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  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to T_Vivek_Reddy

    If this is already too much, then you won't like him when he reaches maturity.

    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to flys36

    It's not a crossover. The quote comes from Warhammer 40k.

    - Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to KingK9

    It means that Robert is 10 while Stannis is 9.

    Robert was led to the dining room, where Jon Arryn and Ned Stark were already sitting and waiting for him. They weren't alone, the lord of the castle, Lord Tywin Lannister was also present. He was seemingly conversing with Jon about some small talk while they waited. When the doors opened and Robert entered, everyone looked at him. Any other boy of two and ten name days would have felt a bit shy or threatened under the hard gaze of Tywin Lannister, but not Robert. He didn't care in the slightest ... he wasn't really looking at Tywin anyway. He was looking at the decoration. It was an impressive castle after all. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Microraptor

    It's fine. I appreciate you doing that. I was joking. I am trying to introduce characters and if I want to introduce Elia, I have to mention Oberyn. And if I mention him, I should also mention where he is, if he's not here. I won't always do that though. I have my own schemes. lol.

    "Oh, I doubt that. Allow me to introduce to you my daughter as well. Elia Martell. My other children sadly couldn't make the trip. My eldest son Doran stayed behind as castellan of Sunspear, while my youngest Oberyn has had a rather unfortunate encounter with the paramour of Lord Edgar Yronwood.", I say.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Heavy_Space

    Indeed. I have an idea, especially for three women in this story and I won't take any slander for it. You can dislike it, but they will have character. I find it hilarious that they shouldn't have any.

    It's not always about sex. These couple of chapters give the Elia Martell and her mother in my story a face and a character. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Tyler_Pavlovich

    This is not a harem. But sleeping with women is not a crime. He is a powerful young lord. I promise you he will not be unfaithful during his marriage and he also won't bed every woman he sees. Our boy has standards.

    It's not always about sex. These couple of chapters give the Elia Martell and her mother in my story a face and a character. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Microraptor

    Don't spoil such things, man. I make sure to explain things in detail so that everyone understands. But thank you for the effort. I appreciate it. Just a bit bummed that you spoiled some of the next chapter.

    "Oh, I doubt that. Allow me to introduce to you my daughter as well. Elia Martell. My other children sadly couldn't make the trip. My eldest son Doran stayed behind as castellan of Sunspear, while my youngest Oberyn has had a rather unfortunate encounter with the paramour of Lord Edgar Yronwood.", I say.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Microraptor

    Imported. I try to make things as fitting to the books as possible, but sometimes I improvise.

    It was a rather big, round and flat dish. Its golden-brown crust is slightly crisped at the edges, topped with an array of ingredients that smell of cheese and ... something else. The red sauce contrasts with something white, and dotted throughout were slices of what I assume to be meat, olives, and herbs that released an intoxicating aroma.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to CruelReality

    It's all about the visuals and smell. You only get one chance at a first impression.

    "Your son is quite remarkable. To create something so unique, and so delightful to the senses… You have my thanks for letting us taste this culinary delight, Lord Robert.", I say.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Edward_nigma

    Wait. There is no rush in this novel. Things will happen in due time. If he kills Andros now, when they just met, relations will be ruined, no matter what Andros did. It won't be justified. But as they get to know Robert more ... we shall see.

    I knew the moment I arrived here what was going on. Andros often forgets his place and acts on his insecurities. It would appear that a paramour change is in order soon. He was fun, but I see something new that interest me. If only I was in Elia's place. Not that age matters to me. Not when they look like that.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Daoist_Mandyana

    Be patient my friend. It will be oh so much sweeter when ... stuff happens. No need to blow his own horn all the time. Silent waters run deep.

    I don't know why he tries to be so humble or if he truly is this humble. He has all the reason to be arrogant and proud ... But I can sense a deep pride in him. It was the reason he didn't fall for the provocations and jests from Andros. He told me everything about it and I have to say I am impressed. Andros tried to belittle him and said Robert was an idiot who took the insults about himself. But I can see the truth of the matter. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to flys36

    It’s a quote

    - Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Mulato_69

    Thank you very much. I can really use some feedback. Even if it's bad. As long as it's constructive.

    Ch 18 The Martells visit I
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Anadown

    Glad someone got that.

    "I also asked him why he never asked for ... intimate favours. He would always say the same thing. 'Listen Mary and listen well. Remember what I tell you now. Fast women and slow horses will ruin your life. I am not saying you are a fast woman, I am not even sure why I'm telling you this ... wait what are we talking about? Eh, forget what I said, you're part of the family and I despise incest.'"
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h

    Saera Martell

    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to Crabble

    That’s right

    "And what about the brothel? Didn't you want to decrease prostitution slowly? This would yield in a deficit, no?", I ask him. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to The_man_The_myth

    Exactly. Tywin Lannister is not about to believe the rumours coming from the smallfolk.

    "Very well. Joanna will give birth naturally. I hope you are correct in your assessment ... for all our sakes.", I say and then leave the room. 
    Robert I Baratheon
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
  • DaoistWDfd8h
    Replied to cabooseiscool_1

    Nah it's all good.

    But I can't help but like my new mother. She is like the rising sun, gentle and warm. Hard to believe that she would marry someone like Tywin Lannister. Politics ... it disgusts me. However, I understood the appeal to people in this world to delve into the Game of Thrones ... there was pretty much nothing else to do. But I thought differently. Even though my mentality and thought processes slowly changed from the young man of the 21st century, to 'the Lion' in the medieval fantastical world, I still kept a few things about myself. 
    Lion El'Johnson
    Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h