

2023-11-05 JoinedPhilippines



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  • SirChicks
    Replied to King_Of_SpaceTime

    That’s just wrong. As stated in Fate Strange Fake “The entire universe was compressed to absolute limits and focused around Ea, and was released by its weilder’s will.” That is a universal feat with Gil holding back, and heavily nerfed by Gaia and as a Servant

    Yahweh believed that in the right person, Enuma Elish could generate as much power as the "Big Bang."This righteous person was Yahweh.
    DxD: God of the Bible
    Anime & Comics · eternal_angel12
  • SirChicks

    Nah bruh, you lost due to plot.

    "That's true... I only lost to him because rubber is a natural enemy of lightning, but that doesn't change the fact that I was weaker than him. I lost to him."
    Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!
    Anime & Comics · BlackStar_BH
  • SirChicks
    Replied to Deadrule_vivek


    Bleach: Animus Arma
    Anime & Comics · SirChicks
  • SirChicks
    Replied to Psan

    In Fate? Bruh, Kanshou and Bakuya are rank B and are considered to be a weapon that reached the realm of gods. and theres is no rank S

    However, the problem lies here. August has just transmigrated, and he is still a Level 0 weakling. For him, Gate of Babylon is currently just a large storage tool with no other use.
    Multiverse Gacha
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • SirChicks

    Of course if we’re talking about visual novel, you can’t forget Fate/Stay Night.

    Ch 330 Frustration
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to Psan

    Bruh, Rank B is already a weapon that reach “the realm of gods”,

    However, the problem lies here. August has just transmigrated, and he is still a Level 0 weakling. For him, Gate of Babylon is currently just a large storage tool with no other use.
    Multiverse Gacha
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • SirChicks

    Why aren’t you on your knees begging China to let you sell your products in their country? You did that with Korea

    And the estimation of about 20-30 million units of KS1 being sold worldwide. Well, except in China, where KiShin couldn't sell its products, KiShin has been doing quite well. Even though KiShin has lost its direct presence in South Korea, SamStar is distributing their products in the market.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to OscuroSignore

    Two is correct. But one is just BS. Archer has Caliburn, Excalibur, and several divine constructs. The only thing he failed to copy was Ea, sacred gears is not that strong

    "Hn!" With one last pull, Archer twisted his body and used the Pawn's body as a weapon and hit the horrified Ruruko who had frozen with shock at the brutal display and got body slammed by Saji. Now using both hands, Archer threw Saji towards Sona, with the King making a desperate last-ditch attempt to summon more water hawks, which all ended up hitting her own Pawn instead.
    A Fake Familiar Reborn
    Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
  • SirChicks
    Replied to _AXOLOTL_

    Still would absolutely get wiped by Zelretch

    'If there is a Magus like Zeltrech back in my world, what's stopping there being an entity here with similar powers, or even multiple ones?' Worrisome, far too worrisome for his liking. His paranoid side wondered if Rias stumbling upon that summoning circle really had been an accident, or if the mage in question would turn out to be nothing but a sacrificial puppet to someone else. Even worse, whether or not there were more similar instances elsewhere in the world with the potential to bring forth other Servants remained a complete mystery.
    A Fake Familiar Reborn
    Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
  • SirChicks
    Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

    Nah, mc’s a dog for Korea. Pretty much every time MC tried to export his products there he will agree to any conditions, which doesn’t make sense. Korea has low population, and smaller market compared to India or China, but MC seems to be ignoring them

    Ch 285 KiShin World Championship
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to PoorReader


    Ch 263 Interview
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks

    Guys stop complaining, we’re not patrons so Author wouldn’t even care how much we complain

    Inwardly, Hana felt grateful for retaining her position as Shinro Suzuki's secretary. She had feared losing her job when Shinro discovered her role as a spy, thinking that her purpose would end and as even Tora had decided to abandon her.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to SuryaputraKarna

