

2023-05-15 JoinedGlobal

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  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to RaedaX_1

    Being able to travel essentially anywhere is kind of the whole point of the portals, maybe something like an increased casting time could help limit the portals combat effectiveness without destroying their main purpose?

    "Only sight," Yao said. "As long as I can see it, I can appear there. Through satellite imaging via the courtesy of SHIELD, there should be virtually no place on earth where you could run to that we wouldn't be able to find you."
    In Marvel As Dante
    Movies · RaedaX_1
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to

    Not having the ability to travel between dimensions with the portals kind of makes all of the sorcerers completely useless though. How is the Ancient One or any other sorcerer supposed to combat dimensional threats if they are incapable of reaching them?

    "Only sight," Yao said. "As long as I can see it, I can appear there. Through satellite imaging via the courtesy of SHIELD, there should be virtually no place on earth where you could run to that we wouldn't be able to find you."
    In Marvel As Dante
    Movies · RaedaX_1
  • Starkiller_Revan

    Sight is definitely not a limitation of those portals considering they can be used to travel between planets/dimensions.

    "Only sight," Yao said. "As long as I can see it, I can appear there. Through satellite imaging via the courtesy of SHIELD, there should be virtually no place on earth where you could run to that we wouldn't be able to find you."
    In Marvel As Dante
    Movies · RaedaX_1
  • Starkiller_Revan

    He should get those reforged into armor when he’s fully grown

    The chests were both made of Valyrian Steel.
    A King Or Not? (GOT)
    Book&Literature · Ancient_Demon
  • Starkiller_Revan

    Bane’s blood is green in the clone wars episode where he has to pretend to be a clone

    "Aaarrgghh!" Bane screamed, a rare loss of composure, as a wide spearhead severed his arm from the elbow. Blood spurted wildly, painting the walls in stark red.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • Starkiller_Revan

    This is an exact copy of “The Empire of New Valyria” which is already completed with 40 chapters. The supposed “author” just straight up copy and pasted it while claiming it as their own. They even have the nerve to advertise their own patreon like they deserve some kind of payment for blatantly stealing an actual author’s hard work.

    New Valyria
    Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre
  • Starkiller_Revan
    [Insert picture of Count Dooku's lightsaber here] (A/N: But Matte black)
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Helia_King

    It’s honestly pretty funny and disappointing how your argument is essentially “no, you’re stupid! shut up, you’re wrong!” before you fall back on a few basic insults. I’m only responding to you because you keep responding to me. It sure seems like your feelings are genuinely hurt by having someone simply disagree with you.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to DevionKing

    I’m not butthurt about anything lol. I called you out for stealing content once, besides that I’ve only responded to replies I’ve received and called BS when you claimed the original author gave you permission since all 3/3 of the works you’ve posted are stolen and one of them (The Spider SI) was even dropped because people like you kept stealing the original author’s work. I couldn’t care less about you or the fact you’re posting on WN, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a content thief.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Helia_King

    You’re literally the one who started responding to and trying to argue with me. If you didn’t want a response you shouldn’t have replied in the first place. Don’t try to play the victim just because I pointed out how stupid your argument is. Please don’t respond to me again, I honestly couldn’t care less about your opinion.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Helia_King

    I suppose we just fundamentally disagree. I think plagiarizing other authors work is a scummy thing to do, period. I couldn’t care less if a person adds disclaimers every other sentence or doesn’t add a single one, the frequency of disclaimer makes no difference, either way it’s still stealing and plagiarizing content. What else is he supposed to do? How about not stealing other’s content in the first place? I’m not sure why you’re so dead set on defending this lol. The amount of times they post a disclaimer is completely irrelevant. The problem is not that there is just a single disclaimer, it’s that they stole the fic in the first place. It 100% is the fault of the “author”, I don’t know how you could possibly even believe what you’re saying. Who else’s fault would it even be? It’s not like anyone is forcing this person to steal other people’s content and post it online, their own actions are absolutely their own fault. This person literally copied and pasted the entirety of this story (as well as every single other one they’ve posted) without a single productive change or addition to what they’re posting. Nothing was edited, translated, revised, or even continued after being dropped by the original author. This is just straight up stolen.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Helia_King

    When it comes to being hidden, I said the disclaimer is in the hidden part of the synopsis… If the reader doesn’t click on the ‘More’ option it’s literally hidden from sight, I’m not sure how thats difficult to understand. The overall length of the synopsis is completely irrelevant, the disclaimer is still at the very bottom and is hidden unless the synopsis is expanded. If it was visible without having to click ‘More’ it wouldn’t be in the hidden part, but that still wouldn’t justify stealing other’s work because you’re too lazy or incompetent to write your own.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Helia_King

    First of all, if they wanted to bring attention to the original author’s work there are a lot better ways than to just steal and repost their work with a single tiny disclaimer. To act like straight up stealing other author’s work is completely fine just because they add one little sentence telling you they didn’t write any of it is just wild, not sure why you’d even want to try and defend such a scummy practice.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to DevionKing

    I find that very hard to believe considering one of the only other fics you posted is one where the author explicitly states that they would never give any permission to anyone to post their content to other sites, so you already have a history of stealing work from unwilling authors.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Klovnen

    It’s definitely not just free publicity, it’s stealing content. Authors of fanfics barely get any recognition or support as is, stealing their work just prevents them from receiving the tiny amount of support and encouragement that they would have received. The “author” also isn’t telling you to check out the original, if that were the case they would have encouraged people to check it out by basically advertising it, instead they just added a little disclaimer at the very bottom of the hidden part of the synopsis to try and justify their copy and pasting.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Fryandika_Larung

    Adding a hidden disclaimer at the bottom of the synopsis doesn’t make the fact this “author” straight up copy and pasted this fic any better.

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to DevionKing

    so you’re just a content thief with no talent of your own then?

    Young Titan (DC)
    Anime & Comics · DevionKing
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Fuck_Webnovel

    What exactly did I “yap” about? I literally backed up everything I said with examples from the fic itself to prove my point. I’d love to see you prove me wrong so I’ll be waiting for your response with your own evidence that proves my points were invalid, but I highly doubt you actually can or will even take the time to make an attempt.

    Marvel: Dimension Shift
    Movies · PursueImmortality
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to FujiwaraNoMokou

    tf are you even talking about? people complaining about the direction of the story just shows the ARE fully immersed in the story… there would literally be no reason to complain if they didn’t care about it. as for people ”raging” over the direction of the story, that’s just a massive leap in logic. confusion over a decision that the MC made that purely benefits other parties is pretty valid and doesn’t really qualify as “rage”. he literally just saved the majority of the Targaryen family and gains absolutely nothing from it that he couldn’t have gained by himself. just because you blindly accept the plot of a story without trying to understand it doesn’t mean everyone with a different opinion than you is “raging”. if anything it just shows you should take your own advice and start considering people as “different beings that don’t always agree with your ways of thinking.”

    Rhaella looked to Bahamut, her curiosity piqued. Bahamut continued, "If you are willing to leave Dragonstone with me, I will pledge to help you conquer Westeros in the future, uniting the realms of Westeros and Essos under the rule of one with Targaryen blood."
    Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons
    Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX
  • Starkiller_Revan
    Replied to Rafael_Lopez_Villa

    It’s not about developing the relationship, it’s about how literally nothing has happened since the spiderverse arc started. it’s been a constant sream of filler after filler with absolutely nothing changing or actually happening to affect the story.

    Ch 67 Chapter 67
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3