

2023-06-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • LastExileofZenith

    Or it could be that most people pass out at 0.25% blood alcohol while lite beers are around 5% abv, so the blood of someone passed out drunk is barely alcoholic by itself.

    He was one of the many people that I hunted in my span of alone time, and his blood tasted like Cheerios, he was a very average dude who I found drunk. Also, it turns out even if the person is drunk when I take their blood, I don't get drunk when I drink it. Which, might be because alcohol is actually poison to the human body, and due to Healthy Body always being active it might be eliminating said poison to keep me healthy. So, no getting drunk for me any time soon, unless I try fermenting blood that might work?
    MHA: The Fresh Blood
    Anime & Comics · The_Fae_Child
  • LastExileofZenith

    not hard to pretend to be drain bamaged if you genuinely didn't know your own name the day before and don't know which one of several dozen universes you might be stuck in.

    'If there is a rank for acting somewhere, I'd definitely be on the S Rank already, heh.' I thought as i laughed in my mind but my external appearance still retaining its smile.
    Psionic (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · Moziel
  • LastExileofZenith

    I feel like the biggest issue with superheroes right now is that people try to make them more edgy and cool but take it way too far and accidentally go villain protagonist. Like people try to make Deadpool but without any of the traits that make him fun to watch or try to insist their version is a good guy when actual Deadpool is very much not a good guy.

    Ch 2 Chapter 01 - Rebirth
    Psionic (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · Moziel
  • LastExileofZenith

    This needs some pretty intense editing.

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Psionic (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · Moziel
  • LastExileofZenith

    It's a bit weird how Jiro has the "everyone forgets I exist" running gag when Koda's only given like 2 lines in the first half of the show and spends almost all his time as a background filler or a still image cutaway.

    As if it was a signal, everyone else quickly follows suit, leaving only me and Jiro still sitting down. She looks a bit dazed as she looks around at the suddenly empty table, left only with me and my third tray of meat. "...Does anyone want to know why I decided to become a hero?" She half-asks herself, causing me to choke on my meat strip in laughter.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    He's annoying, but I'm pretty sure he never actually acts on any of his fantasies throughout the show unless he gets way worse after the training camp ark (furthest I've gotten with the show so far). As far as I know the Japan of that world likes to pretend people have way more freedom than they actually do, including freedom of thought which is kind of a joke when there are actual mind readers or the living 100% accurate lie detector asks if you've ever thought about doing something.

    How the fuck did that little fucker even get into high school though, because you'd think with his antics he would've been imprisoned or killed by someone by at least middle school, right? And I get it, in a sense he is that comic relief character along with Denki, but seriously how the hell did he get into UA? Surely Nezu did some background checks on the students before they were enrolled, right, because he is just that paranoid?
    MHA: The Fresh Blood
    Anime & Comics · The_Fae_Child
  • LastExileofZenith

    Wait I just realized that if Toru's hair stays invisible after being cut she could pair up with that hair growth guy and become an invisible rope supplier. Invisible lassos could be pretty effective.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I can just barely see Toru pouting at the two of us, though I'm not sure entirely why. Whatever it is, it probably doesn't help that I've been doing my best to avoid looking in her direction. What with her being naked and all.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    It is mentioned he can just force OFA on someone if he really wants to...

    He turns around and walks to the dorms, his head held high and his stride confident. It reminds All Might of when he stormed away from him on the rooftop after telling him to go to hell.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    Eh, unless he gets way worse in later seasons Mineta isn't half as bad as some guys I know. At least I don't think he ever gets caught with a locker full of stolen girl's clothes because he figured out how to pick the gym lockers and tries to get out of it by saying his aspergers made him do it.

    Turning off the holographic projector, Aizawa speaks, shocking the class. "And I lied. Nobody's going home." He gives everyone a shit-eating grin. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all during the tests."
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    this has in fact happened multiple times IRL. Usually in California.

    Who's going to complain? The criminals? "Yes officer. A vigilante/villain stole the money we were planning to use to buy a ton of drugs."
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    "Casualty" refers to an injury that prevents people from fighting, so a broken arm would be considered a casualty. A "fatality" refers to a death and is a subcategory of casualties. Like how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

    "-riously. I've helped no less than five people with at least one broken limb. Not even bo-nyas! They couldn't use an entire limb. The nya is wrong with this place? I get that it's a major event, and the school is only for the 'best of the best'. But they should still keep safety in mind! How has there not been a casualty yet, nya? The three pointers literally shoot rockets!"
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    Something like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland since she gets hopped up on drugs, grins like a lunatic, and prefers fights where her real body isn't even seen?

    P.P.P.S: Any ideas for Catia's hero costume? Got a couple things in mind, but the overall look is up in the air.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    I was kinda looking forward to a "Lawful Villain" story but if she's going to UA she's on the path of the "90s anti-hero" (AKA "The only reason they aren't a villain is because they're the protagonist and also no one would let us publish a 'Villain Protagonist' story".

    Ch 11 Bakugou
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    Deku must be pretty young still considering he froze if a girl so much as spoke in his direction at the start of the series.

    "Ah! I-I'm s-so s-sorry! I got your shirt covered in my tears!" He waves his arms around in a panic, unsure of what to do. It's such a funny sight that I can't help but start laughing. Somehow his blush deepens.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    Or a decent therapist.

    Most of what can't requires either overwhelming power or simply can't be done.
    MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way
    Anime & Comics · Nartleb
  • LastExileofZenith

    He's gonna go sit in the corner at some bar and plan how he's gonna kill everyone there until a major character trips over him, isn't he.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    With The Sharingan In The MCU
    Movies · RetMod
  • LastExileofZenith

    You might want to actually watch a documentary or 2 on the army or special forces before you go and make it anymore obvious that your only military knowledge comes from Call of Duty.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    With The Sharingan In The MCU
    Movies · RetMod
  • LastExileofZenith

    Even if you have no service, an emerging call will still go through, regardless of if you have an active mobile plan if there's a network of any kind in the area you can make an Emergency Call.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    With The Sharingan In The MCU
    Movies · RetMod
  • LastExileofZenith

    I never got why Toru never once asked Eraser Head to use his quirk on her, or once Rewind becomes a character she could have used the serum/drug to functionally turn her quirk off and on. (Though the Rewind ark yakuza were kinda dumb, all they really needed to do was find elderly super rich people and charge them 10 million yen per year rewound. Become the gate keepers to immortality.

    Ch 15 Unexpected Encounter
    MHA: The Fresh Blood
    Anime & Comics · The_Fae_Child
  • LastExileofZenith
    Replied to shypunk

    And yet they're posting it without permission.

    This book has been deleted.