
So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?

Guy gets struck by lighting for the third time time. But instead of the excruciating pain he expected, he was now no longer where he once was. In a universe so similar yet dissimilar, how is Kain Jackson, now Barry Allen, meant to survive? Oh, and better yet, he doesn't read fictional stories or watch movies often, so he doesn't have dependable meta knowledge! What does fate have in store for our protagonist? ~~~~~~~~~~~ All right. first and foremost no Harem. That's concrete. Hmm, let's see. I'm not adverse to at the very least trying romance. But I've never tried it. No cheats, I barely remember CW's flash's plot, so it's mostly memories and whatever the hell I want it to be. But if you have any recs, or any flash villains you like, let me know and I'll see if I can include them. Mc won't be held back. If he has speed thoughts, he will use it. He will not have one hit wonder feats. If they appear, they'll likely continue to appear. I recently saw a clip where the flash phased a damn explosion and it hurt no one. So that inspired me. And I watched this one guy rant about how bad flash is a year ago, so yeah, I understand the short comings of flash from a fan's point of view, so let me know if you have any ideas. I barely know or care about DC to be honest, I just love The Flash.

WarlordJalen ¡ Movies
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New Doors, Same Home.

"Keep coming to S.T.A.R labs until I figure out my meta ability, huh?" Kain said to himself

'I'm not even sure if I even want to go back. The man in yellow, the reverse goat himself is in that building, praying for both my rise and downfall… On the plus side, if I learn things quickly, perhaps I can get skilled enough to beat him before he gains enough speed from his wheelchair thing… That's why he stuck around Barry if I remember correctly… I should definitely be able to remember though. So why can I not? I can literally remember how it felt to be in the womb, but I can't remember casually watching a few episodes and a few popular YouTube shorts?' Kain contemplated.

After contemplating both of his problems for minutes on end, he eventually came to a conclusion along with an idea.

'First and foremost. I don't have any information. No knowledge. Things I'll only get from Harrison. Second. There is clearly something wrong with my ability to remember the CW's Flash. I can remember things I normally couldn't regardless of how hard I tried like the names of everyone in my kindergarten class. And yet I remember the CW show as if my brain was still normal. I know at the very least, normal Barry Allen is smart. Speed Force Empowered Flash is obviously smarter. He can somehow perceive his surroundings while moving at mach speeds. So his brain is clearly better. Working faster at least. And I remember him sketching a guy perfectly with a pencil from memory, so his memory is clearly insane, and his ability to implement his ideas is surely good. Or maybe he's just good at sketching since he's a detective. But am I good enough to do that now? That will prove it once and for all.'

He went and grabbed a pencil and a sheet of paper.

'Let's draw the scars on my right arm from before I guess.' Kain decided.

He decided to start from the wrist up. He wasn't particularly good at drawing in his last life considering his encounters with nature. But here? His hand couldn't be more stable. Perhaps there was more to this second chance than zooming around at unreal speeds.

He thought about things he could do now, doors previously locked that are now open, and other such things as he sketched his scars.

He felt truly enlightened as if he spent a lifetime thinking about all of the possibilities. Until finally, he was finished before he had even realized it.

It was a hyper-realistic 3D sketch that he could almost feel with his eyes. He could almost imagine himself looking down at his old arms yet again when faced with his own creation.

At this, a sigh escaped his lips before they tightened into a smirk.

'This world isn't ready for me.'

At that thought, his gaze landed on something. A driveway, an empty one He wasn't home right now, nor was Iris. His dad was at work, but where was Iris?

'Okay, Iris usually leaves her coat on the hanger near the door and forgets to put it in her closet… But it's not here. Did she finally remember to put it up? Or perhaps Dad did it for her.' Kain speed thought. He immediately dug into his detective bag instinctually.

He noticed things that were off, but he left that aside for now.

He found that the coat was missing.

"So she's out. But where?" Kain said, fully focused on figuring out this mystery that could be solved with a phone call.

He paced around the room, taking care to not destroy evidence.

'Okay. Make-Up kit out. Not put up. That's unlike her. She hates leaving her personal things out.' He observed.

'Shoes missing. Not her old and casual ones. But still casual ones. No new ones… That's… Concerning. I've been in a coma for at least twelve months. But no new shoes? On that note…' Kain left the scene and entered his dad's room and found a similar problem.

"Nothing's changed." Kain said both relieved and surprised.

His Barry side was glad to find nothing changed, he felt just as welcome, but his Kain side felt that this was too odd.

"But why?" Kain said as he held his chin in contemplation.

He went full circle, considering their thought processes and present evidence. Especially what he found in the Dining Room. Their Dining Room floor was hardwood. And there were three chairs at the table. At two of the chairs, there were many scratch marks on the floor, evidence of frequent use. But at the third chair? It was just as many streaks as he remembered. As if it hadn't been used.

'No one used my chair… No one bought much of anything new. hardly anything has changed… Was it for me? But why? Did they not know that Barry was struck by lightning? They left these clues behind as if they expected me to suddenly reappear without informing them. As if they didn't know when to expect me to return.' Kain said, coming closer and closer.

'So I can assume S.T.A.R labs didn't contact them. But why? They know my identity obviously. Or at least my first name. This is very odd. I'll have to figure this out at that lab.' Kain concluded.

He eventually went back to Iris's room and looked at the scene yet again. And found that she likely went out with friends. A casual outing since she left her wallet with her cards in her room, but took her wallet that she usually only kept a bit of pocket change inside her.

His dad was clearly at work if his hours hadn't yet changed.

All in all. A very fruitful endeavor. Questions answered, feelings aligned, information gained, along with suspicion.

But this all begged a question to be asked.

"Should I call them?"


And that's the chapter, I decided to go into his Barry/Kain interaction. How he differentiated between them. And who he felt he was. Along with something for the future

Also, No concrete posting schedule, but I'll try for one or two a week. I'll try and steer away from the emotion heavy stuff. Focusing more on combat and the clear differences between my Barry and CW's Barry rather than the differences between Kain and Barry.

I hope you enjoyed it regardless!