

2022-12-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Inevitron

    I love the chapter titles. I've never seen a release on this site so honest before about splitting every chapter into four parts to make four times as much money from readers. They always hide that fact as much as possible. The greed of this site is unimaginable and disgusting, especially when combined with the absolutely atrocious quality of most translations. All you have to do is read the first sentence of this novel to see that it's the lowest of low quality MTL. I don't even know what MTL they used, since even Google Translate is better than this garbage. Please never give this site money. Pirate until the site either dies and is replaced with something better or stops being the worst site in existence.

    The Road to Eternity
    Eastern · Dream Of The Dream
  • Inevitron
    Replied to kentaro88

    You are completely insane.

    Cultivating From Obtaining Experience
    Urban · Boiled Turbot
  • Inevitron

    Out of the hundreds of webnovels I've read, this just might be the worst. It's bottom 3, at least. I don't want to spoil any of the awfulness for you. I'll just say that you need to read this. After experiencing the absolute worst webnovels have to offer, you'll appreciate everything else that much more.

    The Celestial Master's Sword Stolen, I Strike Back With Thunder Magic
    Urban · Must Have A Daughter When Get Rich
  • Inevitron

    Good novel, terrible MTL edit. Terminology is horribly inconsistent, with plenty of examples like one realm being called Deity Realm, God Realm, and Transcendant Realm. I can't even figure out what some of the horrible translations are supposed to be. Like, what the hell is "dirty refining" supposed to be? "Li Ji, a terrifying martial artist of dirty refining, was dead." Just awful. Webnovel ruins yet another decent story with a terrible translation. What a terrible, terrible site this is.

    Top-Class Insight: Start with Basic Fist Techniques
    Eastern · Shadow on the Moon
  • Inevitron

    Solid story, AWFUL MTL edit. Tons of stuff is very obviously wrong and pronouns are screwed up constantly. It's basically as low effort as it gets. If this gets picked up with a better MTL editor, I highly recommend it. The current MTL editor should be fired. Webnovel, PLEASE raise your standards. This is shameful.

    My Nascent Soul Ran Away Again
    Eastern · Young Master Xuanxin
  • Inevitron
    Replied to BlackFan

    MC's not an anti-hero. He's a villain. He's not good, nothing he does is remotely heroic ,and his intentions are purely selfish or even actively malicious. For example, MC sees an unknown woman riding her beast mount. The mount stops at an oasis for some water. MC pops out of the water, kills the mount, and tries to kill the woman as well. That's just evil. An anti-hero is a hero like Han Solo, not a villain like Palpatine.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • Inevitron
    Replied to BlackHat

    Yeah, the brother is basically the epitome of a "good" person. He's the only person MC should know would never betray him, plus MC benefits whenever the kid levels up. Yet MC wants to kill him because some other guy tried to kill MC? That makes no sense. Just terrible writing all around. The author wants to make MC super edgy and evil, and even tries to justify it by explaining why it makes sense for MC to try to kill innocent people for absolutely no reason, but it's all just nonsense. The story has decent potential, but I don't think the author's up to writing a good story. Plus, the MTL editor is absolute trash, so there's really not much reason to read this one.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • Inevitron
    Replied to TheZMan

    Lotta rape apologists on this site. Guys, if you like rape so much, just say that. Don't attempt to rationalize why it's actually a GOOD thing to rape this woman because she's BAD, and of course it's completely ethical to rape bad people. Two wrongs DO make a right! No decent person will buy the bullshit you're selling.

    Longevity Clan: Becoming Invincible Starts With Marrying Wives
    Eastern · Milk At The Corner Of The Mouth
  • Inevitron
    Replied to dsfsdf_sdfsdf

    The world is full of awful people, but we don't capture, incapacitate, and repeatedly rape them. That's because THEY are awful and do awful things, not us. Two wrongs don't make a right. I truly hope for their sakes that you don't ever meet any mean women, or at least that you're captured and imprisoned after you rape them because "they deserve it, they were mean."

    Longevity Clan: Becoming Invincible Starts With Marrying Wives
    Eastern · Milk At The Corner Of The Mouth
  • Inevitron
    Replied to reader001

    It's been pointed out that you're wrong, you agreed, yet you still left up your 1-star rating. Classy.

