
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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107 Chs

A Heavy Reality

Irene soon passed his a pouch full of quills as she spoke, "This here are 10 spheres for clearing the wells and 20 seraphs for exterminating the shadow-web queen." Saad took the pouch from her and now realized why that player was so angry because not only he had gotten a huge amount of money but could also see message windows appearing.

[Your fame has increased by 200]

[You have gained good 20 karma points. You have unlocked additional stat, 'Virtue'. Keep doing good deeds to amass more points.]

[The rumors about you circulate in the city of Seraphia. Your existence grows stronger.]

'Virtue?' That was something different, Saad thought briefly as he took the coins. 'Existence,' Saad wondered if he should ask about it from Irene but then decided against it. He was going to upload his full quest video of arachnid infestation later so he might as well as search it then. He felt like he shouldn't be striking too many conversations with her.

He decided to take a quest as well now that he was here. He half expected another quest from Drusilla but remembered that the NPC was sick last time when he went to deliver the herbs. "Are there any new quests I can take?"

"Oh you are in luck. I have many ingredient gathering quests. Because of the recent infestation, it seems that many people are suffering from mild poisoning symptoms." Irene spoke as she turned away and started to go through the quests using her authority. She took few quests and put them on the table in front of Saad and Saad looked through them.

If he combined all four quests that he held in his hands, the ingredient quantity was different but all of the quests needed exact same ingredients.

[Arachnidbane Sizzle Serum]

The threat of arachnids is over but the after effects remain in the form of many children and adults suffering from the mild poisoning. Help gather the ingredients to fight the threat.

- Quest Details -

Shadow-web arachnid fangs: 0/20

Sparkling moon water bottles: 0/4

Fiery fly essence: 0/20

Everbloom berry: 0/40

Difficulty: D


Experience points: +100

Quills: 250

He needed 140 shadow-web arachnid fangs, 35 sparkling moon water bottles, 140 fiery fly essence and 280 everbloom berries. He was going to get 600 experience points and 2000 quills. It was a good combination. It was strange that nobody had taken the quests.

Saad read the names of the NPCs who made the requests and it's seemed that all four were from apothecaries. As Saad felt confused, he suddenly got a weird tingle and soon he just 'knew' that it was referring to a clinic.

[Your knowledge of the world has increased.]

It was a strange sensation. Almost as if he was 'corrected' in a way or influenced without his permission to 'install' a new information. But he ignored it since the game was supposed to be hyper realistic.

"I will be taking these four quests." He told Irene and she nodded promptly as she briefly took the quests and entered in the system and then handed them back to Saad, who rolled them up and just put it in his pants pocket. In some ways, it really felt like real life, since he didn't need to put the quest papers in inventory.

Saad bid farewell to Irene and then got out of the association to go sit on the bench by the statue in the middle of the square. He went through his inventory and saw that he had enough arachnid fangs but as for the other items, he would need to research a bit more.

That's when suddenly his connection was cut off leaving him staring at the ceiling, almost frozen and out of it due to the action being so abrupt. As Saad tried to make sense of the situation, his gaze fell on the other person in the room now, his roommate Haroon was standing there holding the headset, a mix of annoyance and concern on his face.

Saad's heart sank a little, knowing he was about to be on the receiving end of Haroon's candid commentary. Haroon was older than him by 5 years and he was the older brother of his friend back in the village. He was also the person who had gotten him this job. Haroon was a slim man with darker skin tone, brown eyes and black hair with an impressive mustache and right now he looked really disappointed in him.

"What the hell are you doing, Saad? You actually went away and bought this thing? Just how much did you spend on it?" Haroon's voice was sharper than usual, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of Saad in the gaming suit as if he found the body suit utterly shameless. Saad felt so conscious that he was already grabbing the sheet to cover himself. Haroon put the headset down on the bed and heavily breathed.

Saad's face was flushed with embarrassment. "When did you come back? And it's not that expensive, Haroon. What's the big deal?" Saad blatantly lied.

Haroon's expression turned from annoyance to something closer to anger. He took a deep breath, trying to contain his frustration before he spoke. "It's not expensive, Saad? Just where did you get the money? And… Spending hours locked inside that ridiculous suit, ignoring everything else, are you a kid?"

Saad felt a mix of defensiveness and anxiety rising within him. "It's not that bad. I can even earn money from it."

Haroon's eyes bore into Saad's, his tone biting. "Earning money? You're living in a fantasy while ignoring your responsibilities. Have you even looked at yourself? Wearing this expensive suit, wasting time, while you have a job to do and bills to pay. Have you even sent any money to your parents back home?"

