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  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    is this guy like beta pro Max how do you expect your girls to respect you and other guys to not approach them when you are this coward

    Ryuu only hoped he didn't die when they found out about everything. Though, he doubted he'd actually die where as long as there's a single cell living then he could eventually regenerate but it would take a long time to do and thankfully could speed up by consuming biomass.
    Omni-Dimensional Emanation
    Anime & Comics · Try_hard
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to Crow_n_me

    it means to say that it makes it seem to the girls that he is dense and joking and does not have any perverted ideas so they have a good impression of him while actually he is being perverted

    This is one of the effects of [ Essence of the Harem Protagonist ] where not only does it influence the charisma of the user but also make action like a dense harem protagonist. 
    Omni-Dimensional Emanation
    Anime & Comics · Try_hard
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    uh it's kinda irritating at this point 😞

    "Everything should be. I'm your childhood for petesake!"
    Omni-Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · Try_hard
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    bros an idiot if he thinks any other person will allow him to stay happy if he is not the strongest

    Ryuu has no plan on reaching the top nor some stupid ambition like any other protagonist. He only wants adventure with his family and seeing the wonder the world has to offer as well give them a wonderful home.
    Omni-Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · Try_hard
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to Try_hard

    wow youre priortizing neji over your mc great way to show how imp he is . Also plz add grayfia , no way sirzechs deserves her

    Also no, my mc won't collect woman and I'll make chapters for his woman interacting along with the other members.
    Omni-Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · Try_hard
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to ManOfCultureLeon

    if she didn't get powers how TF is she young and alive rn ?Carol existed when Nick was quite young

    "...I am just used to powerful people using people like me who have no powers like chess pieces.", Carol said, "When the world was first invade, the governments pinned all the blame on me for not being ready. They dragged me through the mud, and several people I thought I could trust sold me out. Tony Stark leaked photos of me to the media...he did it to save himself from the public rage saying I had used photos to force him into submission."
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    if a black hole did open whole earth would be sucked in but meh....

    Howling in pain I threw him through several buildings as I approached them. Trying to use his power to stop he watched as I continued to approach him without being phased by anything he did. Trying to support him his horsemen tried to add their power into the mix, so I decided to show them how far out of their league I was. Punching a Black Hole into existence all of their attacks were immediately being sucked into the Black Hole along with all the debris around them.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to Pekokopiko
    "All I ask is that I be the only man you share a bed with from now on.", I said.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to CoffeeAficionado

    makes sense i guess i

    "Very pretty, do I need to be concerned about boys coming after you?", I asked protectively.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to 6BigBoneMeat9

    the other young princess Mera ....this Mera is kind and responsible

    Telling them that was fine, I offered to set them up with identities and jobs they said they were happy here. Mera came clean, and said she was interested in dating me. Having saved her, helped her when she was down, and moreover gave her the chance to slay her people's killer...she felt it was only right to stand with me. Wonder Woman said she like my good nature and kindness towards people, unwavering sense of justice, and above all healing her when no one else could. Iris said she liked hanging around me and the women so she really wanted to stay. Zatana said she was interested in being romantic since I was a nice guy, and she really liked how I interacted with people. Batwoman simply said it made the most sense to stay with me, and wouldn't elaborate further.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to CoffeeAficionado

    if he did like her that way you would say he is a pedo or stuff

    "Very pretty, do I need to be concerned about boys coming after you?", I asked protectively.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    maturity leave .....really bruh

    'Now that everything makes sense, I can relax.', Nezu sighed as he returned to his office, 'The only thing to worry about is Nemuri taking maturity leave...we will have to bring in a substitute till she recovers. Maybe I can get Gran Torino to cover for a while.'
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    I mean it's all good and stuff but i dont know how to feel about this if I were in his place . For most of his girls he has turned out to be just backup and last option when they could not get what they want with others

    "Let's face it, you aren't going to find a guy like Clark out there.", Dorothy said acting like an astute teacher, "You both have tried dating several guys since we met, and none of those relationships panned out. All of them ended up with you heartbroken now this last one was the last straw. You two need a good, supportive boyfriend that will treat you right."
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to Seishiro

    totally right ....tbh no one is good or correct everyone works for their own good and selfishness .....but i gotta be honest most muslims in general take things too extreme and degrade it . Like the worst war crimes , pedo, rapes and brutal gores all happen in Muslim prominent countries . Most people are bad and selfish but most muslims are outright unreasonable and brutal terrorists

    "She has an ugly face, you can't call someone with children's blood on their hands beautiful.", I snapped, "I am dragging her to the Pits of Hell, and leaving her in eternal agony for her crimes. Neither of them deserve peace!"
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to surya_wijaya


    Tatsuya and the others were standing at the train station. Kunou was clinging to him like koala and was giving him puppy eyes to stay there with her but Tatsuya stood her resolve and said, "I have to go back for now Kunou but it is not like that we cannot meet in future. I will come and visit you from time to time and you could also come at my place to spend your time there." He gave them a smile.and then a small bracelet and a ring appeared in his hands. He gave the ring to Yasaka and the bracelet to Kunou. Both of them were just like the ring he gave to Miyuki and he explained them how to use it. Both of them were very happy that Tatsuya cared for them and would come to their aid whenever they would be in trouble.
    Life in DXD
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to Mike_R_T_F
    Meanwhile Tatsuya about whom all this was going on about is choked by four girls and was trying very hard to hold onto his dear life.
    Life in DXD
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    yeah only gods can extract 10 TH metal and it exists only in dark multiverse so no she can't

    "Yeah...I am not hitting any of you again...", Itsuka said rubbing her hands, "That stuff really hurts!!"
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    no way Zeus did not jump on the women there

    "Good, our survival hinges on that young man.", Zeus said, "How goes preparing equipment for our army?"
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989
    Replied to HangerBaby
    ---Next Day, U.A High School---
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Shashwat_Singh_0989

    he crushed and was missing one arm so how did you cuff his wrists 😅

    Flying several stories past that, I caught up to him and proceeded to slam him into the ground. Unable to feel anything now the villain was completely disoriented, and no longer a threat. Grabbing the bumper off a ruined car, I bent the steel around his wrists ensuring he wouldn't break free.
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon