


I'm a young enthusiastic writer who likes to read and write fantasy stories .

2022-10-30 JoinedUnited Kingdom



of reading


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    Ch 102 102
    EXP sect
    Action · Goku_

    Mom : calm down darling this will be ur new wife.

    Anos:"mom I'm hungr....WHAIT! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE??"
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Action · karabey69

    bad luck

    Anos:"that bitch what's the problem with her firstly she ran into me now when I want to pick my pencil she sllaped me again"
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Action · karabey69

    he died but he got what he wanted

    Ahhh! I don't remember yes last thing I remember I was in the battle feild with hero kanon and I killed him. Wait now I remember I was pierced by the holy sword Excalibur the most powerful among the holy swords"
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Action · karabey69

    I can't for wait for Gastat to get married.

    As they finished, the Waiter arrived, 'Do you like our Food? My Lady,' The Waiter asked to which Amanra replied, 'Like it? We loved it!.' as Therold took out the money and gave it to the Waiter, he refused and said, 'Why would I take money from our saviour,!' after hearing the sentence, Therold smiled and replied, 'I'm nothing special, I did what I had to, don't make me a Godly figure, Please take your money you deserve it.!' as they were about to leave, Therold told the girls, 'Ok your Brothers are at home you should go and take some rest, then at night we have to plane, Gastat's wedding.!' the Girls happily returned to their house.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    caring and understanding like her brother.

    She only stopped when a hand was placed on her shoulder, she looked back and saw Therold standing Right behind her, The Citizens around stood up to meet their saviour but Therold said, 'Please continue eating!.' as he sat with the Girls, 'Be careful while eating, Amanra, but be careful not stop, continue to eat as much as you like.!' he then turned towards Esa and said, 'Take excellent care of her, as she needs a friend, and you my child, posses something that only some gets.! Esa anxiously asked Therold, 'And what's that.!' to which Therold replied, 'That is Understanding, you possess it.!' he then leaned forward and said in her ear, 'Please try to understand her, she has been through a lot.!' Esa nodded.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    hmm very secret.

    Esa took her to a restaurant, 'The food here is heavenly, taste beyond explainable!.' they sat at a table, and a waiter came who asked them, 'Welcome! My ladies to "Alfredos E Delizia" the best in the kingdom, What would you like to order?.' Esa, without looking at the menu ordered, 'Two Alfredos Beefs Joulizia!.' the waiter wrote it in his little notebook and replied, 'Your order will be served soon, My Ladies.' the waiter left them. Amanra asked Esa, 'What's the thing you ordered?.' Esa drank water from the glass and explained to her, 'It's just the Beef steak, but the main game changer is "Joulizia" It's their special and highly secret combination of spices, it said that the recipe is only known by the Owner, not even his sons know it.' Amanra was quite impressed as she replied, 'Must be very secret!.' Esa then continued, 'It's your brothers' favourite dish!.'
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance


    Ch 1 The Last Fight?
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Action · karabey69
    Replied to EternalBalance

    tell that to the board that's Tsar bombs on my head as we speak 😁 😁 😁

    Ch 69 An unbreakable bond
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Sci-fi · AK_CREATES
    Replied to EternalBalance

    rizz Lord Humzah lol

    Humzah : forget about the past, the future is brighter than the sun, I will be your romeo and you will be my Joliet.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Sci-fi · AK_CREATES
    Replied to EternalBalance

    maybe she is 😏

    with this thought in mind Kainaat went back into the palace, in a matter of seconds she was at Ashhad's bedroom door, inside Ashhad was resting on his bed when he heard a knock on his door, Ashhad politely said
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Sci-fi · AK_CREATES
    Replied to AK_CREATES

    I meant head lol

    Just then, Esa arrived and asked Nas, 'Brother who is that girl?.' as she pointed at Amanra, to this Nas replied, 'Oh, she is Gastat's younger sister.' confused Esa asked, 'Where had she been all this long?.' she was confused, very confused and Nas decided not to tell her what really happened so he lied, 'She was with her Aunt in Bearfold, she had some disease which were diagnosed only their so that's why!.' Esa then went to Amanra and gave her hand while saying, 'Hello, my name is Esa, may we be good friends!.' Amanra shook her hand and replied humbly, 'We shall be!.' then Esa continued, 'Ok then, let me show you around the Castle!.' as they both left and they all were hungry, they went straight to the hall to fill their tummy with hot food.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    Oh she was in eternal balance's heaf

    Just then, Esa arrived and asked Nas, 'Brother who is that girl?.' as she pointed at Amanra, to this Nas replied, 'Oh, she is Gastat's younger sister.' confused Esa asked, 'Where had she been all this long?.' she was confused, very confused and Nas decided not to tell her what really happened so he lied, 'She was with her Aunt in Bearfold, she had some disease which were diagnosed only their so that's why!.' Esa then went to Amanra and gave her hand while saying, 'Hello, my name is Esa, may we be good friends!.' Amanra shook her hand and replied humbly, 'We shall be!.' then Esa continued, 'Ok then, let me show you around the Castle!.' as they both left and they all were hungry, they went straight to the hall to fill their tummy with hot food.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    Wait who's Lucia

