
Review Detail of Gojusensi_441 in Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Review detail


actually great world building a perfect novel but the only flaw is the racism in it but it's minute that u can overlook it but it still bad though that's why I gave it a star less


Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

His Majesty Scholar

Liked by 3 people




Sooo…not a “perfect” novel lol. The characters introduced after the animals were annoying. I almost dropped before Ch 25 due to my irritation with them. Definitely more flaws than just the racism. I Reckon this novel will never match up to or even get close to Lord of the Mysteries. This is just an above average trial read. 100-200 chapters later this will fall apart.


r u dumb bruh ? we don't compare a home made rocket with space x rocket do we uff the comparison was done with the remaining trial reads not lord of mysteries people have their opinion so i don't find it wrong that u think it's hard to read but in my case it was good but then again i don't think i even Remember this novel anymore it's very old

AwfulAbsoluteSweet:Sooo…not a “perfect” novel lol. The characters introduced after the animals were annoying. I almost dropped before Ch 25 due to my irritation with them. Definitely more flaws than just the racism. I Reckon this novel will never match up to or even get close to Lord of the Mysteries. This is just an above average trial read. 100-200 chapters later this will fall apart.

You literally just proved my point lol. Despite having read LoTM YEARS ago I still remember most of Klein’s story (don’t want to spoil a lot but some buzzer words: apocalypsessss…sequences…Castle…Derecho (my fav character)). You’re argument is flawed. Whoever said you can’t compare a novel to LoTM when making a review is stupid, but I digress since you didn’t understand what I said. I gave this trial read a 4.5 stars (yes, that’s a high rating), but does that mean that this is a good book…time will tell but I‘m guessing it will go downhill in later chapters. The comparison to LoTM isn’t even a faulty analogy; all I am saying is that this novel won’t be something I remember (like most trial reads) and as such I don’t think it’s that good. It had a stellar opening, but the characters seem annoying to me (they might improve or get worse), but I definitely won’t remember this novel.

Gojusensi_441:r u dumb bruh ? we don't compare a home made rocket with space x rocket do we uff the comparison was done with the remaining trial reads not lord of mysteries people have their opinion so i don't find it wrong that u think it's hard to read but in my case it was good but then again i don't think i even Remember this novel anymore it's very old

So does the MC enter a fantasy world and can't return or what? Glanced at a random chapter and people had guns.


i don't know i forgot

Mute:So does the MC enter a fantasy world and can't return or what? Glanced at a random chapter and people had guns.

oh yeah he can enter earth but he can't meet any people beacause he is sealed in his city alone with earth resources

Mute:So does the MC enter a fantasy world and can't return or what? Glanced at a random chapter and people had guns.