
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The truth.

The days that followed were a bit hectic for the Kents. Clark couldn't sit still since his doctor's visit. They understood why he was excited; any child his age would be. But he wasn't just any child, and they needed to clarify things for him, sooner rather than later.

Jonathan and Martha had spent the past few days discussing how to talk to Clark to clarify things. They decided that John would speak to him in the best way he could. They had waited many years already, and today was the day of truth.

"Clark, after you finish eating, I need you to come to the barn. There's something there I need your help with," Jonathan said with a serious tone during breakfast, looking at his son.

"Okay, Dad," Clark said energetically as he finished his breakfast.

Seeing his son resume eating, John looks at his wife, and they share a meaningful glance.

After breakfast, both John and Clark leave the house and head into the barn.

"Follow me, son. There's something I need to show you," John said in a serious tone, closing the barn door behind him and heading towards the other end of the place.

Arriving there, he crouched down and started removing some hay from on top of the floorboards. Clark looked at his father, confused. Did he need his help to clean the barn floor?

'This is going to take all day,' Clark thought, frustrated.

He didn't have time to form another thought before noticing there was some kind of door on the floor. He watched his father crouch down again and lift the door, revealing a small set of stairs.

"Let's go, Clark. You need to see this, son," Jonathan said with a loving voice as he began to descend the stairs.

Clark hesitated for a moment. This was very strange; how could he not have known there was a door in the barn floor? He grew up in this place. Setting aside these thoughts, he descended following his father.

Arriving downstairs, he saw his father with his back turned to him, facing something large covered by a plastic canvas.

"Are you okay, Dad? What is this?" Clark asked, feeling nervous as he stood beside his father, staring at the covered object.

"Clark, four years ago, your mother and I were driving home after a visit to the hospital. On the way, a meteor crashed beside the road where we were. We got out to see what it was, and when we arrived, we found this," he said to his son, then unveiled the object, revealing a small silver spacecraft with a emblem, an "S" symbol on its sides.

The moment Clark saw the symbol on the spaceship, his mind was flooded with images, memories, but they weren't his own. He remembered seeing that symbol elsewhere, on a man in blue clothing who could fly. He also remembered a man dressed as a bat and a woman with a golden lasso. He remembered having seen them on TV, but not his own. He remembered having had friends, but didn't remember their faces, a job, but didn't remember which one. It was like a past life.

From that moment on, he wasn't just Clark anymore; he was something more. The thoughts in his mind became clearer, no longer those of a child but something more.

''That night, your mother and I found this spaceship, and inside it, we found a baby. That baby was you, Clark," Jonathan said calmly and lovingly, placing his hand on his son's shoulder.

Clark's mind was in turmoil. He remembered being someone else and himself at the same time. But as he listened to his father speak, he couldn't help but feel afraid.

"Then I'm not your son?" he asked, tears welling in his eyes as he looked at his father.

Jonathan, seeing his son's reaction, crouched down to be at eye level with him. He placed his hands on his son's shoulders, reaffirming his presence.

"Clark, you are my son, and something more. You are amazing and can do incredible things. It doesn't matter where you came from; what matters is who you choose to be. You are our son and always will be. We love you, and we will always love you," he said gently, embracing his son. Clark couldn't help but cry as he hugged his father. Everything was so confusing, and in that moment, he just needed a hug.

Unbeknownst to them, the spaceship, upon sensing the presence of a Kryptonian, emitted a faint blue glow that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.