


Obviously I enjoy reading and some good novels. I really only joined so that I would be able to read the locked chapters without having to wait since I am not patient enough for that.

2018-03-25 JoinedUnited States

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  • Aion27

    Ridiculously difficult for a new reader to start reading this story. With the amount of chapters the author writes, which I actually very much think is amazing, there is just no quick way to ever catch up with this story. There are too many chapters that you have to unlock and unless you buy an obscene amount of passes the likelihood of ever actually getting far into this story is very small. You are lucky if you get one free pass to even read one chapter of this story a day so for a new reader they would have to spend so much money to get anywhere with it. So it is just not a story for anyone to pick up and want to spend their only pass on when they can start reading a story that has less chapters to catch up on and then be able to stay current with it much more easily. While a good story overall just not one for someone to easily start reading.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Aion27
    Replied to dylan_tucker

    But when you get further into the chapter it says that the Titan blood assimilated and transformed his old blood into the new blood. If it only does that then he doesn’t have a true bloodline since he will still be making his normal human blood that would then be transformed into the Titan blood.

    Just as Lin Tian was still deep in thought, puzzled about what happened earlier, he suddenly felt something happening in his body. The blood that was flowing through his new heart was reacting with his own blood.
    Thousand Years Trade: Trading SSS Rank Talent At The Beginning
    Eastern · Fallen Mountain
  • Aion27
    Replied to Aion27

    I do realize that trying to insert logic into this is ridiculous because of the main premise of this story doesn’t follow logic.

    Just as Lin Tian was still deep in thought, puzzled about what happened earlier, he suddenly felt something happening in his body. The blood that was flowing through his new heart was reacting with his own blood.
    Thousand Years Trade: Trading SSS Rank Talent At The Beginning
    Eastern · Fallen Mountain
  • Aion27

    I sometimes wonder if these authors know anything about anatomy because the heart isn’t the thing making new blood it just pumps it. If you want different blood then you have to change the bone marrow.

    Just as Lin Tian was still deep in thought, puzzled about what happened earlier, he suddenly felt something happening in his body. The blood that was flowing through his new heart was reacting with his own blood.
    Thousand Years Trade: Trading SSS Rank Talent At The Beginning
    Eastern · Fallen Mountain
  • Aion27
    Replied to thewayofKABOOMMMMM

    Game nerds might do a lot of impossible things but what is going on there is just plain old stupidity in the story. It has been 5 minutes but they were able to hunt down every monster they needed and killed them that quickly to get a leveled up a few times. It took the MC 2 hours just to get to level 4 so there is no way any other people got a few levels in 5 minutes.

    Su Jin had wasted a little time. There were already players who had leveled up a few levels and were walking at the forefront.
    Only I Can Recharge Money in This Game
    Games · Flight Captain
  • Aion27
    Replied to Luloli

    It also falls into the same trap as all the others stories exactly like this one, where the MC is fighting things that give him extra exp, doing hidden mission which give more exp, and soloing bosses which give a lot of exp but then only a little bit later you learn that the top ranked players are only a level lower that he is. Which never makes any sense whatsoever.

    Only I Can Recharge Money in This Game
    Games · Flight Captain
  • Aion27

    How is he only level 4? To get 200 tusks he had to fight that many boars. Which means if each in gives him 50 exp then he should have gotten 10,000 exp so far. If to level up to lvl 2 you only need 100 and then to lvl up to 3 you need 500 that means he has only used up 600 exp. 200 x 50 = 10,000 10,000 - 100 = 9,900 9,900 - 500 = 9,400 That means for him to only have 900/2,100 exp at level 4 then to actually get to level 4 from level 3 you need 8,500. 9,400 - 900 = 8,500 This leveling system is bullshit and I would be pissed if I was the one playing that game. Also, before anyone says anything about a boar having two tusks. I went back to make sure that he has only received one from the first boar he fought and then he even later on said that the loot drops in the game are stingy. So even if he was able to get lucky and get two from a boar if would very rarely happen like maybe 1 out of 25 times.

    [ Level: level 4 (900/2100) ]
    Only I Can Recharge Money in This Game
    Games · Flight Captain
  • Aion27

    This is exactly the reason why I hate these VR stories that deal with the MC getting cheats at the beginning. The game has been open for five minutes and some players are already several levels higher. When there is barely enough time to go talk to someone to get a quest and kill some monsters. Like does it only take a couple seconds to kill a boar and how in the world did someone already find a dungeon that they would be able to fight in at such low levels? It is always the same thing with these kinds of stories where the MC gets a bunch of cheats and is leveling up so fast by fighting monsters much stronger than them so they get more xp and doing very hard quests that give a lot of xp, then you get to the next paragraph and it is saying that the next best person is only a level under them. So even with all those cheats and extra xp they still aren’t doing that great. At that point I usually think about how much of a loser the MC is if he can even’t be properly OP with everything he has been given.

