
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Fight training.

"Let's see what you're made of, your babies ! It's time for the battle test!" said All Might to the class.

So All Might went on to explain how the test would proceed: the students would be divided into pairs, separating into "heroes and villains". The villains would have to plant a fake nuclear bomb, and the heroes would have to stop them before it's too late. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the bomb's location before time runs out, they win.

If the villains manage to protect the location or capture the heroes, they win.

The students were divided into pairs:

A - Clark and Uraraka;

B - Todoroki and Shoji;

C - Momo and Midorya;

D - Iida and Bakugou;

E - Mina and Aoyama;

F - Koda and Sato;

G - Jiro and Kiminari;

H - Asui and Tokoyami;

I - Toru and Ojiro;

J - Sero and Kirishima.

Clark, upon finding himself paired with Uraraka, approached her with a smile on his face. 

"Wow! We're going to do this together! How lucky for me," Uraraka said happily.

"I agree," Clark responded with his characteristic smile.

"The first two pairs to battle will be the following," said All Might, placing his hand on two boxes—one labeled "Hero" and the other labeled "Villain."

Clark could see through the boxes and find out which team would compete, but that would take away the fun of it.

"Duo A will be the heroes! Duo D will be the villains!" said All Might, drawing the balls to determine the teams.

The news shocked Clark and Bakugou. Clark because he knew it would be a pain to deal with the blond. Bakugou because he finally had the chance he wanted to show Clark "his place."

" In this scenario, the villains will enter the building first! And after five minutes, the heroes will enter! Everyone will be able to watch through the surveillance cameras! " All Might explained to the teams.

"This will allow Iida and Bakugou to fully embrace the nature of a villain! This is a practical training exercise! So, give it your all without fear of getting hurt! Though, of course, we'll intervene if things get out of control..." All Might said, with the teams paying attention, and Clark with a serious expression on his face.

~~~Scene Break~~

Clark and Uraraka were outside the building, waiting for the signal to enter.

"A map of the building... I think we need to memorize it," she said to Clark with a smile on her face. "It doesn't seem like there will be any punishment like there was with Aizawa-sensei. I'm relieved."

"Are you okay, Kent? You seem to have something on your mind," she said, slightly concerned as she noticed her classmate not paying attention.

"Ah, sorry. I'm just thinking about a few things. As for the map, you don't need to worry, I've already memorized it," Clark said to Uraraka, turning his attention back to the building.

"Is everything okay? Come to think of it, both you and Deku were bullied by Bakugou, right?" Uraraka asked Clark.

"Well, Bakugou tried to intimidate me, but with Midoriya, it was a different story. I think if I hadn't been there, things could have been worse. So you could say Bakugou and I have a complicated history," Clark explained, looking at the girl, who seemed to understand what he was saying.

As soon as they finished their conversation, the signal to begin was given.

"Look, go up the stairs on the left side. I can see Bakugou coming down on the right side. With him focused on me, you'll just need to figure out how to get to the bomb. But that means most of their firepower will be tied up," Clark said to the girl.

"Wait, you can see him? But that's—" "You know what, no time for questions. Good luck, Kent. Just call me if you need anything," Uraraka said to Clark, who nodded as he entered the building.

Clark walked towards Bakugou for a while, stopping when he used his X-ray vision to see the blonde standing behind a wall, attempting an ambush.

"I know you're there. Come out," Clark said, standing in the middle of the corridor.

Slowly, Bakugou emerged from behind the wall and stood facing Clark. Without a word, the blond launched himself towards Clark with an explosion.

Clark remained expressionless as he leaned to the side, causing Bakugou to pass by him without hitting him.

"Damn it, Kent, don't dodge me!" Bakugou said angrily, turning back toward Clark.

"Ah, my apologies, Your Majesty. Was I supposed to stand still while you attacked me? Okay, okay, try again. I'll just stand here," Clark said sarcastically, remaining still in the corridor.

~~Meanwhile in the observation room~~

"Bakugou is a cheater!! Ambushing is cowardice!!" shouted Kirishima, indignant.

"Ambushes are a good strategy! They're giving it their all, after all," said All Might, watching the screens in front of him.

"Kent dodged him very well!" said Mina excitedly.

~~On the test~~

"I'm going to destroy you until I'm stopped!! " Bakugou shouted with a maniacal smile, advancing towards Clark, who remained still and expressionless.

Bakugou, upon approaching Clark, released a large explosion on him, creating a thick smoke curtain in the area.

Bakugou smiled, thinking he had injured Clark, but as the smoke cleared, Clark was still there, without having moved a muscle, not even scratched.

"Are you done? Great," said Clark. Without waiting for a reaction from the blond, he slapped him, sending Bakugou flying down the corridor and crashing into a wall at the end.

"Bakugou, you know, I've always seen you intimidate a lot of people, and I wasn't always there to stop you," said Clark, walking slowly down the corridor toward the blond who was groaning in pain on the ground. "Your 'great quirk' came to be personality, but I don't entirely blame you. The teachers and adults who guided you are also responsible for shaping your mindset. But that's going to change," Clark said, now standing face to face with Bakugou, who lay on the ground looking up at Clark, fear beginning to creep into his chest as he saw the expressionless look on Clark's face.

Clark then crouched down and grabbed Bakugou by the neck, lifting him off the ground. The blond struggled desperately to break free from Clark's grip, but it was all in vain.

"It's time for a reality check," Clark said into Bakugou's ear, pulling him closer.

With that said, Clark threw Bakugou into a nearby wall, causing him to crash through it at high speed.

Bakugou was in pain, a kind he had never experienced before. And more than anything, he was afraid.

Clark walked slowly through the hole in the wall, his eyes never leaving Bakugou.

"Now I'm really pissed off!!" Bakugou shouted angrily, rising to his feet despite the pain.

Realizing that his normal attacks wouldn't work on Clark, Bakugou had another idea—a desperate one, but he was desperate after all.

Clark heard Iida trying to talk to Bakugou through the wireless communicator, but the blond paid no attention.

Taking a quick glance upward, Clark could see Uraraka approaching Iida, who seemed to be taking his role as a villain seriously.

"Kent! Iida found me, sorry!" Uraraka said through the communicator.

"Don't worry, Uraraka. Do your best. I'll come up to support you after I'm done here," Clark said through the communicator before disconnecting, then turning his attention back to Bakugou.

"You know Kent," Bakugou said, looking at Clark with a sadistic smile on his face.

"My explosions are triggered by the sweat on my hands, which are sweat glands secreting nitroglycerin that explodes shortly after," Bakugou said, raising his hand with the grenade gauntlet aimed at Clark.

"Now, if the specs were as I requested, then I can store this sweat inside these armbands and..." Bakugou was saying until he was interrupted.

"Bakugou, my boy, stop this!!" shouted All Might over the building's microphone.

Clark knew where this was going, and he wasn't scared.

"You're going to kill him!!" shouted All Might. "He won't die if he dodges!!" Bakugou shouted back. With that, he pulled a pin on his grenade gauntlet, unleashing a massive explosion towards Clark. Seeing this, Clark covered his face with his arms in an X shape.

With the explosion, a third of the building was destroyed and left in ruins. The students in the observation room were in despair, with Izuku and All Might nearly having panic attacks.

'He... didn't dodge?' Bakugou thought, now fearful that he had "killed" Clark.

As the smoke cleared, Clark stood there, still intact but his suit severely damaged, with half of his cape destroyed. Bakugou felt relieved that he hadn't killed Clark, but his relief was short-lived when he saw Clark with an expression of anger unlike any he had seen before, his eyes glowing with a deadly red.

Bakugou didn't have time to think; the next moment, Clark was holding him off the ground by his neck.

"My mother stayed up all night making this suit for me," Clark said angrily, looking at Bakugou with his eyes glowing red.

Clark threw Bakugou against another wall, causing it to crack.

"Do you still want to be a hero? All I see in front of me is a villain," Clark said, looking at Bakugou with disgust, his eyes no longer glowing.

"And what if I wasn't strong enough? You would have killed me. What if it were a real situation out in the field? Your explosion wouldn't just kill your target, but innocent people who have nothing to do with you," Clark said angrily, approaching Bakugou who was now on the ground, terrified.

"I hope I'm being clear here, Katsuki. Don't think I'm going to let this slide. I'll be watching you closely. Either you change..." Clark said, his eyes glowing again as he fired a laser beam at Bakugou's feet, leaving a burnt line in front of him and causing Bakugou to shrink back in fear. "Don't make me regret giving you this chance, Bakugou. I'm not doing this for you; I'm doing it because I have a mother who would die if she knew I was acting like a villain."

"Remember, either you strive to improve and become a true hero, or I won't allow you to become a villain," Clark said, looking at Bakugou with his eyes glowing red and making a characteristic sound.

Seeing and hearing this, Bakugou had never felt so much fear. He was trembling, unable to even respond to Clark, and his salvation came from the radio.

"The bomb has been secured, the hero team wins!" All Might announced over the microphone, causing Bakugou to breathe a little more relieved.

Looking up, Clark could see Uraraka holding onto the bomb with a smile on her face.

"Remember what I said today, because you won't hear it again," Clark said, his glowing eyes fading away as he left, leaving Bakugou wounded and defeated on the ground.