
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The suit.

The daily routine of classes at UA was normal for most of the day, with Clark and the rest of the students having regular classes before noon. At lunchtime, the students ate in the cafeteria served by the hero Lunch-Rush, who rivaled the best chefs in the world, and Clark had to admit that his food was great. But he still preferred his mother's cooking.

And finally, in the afternoon, they had their daily studies at the Hero Foundation.

The students were in the classroom waiting for the change of teachers when Clark, with his super hearing, heard heavy footsteps approaching the room.

'He's coming,' thought Clark, smiling discreetly, as All Might in his muscular form made his entrance into the classroom.

"I AM HERE!!" shouted All Might excitedly as he showed himself at the classroom door. "WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" continued the hero.

"I can't believe it! All Might is really going to teach us!" exclaimed the excited students as All Might entered the classroom. Izuku was almost bursting with excitement at seeing his idol/mentor in the room.

"Hero Foundations studies! In this class, we'll be building your hero foundations through various trials!" announced the teacher, striking bodybuilding poses in front of the class, which Clark had to restrain himself from laughing at as he watched All Might make the poses.

"Let's dive right into this!! The battle exam!" exclaimed All Might, pulling out a card with "Battle" written on it.

Upon hearing this, the students had different reactions; Izuku became nervous, while Bakugou flashed a sinister smile.

"And for our first battle... We've prepared the equipment you requested to use your quirks !" As he said this, rows of numbered boxes emerged from the wall of the classroom.

The class, upon seeing this, erupted in excitement once again at the prospect of using their hero costumes.

At the beginning of classes, the students received a request on how they wanted their uniforms to be designed, so the administration could pass on the information to the support department to create the desired costumes.

However, Clark declined this service for now. He already had his costume in mind, and his mother had offered to make it. Clark not only loved his mother dearly but also knew her exceptional sewing skills. So, explaining how he wanted it, she crafted his costume, which Clark adored from the moment he first saw it. When he wore the costume, it wasn't just clothing; he was carrying a piece of his family with him.

"Young Kent, we received your costume which was sent in; it's already with the others," said All Might to Clark. Clark felt relieved and excited upon hearing that his costume had arrived safely at school.

"Thank you, All Might. That was weighing on my mind," said Clark with a slight laugh, standing up to join the other students who were excited about their hero costumes.

"Get changed and we'll be ready! Everyone gather in Area B! The costume you wear in battle is absolutely crucial, boys and girls!" exclaimed the hero.


~~Scene Break~~

The entire class exited the building towards Area B, and as they left, one could observe the diverse hero costumes. Some, like Bakugou, had giant gauntlets with grenades, more eye-catching than others.

The students chatted excitedly, complimenting each other and asking questions about their costumes.

"Wait a minute, where's Kent?" asked Iida in his costume, looking around to find Clark.

"Where's Kent, indeed?" questioned Momo in her somewhat revealing costume.

"Sorry for the delay, it's a bit tricky getting into my costume," Clark's voice echoed as the students turned towards the entrance from where he had come.

Clark emerged from the shadows wearing a blue suit with red boots, golden details resembling a belt at the waist, silver lines around the wrists, and a red cape with a golden S symbol on his back. Proudly emblazoned on his chest was an S, the emblem of the House of El, detailed in red and gold. 

Clark walked proudly towards his classmates in his outfit, a smile on his face.

As Clark approached, he was surrounded by Iida, Momo, Uraraka, and Izuku, who wore a green suit with long ears reminiscent of All Might's hair.

"Kent, I must say, your costume is amazing," praised Iida, examining Clark closely.

"He's right, it suits you," added Momo with a smile.

"Kent, you look incredible! I can't believe how different you look!" exclaimed Izuku excitedly, looking at his friend.

"True," agreed Uraraka, nodding along with her friends.

"Thanks, my mom made it for me," Clark said proudly, with a bright smile.