    Su Jin had wasted a little time. There were already players who had leveled up a few levels and were walking at the forefront.
    Only I Can Recharge Money in This Game
    Games · Flight Captain
  • Aion27
    Replied to vkg313

    So far we don’t ctually have enough information on whether or not he is the only one that gets stronger IRL. With the way the story started by having his friend that he hasn’t seen or heard from in 3 years send him the game and tell him to play it even though he might die from it, we can take a good guess that others also become stronger by playing the game. For the store though we haven’t seen anything to say he was the only one with it. He hasn’t actually talked to any other players yet so we don’t know if he is the only one with it. I do understand that the summary says that he is the only one but if you have been on WebNovel long enough you realize that their summaries are generally more like guidelines than the way the summaries are in western novels. He also has not bought a single thing from the store so far. So while he has it it hasn’t actually brought him any advantages in these first 20 chapters.

    Training Through The Game
    Eastern · Asking Heaven For Directions
  • Aion27

    So they disappear for three years, all the friend says is that something happened at home, doesn’t ask for any kind of information, and then says that they are good. Wow this guy is very chill about things. Don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in what happened either but normally people ask about what happened or if there was anything they could do to help.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Training Through The Game
    Eastern · Asking Heaven For Directions
  • Aion27

    The second he named it Dogsh*t I pretty much lost interest in the story. Since if the author was willing to take the story in that direction already then I can guess and don’t want to see where else they will go with it.

    Ch 2 Talent Ability
    I Truly Have Average Talents
    Urban · Enthusiastic Third Teacher
  • Aion27
    Replied to Shivanshu

    Merlinium Magic might be a good way of doing it without just having his name and making it sound more official almost

    One thing I wanted to ask you guys. Once Edward starts to travel to different worlds and learn different magic systems, he will have to label them. For example, if he went to High School DXD, he could call that magic DXD magic or the world of Diablo, he could call it Diablo Magic. However, I feel weird calling his current magic Harry Potter Magic or HP Magic. So, can you guys give me a few suggestions for the name of the HP universe magic
    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Book&Literature · LazySageDao
  • Aion27

    How the heck is that a Grade B talent? At the beginning it isn’t the best but it is still not bad, as you get to late game though it is OP.

    "Haha, I've drawn a Grade B talent. It increases my attack power by 20%!"
    Necromancer: Rise of the Undead Lord
    Fantasy · Republish
  • Aion27

    Exactly, I will never understand characters that think it is alright if they don’t gain more power before going out into the wider universe. More power is never a bad thing to have when dealing with beings that are more powerful than you. Thanks for going in this direction

    Ch 111 An Idle Life! II
    My Idle Gaming System
    Games · Adui
  • Aion27

    I quite like the way he is going about this. It can get very repetitive to always have the same plot of killing someone to protect your home planet but then his sect, or whatever, finds out so you have to fight them off next. I live that you are doing something different.

    Ch 103 A High Tier Law is the First!
    My Idle Gaming System
    Games · Adui
  • Aion27
    Replied to Dadido

    So from what I read the story was saying that people will become their character in the future. That is what I understood at least so I could be wrong about that. The game itself though is a PC game but it is written in a way that tries to pass itself off as a VR game, even though it isn’t.

    I Was Reborn With All Max-Leveled Classes of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer!
    Games · Flavored Lollipop
  • Aion27

    This is such a stupid story already it seems like it wants it to be a VR story but then all of a sudden it is a PC game. It seems to try to act like the MC is actually fighting and doing everything but then it is him using a keyboard and mouse. It even writes it out like all the characters are showing their emotions and able to move however they want. It even says on the first day of the game opening that people were moving around being amazed and stunned by the looks and the way they move like games with good movements is something new for them. Then we get to the fact that the story is trying to say that almost everyone in the world is stopping to play a PC game. Like just because it was made that everyone is going to go out to buy a gaming computer and stop using any other gaming system. This would make so much more sense if like other stories this was a VR. Other stories that say things like this I can kinda believe if it is the first of its kind and mostly realistic.

    I Was Reborn With All Max-Leveled Classes of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer!
    Games · Flavored Lollipop
  • Aion27
    Replied to InHisName

    Actually this isn’t a VR game. It tries to pass itself off as a PC game. Which makes no sense at all with the way it is written as if he is the one actually swinging his sword and fighting.

    I Was Reborn With All Max-Leveled Classes of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer!
    Games · Flavored Lollipop
  • Aion27
    Replied to Blacktiger

    Yeah, but it is ridiculous for anyone to think of another color than red for blood at first. There are also real blood moons and they are red. So my point still stands on the fact that saying red before blood moon is unnecessary.

    However, when a red Blood Moon appeared in the sky, everything changed.
    The Era of Tower Defense: I Have Super Enhancement
    Fantasy · A Little Demon Fish
  • Aion27

    He really did not use his archers well at all. The fight could have gone so much quicker if he just had them shoot it a buch of times.

    Ch 10 Storm of Thorns
    The Era of Tower Defense: I Have Super Enhancement
    Fantasy · A Little Demon Fish