
Review Detail of ExArgentum in Corrupting Worlds

Review detail


The mc transmigrates into “Avatar: The Last Airbender” as a foot soldier on Zuko’s ship before Aang awakens. For some reason, he has a hate bon*r for the Avatar gang. Things I like: - I like how the system is working. Fast skill leveling, op skills, etc. - Shifts in perspective allowing readers understand the character’s emotions. Things I dislike: - Behavior of the mc is a miss. He acts like a cringe flirt that gets beat up by mc’s in other novels. He constantly creates conflict then gets upset about the conflict. - Author forgetting details is another thing. Little spoiler — Mc goes to Kyoshi island and his excuse is that he got stranded in the ocean while fishing and that his ethnicity is Water tribe. The author forgot that he flaunted the handsomeness of the mc and his gold eyes as a Fire tribesmen when he introduced the mc. It honestly wasn’t for me. Not that the writing was bad, but little details kept adding up and annoying me. If the Mc’s personality was better and random plot holes were kept to a minimum, I would have enjoyed this.

Corrupting Worlds


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Honestly, you can’t expect everyone to like Aang. Everyone has their own personality and ideals. The world isn’t all black and white after all. And I understand that about the whole backstory. Honestly, the MC said that with the idea that Suki wouldn’t know much about the outside world only that the Fire Nation is the enemy abd that they travel in metal ships, use firebending, and wear red armor. Being handsome has nothing to do with the Fire nation so I don’t know why you pointed that out and the golden eyes is still uncommon among the Fire nation whose eyes are usually from red to orange, and I believe a version of brown as well. Thanks for the review!


And that whole MC personality, this story is supposed to be one of growth, not one where the MC’s personality is set in stone since the beginning. Where’s the growth? No growth? That’s lame.


I just wish you had a reason. Your character seems to hate them for no reason. It’s off putting and leaves much to be desired. It aludes to the hypocritical losers that turn into young masters when they get powers from other fanfics. Also, you’re acting like gold doesn’t resemble red, yellow, and brown eyes. I feel like it is more obvious than the other colors. Especially when everyone else in the world either had grey, green, or blue, or some variant in general. Almost everyone had the genetics of a bender at some point.

Sinning_Sovereign:Honestly, you can’t expect everyone to like Aang. Everyone has their own personality and ideals. The world isn’t all black and white after all. And I understand that about the whole backstory. Honestly, the MC said that with the idea that Suki wouldn’t know much about the outside world only that the Fire Nation is the enemy abd that they travel in metal ships, use firebending, and wear red armor. Being handsome has nothing to do with the Fire nation so I don’t know why you pointed that out and the golden eyes is still uncommon among the Fire nation whose eyes are usually from red to orange, and I believe a version of brown as well. Thanks for the review!

Ahhh yes! Disliking a group of people because of their fictional counterpart.

Sinning_Sovereign:Honestly, you can’t expect everyone to like Aang. Everyone has their own personality and ideals. The world isn’t all black and white after all. And I understand that about the whole backstory. Honestly, the MC said that with the idea that Suki wouldn’t know much about the outside world only that the Fire Nation is the enemy abd that they travel in metal ships, use firebending, and wear red armor. Being handsome has nothing to do with the Fire nation so I don’t know why you pointed that out and the golden eyes is still uncommon among the Fire nation whose eyes are usually from red to orange, and I believe a version of brown as well. Thanks for the review!


Darnelljoe:Ahhh yes! Disliking a group of people because of their fictional counterpart.

i also don't like the Baldy he is insult to all the Baldy people and is especially a insult for our favourite saitama

Sinning_Sovereign:Honestly, you can’t expect everyone to like Aang. Everyone has their own personality and ideals. The world isn’t all black and white after all. And I understand that about the whole backstory. Honestly, the MC said that with the idea that Suki wouldn’t know much about the outside world only that the Fire Nation is the enemy abd that they travel in metal ships, use firebending, and wear red armor. Being handsome has nothing to do with the Fire nation so I don’t know why you pointed that out and the golden eyes is still uncommon among the Fire nation whose eyes are usually from red to orange, and I believe a version of brown as well. Thanks for the review!

Kyoshi is a small island but it is not a closed place as the Southern Water tribe more than adoring Kyoshi and Avatar as it is more possible to see them as if they were a small country in Avatar, knowing that the characteristics of each nation are also important to them, already They love the avatar, not to know the distinctive characteristics of each nation for a large hole in the plot and treat all stupid minus the MC and the casual villain only worsen.