

2023-09-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • Dilan_Itter

    What a selfish leader her speech is beyond dumb, the risk is incredibly stupid after already almost dying and knowing they let you in there. She is supposed to be smart yet doesn’t even consider something like them blowing up the base, they literally just suicide bombed her twice, either she is really stupid or this is really questionable writing

    Ch 78 The Plan
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • Dilan_Itter

    The story starts out well enough even with the grammatical issues, the Mc kills people who cross him or makes them handicapped, but all of a sudden the most antagonistic person to him who helps kidnap his sister he literally frees from prison for no reason. Later the “hero” tries to kill or maim basically everyone he loves and once again he can easily kill him and beats him but let’s him go, it leads you to believe maybe the mc and him have some sort of deal or something. Later he tries to kill one of his fiancés just to get back at the mc so clearly that can’t be the case unless it’s just going to be magically explained away, then they again fight but don’t worry for reasons no one knows they’re equal all of sudden (it’s stated many times that the mc is stronger than him until randomly poof Leonardo is just as strong because….. reasons) keep in mind the mc has op af buffs that are only possible for him such as farming stats without leveling or stealing monsters abilities (even though he rarely ever does unless it’s some op random boss character), but don’t worry for the plot he once again lets the guy get away who is still clearly trying to kill him and cause him harm. It’s established there are bigger badder villains Leonardo is basically a pointless character after turning evil that feels like he can’t die because reasons (he has ties to the mc in past and their gifts are linked) honestly it makes it just goofy at so many points because the mc will murder bandits or any human that crosses him, but the bully who harassed and tries to kill or kidnap his family is constantly spared. Makes it unreadable

    Death Guns In Another World
    Fantasy · Nickaido
  • Dilan_Itter

    I’m confused first it said it would be a couple days, then is said maybe a a week, no one said it had any chance of being over a month

    Time flies and soon one month passed and yet Alex was still in a coma.
    Death Guns In Another World
    Fantasy · Nickaido
  • Dilan_Itter

    Has a very well built world that is incredibly fascinating, the problem that you will run into is every time the story is moving well and at a good pace you will find the next ten chapters have almost no relevance to what the MC is doing. They will be in a life or death fight and all of sudden you spend 15 chapters going over another character who is uninvolved in this part of the story’s past. Or in the middle of a great arc there will be 5 chapters about someone’s random day or something that literally is not relevant to the story. It’s like the author didn’t know where to go so he almost puts side stories that are just boring randomly into the book

    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • Dilan_Itter

    The main character is supposed to be the demon of pride yet any time there is a woman he cannot handle even looking at them without being obsessed. The author feels the need to remind us every chapter that the women are attractive to the point where if you see their name you know that there will be atleast an entire paragraph about how alluring the character is, over and over. The Mc somehow caves into and borderline becomes the b*tch of every single female he encounters doing whatever they ask, he is the demon of PRIDE yet he has absolutely no pride. Starts off good but basically once the women start getting introduced the Mac becomes dumber, and more pathetic.

    Dungeon of Pride, Laplace
    Fantasy · ViciousPepper