    Studying Science in the Alternate World
    Fantasy · Bai Yuhan
  • Inevitron

    Warning: MC rapes a woman multiple times in chapters 17-19. This isn't the still-awful-but-not-as-bad aphrodisiac nonsense you see sometimes. MC immobilizes her with talismans, pushes her onto his bed, takes off her clothes, then rapes her repeatedly. MC can also see the favorability his wives/concubines/rape victims feel towards him with his system. When he rapes this woman, HER FAVORABILITY GOES UP. Yeah. This is written by the worst sort of human garbage. If you aren't also in that group, you'll want to stay as far away as possible.

    Longevity Clan: Becoming Invincible Starts With Marrying Wives
    Eastern · Milk At The Corner Of The Mouth
  • Inevitron
    Replied to Sun_Ish977

    The titles and teasers are either almost always or always written by different people than the MTL editors. Often titles and teasers are unedited MTL posted by Chinese people who don't understand English.

    Something's Wrong With My Wife
    Urban · Cicada Knows Summer
  • Inevitron
    Replied to shadowstriker102

    They still do. Most of my reviews that are critical of any novel get deleted within the next week or so. Never trust anything on this site.

    Something's Wrong With My Wife
    Urban · Cicada Knows Summer
  • Inevitron

    Horrible writing, horrible story, horrible translation. Stay as far away from this garbage as possible. I made it three chapters in, and even that's more than it deserved.

    City Life - Miraculous Doctor From The Mountains
    Urban · I'm the little miracle doctor
  • Inevitron
    Replied to Jezzekiel

    That's clearly not what they said. Are you pretending to be dumb or are you truly incapable of understanding their comment?

    Eternal Life Begins with Bug-Refining
    Eastern · A Cute Blacksmith
  • Inevitron

    About 1 in 50 novels on this site gets a decent translation. This is that one, and it's wasted on an absolute steamer of a turd. What a shame. I really can't think of anything good to say about this novel. It's just awful.

    Others Cultivate Martial Arts, While I Cultivate Immortality
    Eastern · Scholar Sanliu
  • Inevitron

    For people who care about such things, I'll first note that in both this novel and the one it's a bad copy of, MC occasionally hurts his wives/concubines/Dao companions while he's having sex with them while he's "in the moment" or "loses control." It feels like some gross fetish the authors have for hurting women during sex. If that repulses you as much as it repulses me, definitely don't read this trash. I originally had a better review after the first 19 chapters, but after reading more, it's just terrible. The translation is utter garbage. Pronouns are all over the place and many lines are so completely wrong that the person responsible should be shot. The writing's also at a very low level. You'll see things like "MC pulled out the fan he had made a long time ago and used it to make a bomb," when there's no reason MC would have made a fan that can run on spirit stones based on his Earth memories, no reason MC would know how to make a bomb, and no reason it's possible to make a dust bomb (like a flour dust explosion) with random medicinal pills, a fan, and two pieces of flint banging together. Honestly, it's like the whole story was written by a particularly dumb and horny 13 year old. Do yourself a favor and either read the novel this is a poor copy of (the writing and translation are top notch in that one), or just read a better genre than this ridiculous "bone your way to immortality" nonsense.

    Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married
    Eastern · Little Overlord From Bamboo City
  • Inevitron
    Replied to Inevitron

    Update: after reading chapters 20+, I have to say I was wrong about the translation. It's pretty awful. Hopefully somebody who knows English better takes over the MTL edit with chapter 41. If not, I doubt I'll read more. Why read a novel that can't even get pronouns right?

    Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married
    Eastern · Little Overlord From Bamboo City
  • Inevitron
    Replied to ScionOfDegeneracy

    That's just not true. Most of the novels that get picked up are truly awful garbage with translations that barely count as edited MTL. 1 star comments also have at least as much visibility as 5 star comments. Just be honest. It's better for everyone.

    The Legendary Urban Physician
    Urban · Wind
  • Inevitron
    Replied to Moonorchid_

    Well, you gave it one star without saying a single thing about the novel. How are we supposed to know why people do what they do if they don't tell us? Helpful hint: in your review, actually review the thing you are reviewing, especially when you criticize other people's reviews.

    I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency
    Eastern · Flying Fatty