
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 77 - Disappointed

This is the part where most hate my OC but since I changed the reason for the harem. Her reaction is less dramatic but still sensible.


To begin describing how Justine was feeling was a wide range of shock, disbelief and frustration from all the stories that Ryuu told her.

She couldn't believe what he was telling her that sounded too much of a fiction than actual reality even how he brought her far from the city in mere moments isn't enough to make believe as she was in denial.

Ryuu understood since if their position was switched then he'd be made beyond belief considering only telling is not enough.

"I can see you don't believe me. Let me show you what I look like after my journey."

He shapeshifted back into his original appearance making Justine step back as his face reshaped itself into a mature young man with a beautiful jawline and long hair that made her feel hot.

She soon moves closer to inspect his face that Ryuu let her do caressing his face to see if it was real and there is no denying. Ryuu held her smooth hands that had been three years since he felt it.

He never expected to feel the way he did even how much time had passed and his feeling towards Justine only grew. Ryuu regretted not telling her much earlier than before about all the shenanigans he went through.

"How is it possible? Does that world of fiction exist??" Justine exclaimed.

"Yes and no, I've traveled and there might be similarities but in the end they are their own person. "

Ryuu understood that some characters would definitely be different from the world to the show. Take for example Kanae who's a massive Masochist and nympho in bed while Shinobu is a Sadist but doesn't include the bed.

Justine thought about the unbelievable things that happened to him and realized spending three years had made him more mature than before.

"Oh right, I'm rich now, like really rich and also head up. Our world apparently also has supernatural powers like Aswang and Salamangkero."

This caught her attention and jaws dropped wondering if he was lying or not but the revelation shook her to the core.

"Wait what!? You're saying there's a monster lurking in the shadows that could harm my and your family!?" Justines panicked.

"Don't worry I already planned this here."

Ryuu took out a bag containing eight [ Hearthstone Protection ] that he bought using all the points. It would ensure that nothing would come in their way.

"What is this? Some magic rock?" Justines asked.

"It's a [ Hearthstone Protection ] just thinking of the person you want it to be protecting then you won't need to worry about any harm to Auntie and your brothers." Ryuu explained.

"Hold on, how much did you spend? I know from what I read that it uses points?? How much did you spend?" She asked.

"There's no point worrying about that. You and your family's safety is more important than points."

Ryuu happily said since it was better than spending a large amount of points for a way to resurrect a person. Justine couldn't help but be in debt to Ryuu thinking about others before himself to the point that he sometimes makes the wrong decision.

"Alright I believe you but…." Justine deeply sighs.


He downcast Justine expression contorted into multitude of emotion towards him but most prominent is disappointment.

How would a normal woman react that the person she liked suddenly had a harem despite knowing for her life. She felt like the defeated childhood from an anime romance.

"I won't try to convince you and saying that I love you now wouldn't change a thing from my immature actions. Whatever you're going to say then I'll accept it but just know."

Ryuu felt like angering so many watchers from the cringe scene they were about to witness but none of those understand how complicated people could be.

"I will protect you even if you hate me. You are still important to me no matter what."

If he could go back and handle differently then he would since it's his immature self that acted the way he did. Ryuu could easily go and rewrite everyone that knows them, letting Justine live a normal life.

Justine has nothing to say since her heart felt a warmth and disappointed all bottles up. Ryuu was shocked when he felt something on his face and saw Justine do a right hook hitting his face. it hardly hurt him like a soft bouncy ball hit him.

"I'm not angry, just a bit disappointed how things turned out. You mentioned that it's forced by the system and I can't blame you for it."

Justine knew it was unfair for her to be mad when everything was set up by the system itself. Though Ryuu is partially at fault because he desired it, all the blame is attributed to the system.

Ryuu could see her appearing exhausted wanting to embrace her but was too afraid to make everything worse. His emotion was overlapping with his Intuition.

"Don't tell me you love them equally since that crap doesn't exist."

She said in an annoyed tone knowing that there's bound to be bias in his harem. Justine just felt confused wanting to accept but didn't want to be left out like some Pokemon.


Justine stomping her feet into the ground becoming increasingly frustrated at everything that was happening even though they couldn't change what had already been done.

She knew that it would be selfish for her to say to leave the woman that fell for Ryuu since Justine understood the pain that might come after.

"Tell me do you really love me?" Justine asked looking at Ryuu trying to clinging to the hope that he loved her.

"....of course."

Ryuu pondered continuously if she truly loved her when he had a relationship with another woman. She was important to him like every other woman his relationship with but he knew equally doesn't exist.

Balance does, which is why he tries his best to give his all when given the opportunity. He doesn't plan on using clones to spend time with them nor leaving them to be vulnerable without helping them grow stronger.

"And your right Equality doesn't exist and won't even say that I'm not biased. I just promised, no, I vow that I'm going to do the best I can to make all of you happy."

Ryuu is determined to maintain their relationship as best he can while avoiding getting more women. Though, it's highly unlikely when his personality and new skills coming soon would make it near impossible.

Hearing his words and seeing an expression that Ryuu never had and that was maturity and a serious sharp gaze. He was normally uncaring and bored but his expression was different and the air around as well.

Justine felt extremely annoyed that she was pounding feeling deep frustration yet love towards the man before him. She prepared another punch but couldn't do it any more as he didn't even dodge when he could.

"I don't like how everything is going….."

Ryuu's expression didn't change already expecting it but then felt a warm lips clash with his and saw Justine kissing him then surprised when she bit his lips.

"But I also love you. I only want one thing only." Justine said, surprising him.

"What is it?" He quickly asked.

He didn't anticipate her response and was willing to do everything to give her what she wanted.

"Have you taken any of your harem Virginity?" Justine asked wanting to exert her dominance.

"No, I haven't. I decided to give to you if you ever say yes but know that I did foreplay like blo-" Before he could even finish his sentence was interrupted by Justine.

"Okay okay! Good then I'll have your virginity as you have mine. Furthermore, any woman that you may have in the future will have passed my judgment. I will always be by your side, like sitting on your lap when I'm around." She declared gradually returned to her normal self, washing away her previous emotion.

"They've already agreed that you have the highest privilege among the girls." Ryuu said to her.

"Everything should be. I'm your childhood for petesake!"

The tense drama atmosphere finally vanished as only two couples arguing made Ryuu smile and embrace Justine. She was still mad at him but it gradually eased up knowing that Ryuu already prepared everything.

"They've discussed that you deserve all the rights to decide in regard to the harem." Ryuu said to her.

"That's good…I still can't believe I'm agreeing with you. Care to tell me who is in the chat group?" Justine added.

"I can invite you if you want me." Ryuu said.

"Do I have to if I want to travel with you?" She asked.

"I don't think so? I have a pocket dimension where I can bring with me and I believe it's possible to bring anyone inside but won't get any rewards beside the intended participants." He explained.

"Then no I won't. I feel better if I'm not a slave to some system like the fanfiction I read."

Justine's have valid points with regards to chat groups as it sometimes limits the person's ability. There are pros and cons in both situations but Justine believes it's fine if Ryuu is the only one having it.

"Do you want to meet the others?" Ryuu asked her.

"....let's do it then. I want to see which woman falls for an idiot like you."