
Wendy Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

    After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

    TheHana · Urban
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    Matrimonio no deseado: ¡Cariño, no más divorcio!

    Después de tres años de matrimonio, Wendy Stewart estaba acostumbrada a los comentarios sarcásticos de Michael Lucas, sus amenazas frecuentes sobre el divorcio e incluso su indulgencia con una amante. Pensó que podría soportar todo esto toda su vida, hasta que accidentalmente quedó embarazada de un niño que Michael no quería. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy firmó el acuerdo de divorcio y se fue. Pensó que podrían haberse separado para siempre, pero Michael se negó a dejar de buscarla después del divorcio. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, ella era la mejor diseñadora del mundo. Sonriendo dulcemente a su exmarido, dijo: —Mi querido, ya estamos divorciados. Michael simplemente la miró fríamente: —Dime, ¿qué hará falta para que nos reconciliemos?

    TheHana · Urban
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    Casamento indesejado: Querida, chega de divórcio!

    Após três anos de casamento, Wendy Stewart estava acostumada com as observações sarcásticas de Michael Lucas, suas frequentes ameaças sobre se divorciarem, e até mesmo sua indulgência com uma amante. Ela pensou que poderia suportar isso por toda a vida, até que acidentalmente engravidou de uma criança que Michael não queria. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy assinou o acordo de divórcio e foi embora. Ela pensou que poderiam ter se separado para sempre, mas Michael se recusava a parar de procurá-la após o divórcio. Quando se encontraram novamente, ela era a designer mais famosa do mundo. Sorrindo docemente para o ex-marido, ela disse: "Meu querido, já estamos divorciados." Michael simplesmente encarou-a friamente, "Diga-me, o que será necessário para nos reconciliarmos?"

    TheHana · Urban
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    Ungewollte Heirat: Schatz, keine Scheidung mehr!

    Nach drei Jahren Ehe hatte sich Wendy Stewart an die sarkastischen Bemerkungen von Michael Lucas gewöhnt, an seine häufigen Scheidungsdrohungen und sogar daran, dass er sich eine Geliebte gönnte. Sie glaubte, dies ihr Leben lang ertragen zu können, bis sie versehentlich mit einem Kind schwanger wurde, das Michael nicht wollte. Schließlich unterschrieb Wendy verzweifelt die Scheidungsvereinbarung und zog aus. Sie dachte, sie könnten sich für immer trennen, aber Michael weigerte sich, nach der Scheidung aufzuhören, nach ihr zu suchen. Als sie sich wiedertrafen, war sie die Top-Designerin der Welt. Sie lächelte ihren Ex-Mann freundlich an und sagte: "Mein Lieber, wir sind bereits geschieden." Michael starrte sie nur kalt an: "Sag mir, was muss geschehen, damit wir uns wieder versöhnen?"

    TheHana · Urban
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    Mariage Non Désiré : Chérie, Plus de Divorce !

    Après trois années de mariage, Wendy Stewart était habituée aux remarques sarcastiques de Michael Lucas, ses menaces fréquentes de divorcer et même son indulgence envers une maîtresse. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait supporter cela toute sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe accidentellement enceinte d'un enfant que Michael ne voulait pas. Finalement désespérée, Wendy signa l'accord de divorce et partit. Elle pensait qu'ils auraient pu se séparer pour toujours, mais Michael refusa de cesser de la chercher après le divorce. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvèrent, elle était la meilleure designer du monde. Souriant doucement à son ex-mari, elle dit : "Mon cher, nous sommes déjà divorcés." Michael la regarda simplement froidement, "Dis-moi, que faudra-t-il pour que nous nous réconciliions?"

    TheHana · Urban
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    Wendy Williams

    Kristen_Macsi · Teen
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    Wendy and the Beastmen

    In a City, where Humans and Beastmen live seperate within a Wall... here begins the Story of Wendy, who meets a Beastmen who saves her life. But with that, more problems are ahead. How should she handle him, who is devouted to his animal desires?

    Rebecca_Schneider_4429 · Fantasy
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    Wendy and the wizard

    Wendy was announced as the next in line to succeed the Mighty king, her father. This caused disagreement between power and Wendy life was at stake. Attack made on her life led to the death of her friend and protector, Sonia, leaving Rine, her second protector mortally wounded. Zander, the reincarnated god of Wizard lived with his poor wizard father, Kander in an isolated woods with his brother. Zander was believed to be powerful than twenty wizards combined. The Mighty king sought Kander, an old friend to protect his daughter but Kander gave the king her son instead. Zander who had longed for a better life, though only want to live a simple life was brought into the palace to look after Wendy, who had grown to be pompous, rude and uncaring. Wendy kept complaining about Zander's being useless and was only a pauper who wanted the luxurious life of the palace. But her father didn't listen to her. Zander later saved Wendy from an attack and Wendy's couldn't continue to hide her feelings for him. She confessed she had loved him since they met but she pretended due to Sonia's death. Butcher, leader of Tandor Pass one of the towns that constituted the Mighty kingdom was arrested and incarcerated for attempting to kill Wendy. Wendy was attacked again while Butcher was in custody which revealed there was someone else after Wendy's life. Wendy went to a five day auction in a neighboring kingdom. She had sex with Zander after being drunk. They both went apart as Wendy claimed something like that shouldn't have happened between them. Zander gave her a bracelet before leaving. He told her to bite the bracelet whenever she was in danger. Trevor showed up to Wendy later, confessing he had spiked their drink and made them had sex together just to send them apart. Wendy bit the bracelet and Zander showed up to save her killing Trevor in the process. Zander confessed his love for her but Wendy rejected as she couldn't stand being with him after what had happened between them. Wendy was to be married to a man that she had been betrothed to but she annuled the marriage after finding out the man had no love for her. She went in search of Zander and accepted his proposal. Not long later, the Mighty king died and Wendy became the first female Mighty king. After her ascension to the throne. A group of people started wreaking havoc in the kingdom, they attacked and sucked people's blood to death. After finding out the monsters were normal people that were manipulated by Trevor who had amazingly survived being killed by Zander. Zander and Wendy tried to produce a cure to retrieve the people turned to monsters by Trevor but all of their efforts proved abortive. Zander created his own group of monster armies who were half wolves, half men to fight the Trevor blood sucking army against Wendy's order. Zander defeated Trevor but he couldn't convince Wendy who later sent him out of the kingdom for going against her order. Wendy later gave birth to Zander's son and they were reunited as a family.

