back. I honestly thought that I had come down with the Black Cat Flu, but seeing as how I already feel better, 'must have just been a small cold.

Today was is my birthday, kind of. June 6th. I still find it kind of strange, Afterall, I remember birthday celebrations happening on June 5th for more than 20 years. Dad just called to greet me happy birthday then scolded me about the whole Loki fiasco, and about fleeing from America. But hidden within his words, I found relief and pride. Relief that I was safe, and pride that he can boast to all his SHIELD friends that his son singlehandedly captured the villain that has escaped them for 3 whole years.

Apparently, they lost him again, not to mention that my dad is dealing with the repercussions of my little tête-à-tête with Loki (oh if only I pieced together that he was Loki, I would have actually made him suffer before handing him to authority. But I'm also glad that I made the smart choice to avoid him, for he reeks of the word "troublesome".), and the fact that a flight to London is about seven hours, my dad was now, understandably, very prickly.

Somehow, I managed to convince him that we can just celebrate for the whole day tomorrow, so today may be the only day I am free. Thus, it is only evident that I find out more about my missing parents today, and my first stop is Malfoy Manor.

Thus in 30 minutes, at approximately 5:30 am when the sun was just barely rising into the sky, I had packed everything I might need in my suitcase and, with a feather-light charm and a shrinking charm, I was off.

I went through the bustling England roads until I reached a pavement that was deserted of even the most common Estate car. I raised my wand arm, and by juggling a bit of magic on the tips of my fingers, the knight coach finally arrived.

"Welcome to the knight bus, emergency transport for the-"

"Pardon for interrupting you Stanley, but I'm afraid we've already met. That's 13 sickles to Wiltshire ye? I'll have a hot chocolate too, keep the change."

I reached into my pocket and took out a Galleon. Sure I've never been to Gringotts, but that's not the only way to get money. He took the coin and punched in the numbers giving me a receipt.

"Well then, thank you for choosing us for this short trip. Find any seat you like."

I nodded my head and went on board, to find the most decent seat they had. Sadly, there were none. I heard him mutter something about spoiled purebrats, yes *brats*, and normally I would make him regret his words but my mind was far too occupied with thoughts surrounding my parents.

I wonder how they will react if they see me. Will they remember me? . . . I mentally smacked myself on the head. Idiot. Is this insecurity I'm actually feeling? Oh how I've let myself fall. What must I be insecure about? Of course, my parents will remember me. I'm me!

Letting my thoughts wonder to more productive places, it didn't take long to reach my destination. Sometime between that, I had received my cup and finished it.

Hearing the conductor say "Wiltshire, England", I got off and was happy to see that it was the town square. I could easily apparate to the front of the Manor from here.






[1] These names are not random. They are all more hands-on DE than political DE, who are loyal and love murder. Antonin is more loyal than murderous as an original DE and friend to Voldie. The rest are friggin loyal maniacs.

//A/N: Next Chapter is an extra long chapter with 6000+ words. The last arc before Hogwarts introduced in this chapter, the Lucius/Bellatrix arc, is (hopefully) three chapters long. Also, thanks for baring with me. I still can't believe I accidentally deleted like 8000+ words. But I believe that I wrote it much better this time, with a better thought out series of events. Well then, until next time. Adieu~//


I'm not sure how to write Harry so please give me feedback!


Should I make harry a transmigrated character from a Drarry, Tomarry, or Timetravel!Harry fic?

a.) Yes, Drarry -> Draco will remain single but tons of innuendos. No PDA

b.) Yes, Tomarry -> Tons of misunderstandings that Draco is actually Tom Riddle. However, same situation as above

c.) Future Harry also travels to the past -> I might make him MOD to fit the story unless requested otherwise. More, but different, misunderstandings between Harry and Draco.

d.) No, Harry should remain canon.

e.) Others. Please express your thoughts in the comment section Thank you

Regardless of your choice I will still appreciate any and all feedback. That's why I asked for this poll to start with hahahha. Timelimit is when Harry appears. Its not too far off. I will write based on the majority vote. I'm cool with any result cause I love all results. ?. Love you guys

Current poll results: If the count is weird, that is because I'm counting votes on two sites.

Drarry - 3

Tomarry - .5

TimetravelHarry - 1

CanonHarry - .5

FemHarry - 1.5 (though I'm still thinking over this one and no promises)

WhatIsComfortableForMe- .5

Thank you so much. This chapter is dedicated to EpicPs, suzaxlulu, JudithAS, ddsurvivor, and Rexar999.

I almost dropped this novel since I didnt seem to be getting much feedback and you guys already know my clumsy ass accidentally deleted a ton of my own work. So thank you so much for giving me feedback, they mean a ton to me.

After seeing so much more feedback on my last chapter, I burst through a bottleneck and wrote about 12000 words in 3 days. So love you guys so much! <3 ♡

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