
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Quirk apprehension test 2.

First test: 50-meter dash.

The students were paired up by the teacher to compete in a race while a machine timed each of them, thus determining their individual speed.

The first pair to go was Iida and a girl named Asui, who had a quirk related to frogs. Iida passed the girl and finished the race in 3.04 seconds because he had engines in his calves due to his quirk.

The second pair to go was Uraraka with Mashirao Ojiro, a boy who has a tail due to his quirk. The race ended with Ojiro winning, and Uraraka finishing just behind him.

The third race was contested by Mina Ashido, the girl with pink skin and golden´~ horns, and Yuga Aoyama, who can shoot lasers from his belly, which he used to propel himself during the race. However, due to the delay between shots, he ended up losing.

The next race was between Bakugou and Izuku, which ended with Bakugou using his explosions to propel himself forward, while Izuku, unsure how to use One For All effectively, ended up losing.

When Clark's turn came, he positioned himself at the start of the race track. He was going to compete with Fumikage Tokoyami, a boy with a bird-like head and the quirk Dark Shadow. Upon seeing Tokoyami next to him, Clark put a smile on his face as he looked at his classmate.

"Good luck, Tokoyami," Clark said cheerfully to his classmate, with a smile on his face and a thumbs-up.

"Thank you, Kent. Good luck to you too," Tokoyami replied, now also smiling a bit, appreciating the positive energy from his classmate.

"Ready?" Aizawa asked the competitors as Clark and Tokoyami positioned themselves for the race.

"Go!" Upon hearing the professor, both Clark and Tokoyami started from the starting line. A second after Tokoyami began running, he felt a strong gust of wind hit him. As he looked towards the finish line, he saw Clark standing calmly as if nothing had happened.

"1.03 seconds," announced the robotic voice of the timer, once again surprising the class with the Kryptonian's abilities.

The students looked at Clark with astonished expressions.

"What? You want me to go again?" asked Clark, scratching his head, unsure of what to say.

Second test: Strength test.

Now the students were to test their strength by pressing a device with all their might to measure their strength. Clark was among the others, testing his strength. He was a bit apprehensive because he didn't want to break the device, so the egg training would come in handy now.

Clark looked around to see the average strength of the other students, and he noticed that Mezo Shoji, with his multiple limbs, had his strength measured at 540 kg. Clark then looked at the device in his hand, and carefully controlling his strength, he pressed until he reached the mark of 136 kg—not too much, not too little.

Third test: Long jump.

Clark didn't need to think much for this one; he just needed to calculate how much force to put into his legs to achieve a good result. Doing so, he jumped and landed at the far end of the sandpit, causing a lot of sand to fly and dirtying his clothes.

Fourth test: Sustained jumps.

When it was Clark's turn, he executed his jumps so quickly that he left residual images during each jump.

"Why do I keep getting surprised?" Aizawa said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes after seeing Clark's residual images.

Fifth test: ball throw.

Clark, having already completed this test before, was excused from participating again. However, Aizawa couldn't help but look suspiciously at Clark for not being able to suppress his "Quirk."

Clark, noticing the professor's gaze directed at him, couldn't help but feel a bit nervous but managed to keep his composure.

Most students had good results, with Bakugou throwing the ball 705.2 meters and Uraraka using her quirk to achieve an infinite result, making the ball float indefinitely.

And finally it was Izuku's turn, when he walked to the center of the circle Clark saw Izuku nervous, but there was nothing Clark could do, he spent a lot of time defending him and helping him, he couldn't continue like this, Izuku had to learn to face his challenges alone.

"Midoriya isn't doing well, is he?" asked Iida, noticing Izuku's condition.

"Of course not!! He's a quirkless piece of shit!!" Bakugou shouted at the boy with glasses in his usual angry tone.

"No quirk? Didn't you see what he did on the exam?" Iida asked confused to the angry pinscher.

Izuku positioned himself in the center of the circle with the ball in his hands, Clark could hear his friend's heart racing and could smell the adrenaline coming from him.

Izuku spun around and threw the ball with force, but it didn't go very far.

"46 meters," said Aizawa, leaving Izuku shocked that he hadn't used his quirk.

"What... huh? I'm sure I used it just now..." said Izuku incredulously, looking at his own hands.

"I erased your quirk," said Aizawa, running his hand through his hair. "It doesn't make sense. How did someone like you get into this academy?" Aizawa's red pupils glared as his hair floated in the air and the bands around his neck fluttered.

"You erased it? And those goggles! Oh my God! The hero who erases quirks, Eraser Head!" exclaimed Izuku, now recognizing the hero.

"Eraser" what? I've never heard of him," said one of the confused students. "I just heard the name, he really is an unknown hero!" said another, as All Might listened in from behind a wall.