    Author wouldn’t listen to us anyway, after all we’re not patrons

    Inwardly, Hana felt grateful for retaining her position as Shinro Suzuki's secretary. She had feared losing her job when Shinro discovered her role as a spy, thinking that her purpose would end and as even Tora had decided to abandon her.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to SuryaputraKarna


    While KS1 dominated the Japanese market for about a month, it's essential not to overlook the presence of KES or SKES.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to Ductor_Storage

    Oh he will. But I doubt the author cares as long as he was making money. He was more interactive when he was starting, guess money really change people

    "Moreover, KiShin's recent mass firing at their newly acquired company, Marvel Comics, was a significant misstep," one executive commented, prompting laughter from CEO Frank Wilson and the other executives.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Video Games · NewComer714
  • SirChicks
    Replied to ssj3gohan007

    Hey, give my boy Shirou a break😭😭 He died thousands of time just to have a good ending. He deserves it😭😭

    If Gilgamesh were an ordinary human, he might have found many of the things around him interesting. However, he had no need to train, let alone learn because his strength was so great that all he did was rest.
    Defying Divinity
    Anime & Comics · SrCuervo
  • SirChicks

    I would’ve preferred this if the author didn’t introduce a bunch of single waifu....and even then I don’t want to ruin their family dynamics. Sigh

    Hitman x Family
    Anime & Comics · Livice
  • SirChicks
    Replied to ssj3gohan007

    I agree, but what separates Gilgamesh from others is his arrogance. If we take that away it would simply butcher his character. Even his wiser and more mature version(Caster) is still arrogant. And if the author used his Prime Version, or even his CCC version, there is no need for him to work hard because he can simply remove the limiter of his Spirit Origin, and increase his strength to match the likes of BB. BB herself admitted that Gil was equal to her. Mind you, BB is scaled to outer. Gil was thrown several universe away and came back in an instant. And since the universe is infinite this would give him infinite speed. A casual swing of EA was said to contain the power of a universe compressed to its absolute limits. It broke all physical laws and reduced everything back to the void. Even in Strange/Fake, It took a fight with Richard the Lionheart, fighting off the Grail Muds, multiple shots from Archer Heracles while getting reinforced by Jack the Ripper’s NP, Ishtar sealing off his entire Gate of Babylon, and a spear from Huwawa, just to bring him down, and they still could not kill him. Mind you, Gil was nerfed here. He doesn’t train, because there was simply no need for him to.

    If Gilgamesh were an ordinary human, he might have found many of the things around him interesting. However, he had no need to train, let alone learn because his strength was so great that all he did was rest.
    Defying Divinity
    Anime & Comics · SrCuervo
  • SirChicks
    Replied to ssj3gohan007

    Brother, I think you underestimate just how ridiculously broken and overpowered Boundless character are. It is impossible to reach it through training. To be boundless you need to be infinitely stronger than infinite hierarchy of an infinite heirarchy. To dumb it down, you need to be higher than infinite multiverse, and infinitely higher than infinite dimensions that exist in those infinite multiverse. It is impossible to achieve that level by training as only “author” is at that level. One such example is Void Shiki, who was infinitely powerful, the author Nasu couldn’t even name her without dumbing down her powers and abilities. The highest you can reach by training is Outer, and even that’s a stretch.

    If Gilgamesh were an ordinary human, he might have found many of the things around him interesting. However, he had no need to train, let alone learn because his strength was so great that all he did was rest.
    Defying Divinity
    Anime & Comics · SrCuervo
  • SirChicks
    Replied to ssj3gohan007

    In CCC, Gil can remove the limiter of his Saint Graph(the foundation of any beings and acts asa limiter to their power to make sure they don’t just go around erasing universe on a whim) If he wanted to, he can increase his power infinitely. So he doesn’t really have any reason to train, because he’s Gil and he’s ridiculously broken

    If Gilgamesh were an ordinary human, he might have found many of the things around him interesting. However, he had no need to train, let alone learn because his strength was so great that all he did was rest.
    Defying Divinity
    Anime & Comics · SrCuervo