

2023-07-25 JoinedSouth Africa



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  • Sweetpeafox08

    [img=recommend]I love the food talk! Now I'm hungry 😄

    A splash of water on his face awakened him further, though his stubble had grown in, he opted not to shave his prickly beard. Slipping on his slippers, he headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple yet delightful breakfast. The aroma of freshly made flaky paratha mingling with the scent of roasted chickpea curry and rich milk tea filled the air, eliciting a hungry rumble from his stomach. The golden paratha looked tantalizing, and the chickpea curry's flavors danced on his taste buds, providing a delightful start to the day. A cup of milk tea rounded off the meal, leaving his stomach content.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    How rude, Ruth is going to ruin everything before it even starts!

    Saad's curiosity got the better of him, and he navigated to Ruth's channel. There it was, a video with a caption that hit him like a punch: "Shameless Prey Stealing." The video played out the same battle, but it was edited to emphasize her contribution and imply that he had unjustly taken her kill. The comment section of her video was filled with accusations against him.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    haters gonna hate 😵

    The comments section was a whirlwind of reactions. While some viewers praised his gameplay skills and marveled at the intense battle he had to go through at a low level, others were laden with hate and resentment. It was almost as if they had come to just hate comment him.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Yay, progress in the real world too!

    To his surprise, the videos he had uploaded of the arachnid attack had gained significant attention. The view count had surged by almost a thousand. It was a thrilling revelation, and Saad's excitement swelled once again. But as he scrolled through the comments, a mix of elation and disappointment washed over him.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    wow I can't wait to see what fights he gets into with all the great gear he is getting

    Barrier: Activates a protective barrier when spoken the special words. The barrier can absorb damage from up to 10 level difference by 400%
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    What is his problem 😅😂

    As Saad watched the exchange, a pang of jealousy twisted within him. He desired those enchanted earrings for himself, their magical properties calling out to him. A thought flitted across his mind – could he steal them? But then, a rational voice reminded him that such an act might damage the familiarity he had with his virtual family. The dilemma left him feeling antsy, his excitement for his own gift building.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Saad is so greedy 🤣 I hope.he gets a boring gift to teach him a lesson! 😅

    "Oh, father. You really didn't have to." She smiled shyly and with gratitude, and Saad had no issues with the heartwarming exchange of pleasantries, but where was his gift?
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Gram is so hard on him! But it will make him stronger... I hope

    Saad felt a little down since un-equipping the shield meant losing precious defense points but he had a lot of trust in his light armor-"And that armor! Store it away. A real man doesn't hide behind fancy equipment!" Saad felt his shoulders slumping. He was back to square one.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    If only he could clean his real house and the master's virtual house at the same time 🫠

    As Saad started to clean up this time, he realized that sweeping the floors wasn't enough. The state of the place was more daunting than he had initially thought. It seemed like in just few days the mess had gotten a lot worse. Saad groaned inwardly, realizing that he now had to do full housework. Dusting, sweeping, organizing – the works. It was a far more daunting task than he had expected. Once more, he felt frustrated. Wasn't the game supposed to be more fun?
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    But you have a Fiancé, don't be greedy 😅

    As Saad asked, Rosarie seemed to think hard before she nodded. "Yes, not too far from here, there is the small shop of old man Jonas. He does all kinds of item making with leather. If you mention my name, he might charge you a little less." Her voice was as soft as ever, and Saad swore he could listen to her talk all day.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Oh wow! I didn't see this coming

    Saad blinked in surprise at the sudden appearance of the quest. He hadn't anticipated this turn of events. As he read through the details, the gravity of the opportunity before him sank in. This was a chance to not only help Rosarie but also to be part of something larger, to showcase her exceptional skills to a wider audience. It was a prospect he couldn't pass up. But… Of course there was always a 'but', in situations like this.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    I love it!

    As Saad secured the armor, his heart echoed with the resounding beats of an untamed adventure. Donning the light armor ensemble, each piece whispered of intricate artistry. A sweeping, dark brown cloak cascaded over him, harmonizing with the black leather tunic and trousers that effortlessly transitioned from deepest ebony to a gentle ash gray. Supple gloves adorned with delicate motifs in soft brown enveloped his hands, while boots crafted from the same ebony leather showcased meticulous silver accents along the toe and heel areas. A slim belt, adorned with silver flourishes, bore both aesthetic charm and practical utility—its adorned pouches stood ready to house minor tools and potions. These pouches, intricately adorned with silver trim, offered a sanctuary for small necessities.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Finally, a girl that isn't mad at him 😁

    [The NPC Rosarie looks at you with favor.]
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    What could it be...?🤩

    Saad couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. He decided to be direct, as he had learned to be in the world of Seraphia. "I heard about your shop from Madlock's apprentice. He mentioned that you might have something for me."
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Yay! I was so worried!

    As Saad ate the meal, the heavy tension in the room began to dissipate. Saad felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that he had Haroon's support, even if it came with its conditions. As they ate, Saad couldn't help but feel grateful for the mentorship Haroon was offering, even if it sometimes came in the form of scolding and tough love.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    You will get there, Saad!

    With a deep breath, Saad uploaded the video to the World Tube platform. He knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy; his previous video had only garnered a handful of views. But he refused to let discouragement hold him back. He was in this for the long haul, and he believed that his determination and hard work would eventually pay off.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    💔Aw Saad!

    Saad's eyes stung with unshed tears as he realized that Haroon wasn't going to take his words. And he couldn't even say anything. In Haroon's eyes, he had allowed himself to become consumed by the virtual world, neglecting his real-world obligations and spending hard earned money on something useless.
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08
    Replied to Han_Sirang

    I can't wait!

    S Rank Familiar egg x1
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08
    Replied to Han_Sirang

    He must increase his charm 🤣

    He soon felt burning gaze on himself and saw to side to see Ruth glaring at him hotly, "You stole my pray! How dare you! You filthy thief!"
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang
  • Sweetpeafox08

    Oh dear, another unhappy woman 😅

    He soon felt burning gaze on himself and saw to side to see Ruth glaring at him hotly, "You stole my pray! How dare you! You filthy thief!"
    Chimerical World System
    Fantasy · Han_Sirang