
Review Detail of Aion27 in Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Review detail


Ridiculously difficult for a new reader to start reading this story. With the amount of chapters the author writes, which I actually very much think is amazing, there is just no quick way to ever catch up with this story. There are too many chapters that you have to unlock and unless you buy an obscene amount of passes the likelihood of ever actually getting far into this story is very small. You are lucky if you get one free pass to even read one chapter of this story a day so for a new reader they would have to spend so much money to get anywhere with it. So it is just not a story for anyone to pick up and want to spend their only pass on when they can start reading a story that has less chapters to catch up on and then be able to stay current with it much more easily. While a good story overall just not one for someone to easily start reading.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


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