
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Clark slowly opened his eyes. As he looked around, he found himself in a white room. When he glanced beside him, he saw his parents, both looking exhausted.

"Mom?" Clark says, his voice tinged with sleepiness, looking at his mother.

"Clark!" they both exclaimed with concern in their voices.

Upon hearing their son's voice, both parents quickly got up and moved closer to him.

"Son, are you okay?!" asked Jonathan, sounding concerned.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" Martha asked, also worried, placing a hand on her son's face.

"I'm okay. What happened?" he asked, looking at his parents beside him.

"The tractor fell on you, son. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you get near it," Jonathan said, looking downcast.

"It's okay, Dad, but how did I not get hurt?" he asked, intrigued by his parents.

Just as they were about to respond, a voice was heard from the door of the room.

"Your power helped you, at least that's what we believe," said the voice, a middle-aged man in a white lab coat.

"Dr. Takahashi!" Jonathan exclaimed, rising to his feet.

"We conducted a Quirk test on young Clark, but we got a curious result," Dr. Takahashi said, looking at the papers in his hand as he walked towards the Kents.

"We discovered that young Clark has two joints in his little toes, which would suggest he wouldn't manifest a power. But when we heard your account, we decided to conduct further tests. They showed that the cells of young Clark serve as solar energy reservoirs, which could potentially suggest that this may have given him some form of enhanced resilience, thus saving him," Dr. Takahashi said, finishing reading and handing the papers to Clark's parents.

Jonathan took the papers from Dr. Takahashi, looking at them with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

"How is that possible?" Martha asked, confused.

"We honestly don't know, Mrs. Kent. We decided to conduct these tests because the needles our nurses tried to insert into Clark broke, including the special ones for powers that require piercing extremely tough skin. However, none of them worked on Clark. Your son is a mystery," Dr. Takahashi answered honestly.

"However, any further tests would be too invasive for young Clark, which we opted not to do," Dr. Takahashi said, looking at the Kents.

Listening to the adults talk about him, Clark couldn't help but feel nervous.

Seeing her son's nervousness, Martha placed her hand on his, gently squeezing it to reassure him of her presence.

"So what do we do now?" Jonathan asked, already feeling a bit nervous himself.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are your quirks?" Dr. Takahashi asked the two older Kents.

"I have enhanced stamina for tasks, able to perform them for longer periods," Martha told Dr. Takahashi. "Jonathan has super strength, capable of lifting up to half a ton."

"Well, typically in cases like yours, your son would inherit one or both of your quirks. However, in rare instances, a child can be born with a mutation resulting in powers different from those of the parents, which may be the case for young Clark," explained Dr. Takahashi.

Since Clark had American features, the Kents were not questioned about their family, so the doctors were unaware of Clark's adoption.

"I understand. So what do we do now?" Jonathan asked the doctor.

"I suggest keeping an eye on any changes in Clark's powers, since it's a mutation, we can't predict which ones he'll have or if he'll develop others. But since this is a long-term situation, how about we name his powers?" Dr. Takahashi said enthusiastically to the Kents.

Clark, upon hearing this, became excited and looked at his parents with a smile. Seeing their son's enthusiasm, they couldn't help but smile back at him.

"What do you have in mind, Clark? After all, they're your powers," Jonathan asked, smiling at his son.

"Yes, honey, what have you thought of?" Martha asked lovingly.

"Well, hehehe, since it has to do with the sun, how about Solaris?" he asked, barely containing his excitement.

Martha and John nodded approvingly at their son and turned to smile at the doctor.

"So it's settled! Solaris!" Dr. Takahashi exclaimed, smiling as he wrote the name on his clipboard.

On the way back in the car, Clark was peacefully sleeping in the back seat, and a late afternoon silence filled the air. However, Martha couldn't keep silent any longer.

"Jonathan, we need to tell him. We can't hide it anymore. We don't know what abilities he'll have; we need to prepare him," Martha whispered anxiously to her husband as he drove.

"I know, dear. I've been thinking about it since we were at the hospital," he sighed, concerned for their son.

"I just wish we had more time," he said, looking at his wife, who shared a look of concern.