"From what I've observed... you don't have control over the maximum strength of your quirk. In other words, you can't use it efficiently at all. Do you think someone will save you after you get hurt again?" asked Aizawa, looking seriously at Izuku.

"N-no, I just...!" Izuku tried to explain before Aizawa's capture weapon wrapped around him.

"You held out hope that you would be rescued immediately, but as you can see, no one here is willing to help you," said the teacher, pulling Izuku closer to him.

"There's an insufferable hero who made his name by rescuing over a thousand innocents from a disaster he caused himself. You have courage... but all you did was run like an idiot who needs to be saved," Aizawa said bluntly.

"Facing your 'power' won't help you become a hero, Izuku Midoriya," Aizawa stated firmly.

Aizawa stared at Izuku for a few more seconds before deactivating his quirk. "I'll give your quirk back... try throwing the ball again. Let's get this over with," Aizawa said wearily, rubbing his eyes.

The students commented on Izuku's condition, with some like Iida questioning if Izuku had any prior training, and Bakugou remarking that Izuku would be expelled. In that moment, all Clark could do was watch.

Izuku positioned himself in the circle once more and prepared to throw the ball.

Clark observed Izuku's arm muscles intensifying, with one of his fingers more tense than the others. Izuku then threw the ball into the air at high speed, causing a blast of wind. Bakugou looked at Izuku angrily, and Clark noticed his tense finger was now broken.

Aizawa observed the meter display which now showed 705.3 meters.

"Sensei...!" Izuku said, closing his hand with the broken finger. "I can still move!" He looked at the teacher, tears in his eyes and sweat on his face.

"Oh ho!" said Aizawa, looking at Izuku with a strange smile on his face.

"You finally achieved a record befitting a hero!" exclaimed Uraraka, excitedly. The other students chimed in with positive comments as well.

However, Clark noticed Bakugou, now with his mouth agape in shock at seeing Izuku use "his quirk," and he began to tremble with anger.

"What was that, Deku!? Explain now, you piece of shit!" Bakugou yelled angrily as he propelled himself with an explosion towards Izuku.

Before the blond could reach Izuku, Clark moved at super speed and forcefully threw Bakugou to the ground, pinning him down.

"Get off me, Kent! You knew about this, didn't you!? You were laughing at me the whole time!!" Bakugou shouted, struggling under Clark's grip, with a knee pressed into the blond's back.

"Shut up, Bakugou! I'm tired of your behavior. I won't tolerate it anymore, not with me or anyone else!" Clark said angrily, gripping Bakugou's neck from behind and forcing his face into the ground.

" Enough "! Aizawa shouted. " We're wasting time. Get ready for the next test. " With that said, Clark got off the blonde who was huffing in anger and walked towards the other students.

"And Bakugou," said the teacher to the blond who was getting up from the ground. "Your behavior and anger issues are not becoming of someone who wants to become a hero. Keep it up, and not even your 'good quirk' will save you from being expelled," Aizawa said angrily, staring at Bakugou with red eyes.

After hearing the teacher's words, Bakugou walked towards the others without saying anything, looking at the ground.

~~~Time Break~~~

"It's time to show the results," Aizawa said to the students in front of him. The tests were over, and Clark had passed them spectacularly.

"The total is the sum of each of your scores. If I were to mention each score one by one, it would take a million years, so I'll show them all at once," Aizawa said. Many students became nervous about their results, with Izuku being the most anxious.

A purple hologram was shown emanating from a device belonging to Aizawa.

The scoreboard was:

1st Kent Clark

2nd Yaoyorozu Momo

3rd Todoroki Shouto

...20th Midoriya Izuku.

Seeing his name at the bottom, Izuku felt hopeless. He thought he would be expelled and would disappoint not only his mother but also All Might.

"Oh yes, all that talk of 'expulsion' was a lie," Aizawa said, leaving everyone in the class except Clark and a girl with black hair and a ponytail surprised.

"It was a logical trick. To make you give your best," said Aizawa, smiling sinisterly at the class.

"WHAT!!!???" exclaimed the students, with Izuku being the most desperate of them all.

"Come on, guys, use your brains! It was obvious that it was just a trick!" said the girl with the ponytail.

"True," Clark nodded in agreement.

"And... with that, it's over. Your curriculum sheets are back in the classroom, so take a look," said the teacher as he walked away. "And Midoriya," the teacher added.

"Find Recovery Girl and get patched up," he said, handing Izuku a sort of report for the infirmary. "Your eyes will fall out of your head during tomorrow's test." With that said, he left.

The students returned to the classroom after changing to wrap up the day. Izuku took longer to appear because he had gone to the infirmary, but he returned with his finger healed. And with that, the first day had come to an end.