    DaoistBdNnwi · History
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    Call me Wendy.

    The great old city of Hermes is now sparsely populated. Its walls still blocking the space between the mountains from the demonic beasts.. And without the relic in the ruined cathedral, the demons have shifted their focus to the west and the city of Neverwinter. "Wendy/Gretchen" is one of the many young women in the convent in the old city, surviving the brutal winter at Hermes, in the months of demons.

    Mujaki · Fantasy
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    Pernikahan Tidak Diinginkan: Sayang, Tidak Ada Cerai Lagi!

    Setelah tiga tahun menikah, Wendy Stewart sudah terbiasa dengan sindiran sinis Michael Lucas, ancamannya yang sering tentang bercerai, dan bahkan membiarkan dirinya memiliki selingkuhan. Dia pikir dia bisa tahan dengan semua ini sepanjang hidupnya, sampai dia tidak sengaja hamil dengan anak yang tidak diinginkan Michael. Akhirnya putus asa, Wendy menandatangani perjanjian cerai dan pergi. Dia kira mereka bisa berpisah selamanya, tetapi Michael tidak mau berhenti mencarinya setelah perceraian. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia adalah perancang top dunia. Tersenyum manis pada mantan suaminya, dia berkata, "Sayangku, kita sudah bercerai." Michael hanya menatapnya dingin, "Katakan padaku, apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita bisa rujuk?"

    TheHana · Urban
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    Time travel (wendy)

    Geetha_Mety · Teen
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    Revenge on my ex-husband

    Wendy Simons deeply loved Hanson Yale.Well because of him, she lost her child and her reputation was ruined. In the end, she died in front of him... In the new Samsara , things had changed, Hanson had fallen for Wendy. Well Wendy had everything and lived in a leisure and pleasant life. S she just pushed him away. She would never be with him again, unless he was willing to die for her...

    W.J.Xia · Urban
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    Wendy Rose's Life

    66Denise_Demon66 · Urban
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    The Humble Son-in-law is a Billionaire

    He had to divide hundreds of millions of property to give his daughter and wife a better life!

    Wendy Baldwin · Urban
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    Who killed the Maiden Wendy

    aryanna_rusi · Horror
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    My heart beats for Wendy

    Lordrine_Leon · LGBT+
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    Wendy's Mirror

    ||Raising awareness of Body Dysmorphic Disorder|| Wendy Davis is a 22-year-old college student who seems like she lives a perfectly normal life on the surface. But deep down, she is constantly trailed by her worst nightmare- a stained perception of her own features. Still struggling to juggle her life with this choking fate, all hope seems lost as her `over-dramatic insecurities` sneakily pave the way to the end of her self-love and relationship. As she is left off with the residue of what life remained behind of her world, only one question constantly lingers in her mind: "Who will save me from this damned curse?"

    thebaddiegrace · Urban
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    Wendy's Madness

    Idris_Ymele · Fantasy
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    Lost Race from the Stars: Oc x Wendy

    A once prosperous ancient race has been forgotten and long thought to be dead by the people of Fiore, this was a race of Elves. What happens when team Natsu receives a strange request from the magic council to investigate a mysterious magical power that's been leaking out from within ancient ruins? Elements of Black Clover mixed in such as magic and demons/devils, Older Wendy x oc, Chelia (sheria) x oc, Mirajane x oc, Laxus x oc.

    Novaflame6_Badal · Fantasy
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    Mr. Charles's Hidden Wife

    Wendy had never expected one day she would sleep with Henson Charles, the business tycoon of this City. She thought it would only be one night stand, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be an " absolutely matched" marriage. One day, a reporter had an interview with Henson. "Mr. Charles, on behalf of all your fans, I would like to ask you what kind of girl do you like most?" "I only like my wife." Then, the news about Mr. Charles’s secret marriage spread throughout the whole world. After they got married, Wendy felt even more tired because of her energetic husband. "Henson, I am not feeling well!" "It means you lack exercises. So come on to join me in the bed." Finally, Wendy burst into anger, “Henson Charles! Are you done now?!"

    W.J.Xia · Urban
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