Saad's throat tightened, and he looked away, feeling the weight of Haroon's words crashing down on him.

Haroon's voice remained firm, his scolding harsher than Saad had anticipated. "You're acting like a child, Saad. You're barely making ends meet with that clerk job, and yet you're indulging in luxuries you can't afford. Do you even think about your parents? The sacrifices they've made for you?"

Saad's heart pounded in his chest, and he found it hard to meet Haroon's gaze. The truth in his roommate's words was like a punch to the gut. He was being careless, ungrateful even, for the support his parents had provided. And he had taken this step knowing that perhaps this was the only way to change his life. People were playing in money thanks to this game.

"I work hard, Haroon," Saad finally spoke, his voice almost a whisper, "And besides, earning money from this game isn't a dream. People are actually-"

Haroon's voice softened slightly, but the frustration remained. "Working hard isn't enough, Saad. You need to be responsible and practical. Your parents didn't send you here to waste your time and their money on virtual fantasies."

Saad's eyes stung with unshed tears as he realized that Haroon wasn't going to take his words. And he couldn't even say anything. In Haroon's eyes, he had allowed himself to become consumed by the virtual world, neglecting his real-world obligations and spending hard earned money on something useless.

Haroon turned away, his voice carrying a mix of disappointment and concern. "Figure this out, Saad. You can't keep living like this. You need to grow up, prioritize, and appreciate what you have."

With those words, Haroon left the room, leaving Saad alone with his thoughts. The euphoria of the game had been shattered, replaced by a heavy heart and a deep sense of emptiness.

Saad sat there for a while, the gaming suit feeling heavy on his body. His room felt heavy with the weight of his roommate Haroon's words. The harsh scolding had left an impact, and while it took him some time to shake off the depressive mood that had settled over him, he was determined not to let it completely define his outlook. He knew that he had to find a way to earn money using the game, and that was where his focus needed to be.

With renewed determination, Saad connected the SD card from his headset's camera to his laptop via Bluetooth. He sat down and started to work on editing the footage he had recorded during his "arachnid infestation" chain quest. It was a tedious process, but he poured himself into the task, determined to create a video that showcased his achievements in the game.

Hours flew by as he meticulously edited the video, trimming unnecessary parts and adding captions to highlight key moments. He added a creative touch, overlaying some epic music to the battle sequences, making the video more engaging and exciting.

Finally, after a long stretch of focused work, Saad was satisfied with the result. He watched the video again, feeling a surge of pride as he saw his character's actions unfold on the screen. The battles, the teamwork, the victories—all of it was captured in the footage.

With a deep breath, Saad uploaded the video to the World Tube platform. He knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy; his previous video had only garnered a handful of views. But he refused to let discouragement hold him back. He was in this for the long haul, and he believed that his determination and hard work would eventually pay off.


--> Book of Herbs: Vol 2

[Spiderbane Sizzle Serum]


- 1 cup Shadow-web Arachnid venom (extracted from the fangs of the spiders)

- 2 cups Sparkling Moonwater (collected during a full moon)

- 1 tablespoon Crystalized fiery fly Essence

- 1 teaspoon everbloom berry Powder

- 1 pinch of arcane dust (optional, for added enchantment)


1. Begin by carefully extracting the venom from the fangs of the Shadow-web Arachnids. Ensure you take the necessary precautions and handle the venom with care.

2. In a cauldron or a heat-resistant container, combine the extracted Shadow-web Arachnid venom and the Sparkling Moonwater.

3. Place the cauldron or container over low heat and gently simmer the mixture. Allow it to simmer for about 10 minutes, ensuring it doesn't boil.

4. After simmering, add the Crystalized Fiery Fly Essence to the mixture. Stir it well until fully incorporated.

5. Next, sprinkle in the Everbloom Berry Powder and continue stirring until it is evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

6. If desired, add a pinch of Arcane Dust to infuse the serum with enchanting properties. This step is optional but can enhance its magical effects.

7. Remove the mixture from heat and allow it to cool completely.

8. Once the Spiderbane Sizzle Serum has cooled, carefully transfer it to a glass vial or airtight container for storage.

9. Label the container and store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.


- To use the Spiderbane Sizzle Serum, apply a small amount to the affected area. The serum's potent properties will help alleviate the effects of spider venom and promote natural healing.

- Caution: This serum is intended for external use only and should not be ingested.

**Remember, this recipe is purely fictional and should not be attempted in real life.**