    Gastat asked Amanra, "Where is our brother.! To this Amanra had a flashback because tears came out as she said, 'They made us do hard labour and little to no food our brother died of starvation and they ate him...' Gastat put his hand on her mouth and said, 'That's it, I know what happened next, from now on I will just not kill them but let them ask for death!.' just then a very injured Aster came who said to Gastat, 'Hey man brother you didn't die, well I'm happy!.' as Gastat gave him a hug and introduced him to his sister, Aster said, 'She is a beautiful girl, she will live to be an honourable girl.' he then turned to Gastat and gave such a look which made Gastat realized what he is about to say, 'You remember the promise Gasi.!' Gastat nodded and gave a very victim looks, he then said, 'Ok let's do this!.' but before he could say anything Aster called him and whispered in his ear, 'Here you go, I bought a ring for you, its pure diamond.' he gave the ring box to Gastat and winked, he took the ring and went straight and said to Luica, 'I wanted to ask you this from a long time!.' Lucia had no idea how the atmosphere suddenly changed from sadness to happiness, really quickly before she could understand what was going on Gastat was on his knees, 'My Love Lucia, will you marry me?.' Lucia covered her mouth, while they heard Nas say, 'Say yes please!.' so the answer was expected as Lucia replied, 'Yes!.' Nas was happiest man after Gastat, he knew how much Gastat loved Lucia and now that she had finally said yes, it was one of the best time of Gastat's life and for Nas too, he was happy that Gastat will start a new family and live happily.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    Nas is so senti

    They reached the castle and they also saw, the caravan Which was carrying Prisoners from Kurnu, as it was raining the Prisoners were wearing capes to protect themself from getting wet, as Therold and Darien approached the caravan they were greeted by Herald whom they had not seen since months, 'It feels like a whole century!." Darien exclaimed after seeing Herald, 'Yeah it feels like an eternity since we last met!.' came a joyful reply from Herald, 'Oh so you are Herald, the one who took Engorien refugee to the castle?.' Therold asked as Herald replied, 'Yeah that is me and I is I.' Therold stood there confused about that last sentence was important but he let it off, 'You not what Brothers? I have found something precious to Gastat, where is he?.' Herald finished and just then they heard, 'What surprise?." Gastat and all of the friends were standing there, Herald asked Gastat, 'Yeah but first please wear this blindfold!.' as he gave it to Gastat, he took it and wore it and Herald took him to a caravan where the others saw something that Gastat desired the most, Gastat, who was impatient asked in fury, 'Dont mess with me, I hate surprise!." He was dead silent when he felt a little kid holding his right hand, chills ran through his entire body of Gastat, and he was shaking badly, he took off his blindfold and saw a girl, Gastat eyes were pretty wide, he was stunned, as he saw his sister standing there holding his arm, he went on his knees and touched the soft cheeks of the Girl, asking her, 'Amanra, is that you?.' he asked in a pity voice, Amanra replied after holding Gastat hand, 'Yes it's me!.' Gastat hugged her pretty hard, crying, 'I'll never leave you alone now and will never abandon you!.' This atmosphere was kind of hard for Nas to handle, as tears came out of his eyes all of them were smiling but he was crying because he felt the pain of losing you siblings, he took a handkerchief and squeezed his nose on it, Lucia asked Nas, 'Why are crying?.' to this Nas replied, 'Its so emotional and hard for poor soul like me to handle!.'
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    Darien is seriously a character that needs more sunshine.

    'You are absolutely right, Brother!.' Therold said to Darien,he knew that Therold has finally realized his mistake, 'You know what? I was a edgy guy as well." Darien told Therold to which he asked, 'What do you mean?.' Darien then took a deep breath and pointed at Woermann's grave and said, 'He changed me a lot, I was angry at little thing, because I lost everything I only wanted me and him to be safe, even if the elder said something bad to him I would have began to fight him, he told me to be kinded hearted, when Nas and his squad was introduced to us, I didn't even bother to say hi or even reply, that time the first time, Woermann was angry at me, he told me "Why can't you change, for fuck sake be a soul not Ash.!" and that sentence left quiet a big mark on my heart and just after he was martyred, I changed my self, now I mix with other and be more frank, not be selfish or self-cornerd!.' Therold then replied to him, 'So his presence improved you but his absence completely changed you!." to which Darien nodded, 'Ahh, I only wished to be good before he was martyred.' Darien said as he was looking up at the sky because the sky was about to be filled by the black stormy clouds, 'So you too have a regret?.' Asked Therold, as they stood up and Darien placed some red crimson aroma rose on his grave and sat on his horse and said before they gallaoped off, 'Yes, I wish I never had that regret!.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    your acts and your words can affect a whole generation.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    now things seem to be coming together

    Ch 44 Chapter 44: Figuring it Out
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    maybe Nas learned ATPIC 😁 😁 😁

    They Gathered at the Camp with Lord Gerald and he asked, 'What the result?.' a man came and said, 'Lord, out of 200,000 men, 5,000 are dead 3,000 are normal wounds and 2,000 are serious wounds.' Gerald was quite impressed about the result and he said, 'Thanks to Nas, he made it so easy.' but Gastat said, 'My lord, I have something to say if you give me permission?.' Gerald listened to it closely and gently replied, 'Go on Gastat.' Gastat was given permission so he began, 'My lord, when Nas came closer to my Soldiers, some of them were too good like they were not that before but as he arrived the Soldiers got some extra power or something and they charged like hell.' it was new, they never thought about it, 'I'll consult Kerunlé about this.' said Gerald
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance

    must admit the setting and feel was well planned, I hope longer battles will come in the future.

    Ch 43 Chapter 43: Siege of Kurnu
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasy · EternalBalance