


I just want to write about the flash. Not a good writer though.

2023-02-03 JoinedUnited States



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  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Super_Vegito_3273

    No clue. Preferably none, but if I do end up bringing romance. Cait is like one of the bottom on my list. Her ex is alive and all y'know? Pointless drama. And... My guy is def leaving DC without looking back

    Ch 5 New Doors, Same Home.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to John_Wolfie

    The closest thing to a nerf is if I decide to temporarily weaken him when he leaves DC, and then he'll get more powerful afterwords

    Ch 5 New Doors, Same Home.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to John_Wolfie

    Nah you're cool. Nope, no nerf.

    Ch 5 New Doors, Same Home.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    Ohhh, ok ok. I assume your being satirical lol, since even though it is a cheat, in webnovel terms, cheats are abilities given to you with hardly any explanation by a higher being usually all because they're the mc and they died. But yes, speed force is a cheat when the writers aren't stunting it. Sad really

    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to ReaderOfTheSwords

    I appreciate it

    Ch 5 New Doors, Same Home.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    Why would I do that? Genuinely asking. Speed force is enough of a cheat when it's not constantly being nerfed.

    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Super_Vegito_3273

    I appreciate it, I hope you recover your brain cells. Because I Know you lost some from the sheer amount of inconsistencies the show has lol.

    That situation cooled down. And days later, Cisco came back with a hypothesis. And from what Barry understood of it, Dr. Wells built a particle accelerator that exploded and basically spewed dark matter across the planet potentially. (How far did the dark matter spread? Just central City or was it even further? Google won't give me any answers)
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Super_Vegito_3273

    Thank you so much. I genuinely did not know. I'd appreciate if you provided other such information when the time comes.

    That situation cooled down. And days later, Cisco came back with a hypothesis. And from what Barry understood of it, Dr. Wells built a particle accelerator that exploded and basically spewed dark matter across the planet potentially. (How far did the dark matter spread? Just central City or was it even further? Google won't give me any answers)
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Irebornintheboys

    Very true... Thank you for clearing that up for me, I had an odd fixation on thinking a character has to act on meta-knowlege. This was very helpful

    Ch 3 Okay, Two Routes
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to jahmii

    You... You can't exactly out run lightning, maybe you can escape the radius of it's expected AoE before it strikes, but that's pretty unlikely.

    Pop quiz. What do you do when it's raining outside and you feel your hair stand up, and the bench you were sitting on had a metal pole near it?
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Vastoking

    I was thinking along the same lines, but I was making sure I wasnt over looking anything

    Ch 3 Okay, Two Routes
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to PriamustheBright

    Fair enough, my bad bro.

    Ch 3 Okay, Two Routes
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to John_Wolfie

    Basically, I posted a new chapter, but it's not exactly a new chapter lol

    Ch 2 An Awkward Awakening
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to PurgeExclusive

    I appreciate the criticism!

    Ch 1 A New Look On Life.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to John_Wolfie

    Perhaps this is a case of "Be careful of what you wish for."?

    Ch 2 An Awkward Awakening
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to John_Wolfie

    Yeah, I hate that BS, just let the mc be OP. That's the entire reason I made this fic lol.

    Ch 2 An Awkward Awakening
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to PurgeExclusive

    Very true. I have thought this over for the longest time. I considered just going balls deep and writing what I think is accurate to their character, as evident in my latest chapter IIRC, but that didn't exactly work out since it's been literal years since I've last watched The Flash. But I also don't want to drop this since no one else let's their speedster mc think for themselves. So I'm considering just letting him learn the basics and then high tailing it out of DC. But then the question is where, why and how. All things I can't put heads or tails to. So Im honestly just gonna take a break. Maybe write from the future of this moment and have him already be in a different world where I explore my unique MC and what happened to make him leave DC slowly. Which would require a much needed rewrite considering this is basically all my rough drafts... IDK, still bust with other projects and ideas as well as gaming, so it'll be a while before I come back.

    Ch 1 A New Look On Life.
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Godlyghostwatcher

    What? Did you think I dropped?

    Ch 2 An Awkward Awakening
    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to JWPE_Joker

    Nah, probably no romance. I saw one with a Cait romance, didn't like it. The romance that is.

    So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?
    Movies · WarlordJalen
  • WarlordJalen
    Replied to Omega_Raider

    I guess you could call that... A life and a half ba dum tss. Or is it referring to like the half-life of radioactive materials.

    He wasn't a hundred percent sure about the things that had happened or the products and inventions that had come out during his last life.
    Rebound: A 2nd Chance
    Sports · The_Gaji